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When did color fall out of favor?

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New Caddys in pink? No. The lines today don't suit the color whereas they did in the '50's. Probably why that SRX really looked bad in in that color. ;)


I wonder if Mary Kay is still using pink Cadillacs for their sales folks.  Most recent pink Cadillac I've seen was a DTS from about 10 years ago. 

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Nothing like 35 year old kidults. Who wants to join the Kickball League?



I played in a kickball league around that age. Guess what I discovered?








It was a lot of fun.


How 'bout we stop crapping on the millennials for a couple of minutes, OK? God forbid they like different things than you or I did. Keep it up and we'll all start to sound like old men shouting at clouds.

I'm considered Gen X (I'm 44), and I heard a lot of derogatory comments when my generation was about the millennials' age. And your generation undoubtedly heard the same from the previous one. It's tiresome, honestly.


Sorry to react this way, but I saw all these posts ripping millennials for things that have nothing to do with the lack of color choices on cars today and finally decided to throw my .02 in. I mean no harm, but I figured my opinion was worth the same as anyone else's.


My last 4 cars have been maroon, black, green, and now dark blue. I won't buy a silver or gray car if I have a choice in the matter. Color is life.

Edited by Merkur XR4Ti
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How 'bout we stop crapping on the millennials for a couple of minutes, OK? God forbid they like different things than you or I did. Keep it up and we'll all start to sound like old men shouting at clouds.

I'm considered Gen X (I'm 44), and I heard a lot of derogatory comments when my generation was about the millennials' age. And your generation undoubtedly heard the same from the previous one. It's tiresome, honestly.


Sorry to react this way, but I saw all these posts ripping millennials for things that have nothing to do with the lack of color choices on cars today and finally decided to throw my .02 in. I mean no harm, but I figured my opinion was worth the same as anyone else's.

the crabby old man stereotype is very strong among modelers, and strongly present on MCM, because of the hobby demographics, I guess.   I'm a Gen-Xer also (46) and am no fan of Millenials in general (though I've worked with a few that were quite good at their jobs and became friends of mine), I try and avoid dumping on them lest I sound like a grumpy old man.  

Edited by Rob Hall
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the crabby old man stereotype is very strong among modelers, and strongly present on MCM, because of the hobby demographics, I guess.   I'm a Gen-Xer also (46) and am no fan of Millenials in general, but try and avoid dumping on them lest I end sounding like a grumpy old man.  

I hear you. I mean, we all play with and build toy cars.....who the heck are we to judge anyone's choices for fun? :lol:

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@Merkur XR4Ti: Since you neglected to indicate where you live, i'll make a guess and say it's not a city popular with millennials of this ilk. Heck, it might not even be a real city. Are there more than two traffic lights in you burg? :P  :D  i observe these refugees from NorthSouthWiscoTuckyVaniaBraskaSotaGon daily. I see how they spend their time.

The difference is that most of us work, or are retired, and pursue whatever hobby as a leisure activity, not as a lifestyle.  I carp on millennials because they deserve it. They are narcissistic, self-entitled parasites and woefully lack any knowledge of anything more important than where the next music venue will be opening. Want to blame somebody for them? look in a mirror. They're the result of over-indulgent parents who didn't know how to say "no" to their precious snowflakes.

I carp about what I see in my pied de terre. You couldn't keep them at home in that tract housing community located in the flyover state you're from because they were starting to annoy the living hell out of you; so, you shipped them out to, and financed their four year playcation to my neck of the woods to annoy the hell out of everyone here, right?  Working, and having to earn a living, interfere with their busy schedules filled with mirth and merriment. You can't spend six hours a day stealing Wi-Fi at an organic, fair trade artisanal coffee bar while blogging about buying loose cigarettes at the only bodega left in the neighborhood that hasn't yet been displaced by another trendy tee shirt boutique and hanging out until 3 A.M. at your newly favorite microbrew lounge if you work. That is, like yah, so not kewl. So, you pay their rent and give them a monthly stipend so they can enjoy their waking hours in a perpetually Peter Pan-like state of bliss without having to worry about insignificant distractions like employmentThat is, until the middle of the month. By then, your little urban explorers have completely pissed through their allowance and are broke until the first of the month. The most telling sign of that is the trendy bars and eateries these less than useless wastes of resources frequent close three to four hours earlier than in the beginning of the month due to the abject lack of clientele. They rummage through restaurant and supermarket trash for dinner, looking like pipe cleaner physiqued raccoons wearing 25 foot long neck scarves and ski caps in August, or living on Fruit Loops and ramen until you make that next deposit into their bank accounts. Your non-employed, limitless free time, parentally subsidized me-monkeys are responsible for the dramatic increase in drug use and overdose deaths over the past ten years, due especially to a marked increase in heroin use, in my neighborhood. Robberies, burglaries and muggings have also increased since you palmed off your problem to another place. Aren't you glad that your subsidies are being put to good use? 


Why are you playing kickball? Can't hit? Use a lighter bat. :P  :lol:  :D 

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Joe, for a person who dislikes Millenials, you sure spend a lot of time thinking about them.

Why would they need to work when they can live in your ol' noggin rent free?


Back on topic: my 18 year-old car is a particularly 90s shade of blue that flops purple in the sun. Honestly, I think it's a paint color that should probably stay dead.

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I wonder if Mary Kay is still using pink Cadillacs for their sales folks.  Most recent pink Cadillac I've seen was a DTS from about 10 years ago. 

The SRX I saw was one, seen a couple of their more recent sedans in the typical pale pink and well as a nice looking pink metallic, those were pretty decent.

It's not so good in any color!

This is true, they are pretty ungainly.  That said, I'm no fan of crossovers in general, to the point the only ones I'd even consider thinking of buying would be the Trailhawk versions on the Cherokee and Renegade, mainly because they can actually go farther than a gravel road.

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I haven't read the whole thread, so sorry if I repeat what's already been said earlier.

The boring same-same colors on most of the cars today are simply the resulting herd-think that they will have better resale value when you dump them, period. Consumer 'experts' have endlessly repeated this, and it's sunk in to the car buying psyche en masse.

For me, it's always a treat to see something new in a bright or interesting color that the buyer chose for his (or her) own enjoyment rather than for the ease of palming it off on the next guy down the line. Reminds me of an earlier time.

These were happy cars. Self-confident, in-the-moment. Who gives a damm if the next person likes them?


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It comes right back to the "cars are just appliances" mindset. At one time, you could even get a new range, washer or refrigerator in something other than white or stainless.

And you still can, although the color range is not very large,   you do have choices beside white and stainless.

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I don't remember my mom getting quite that dressed up to do the laundry...


Back in the 1950's, TV and other media cooperated with the government in promoting American economic prosperity and cultural values of the average American, sort of psychological warfare directed at the USSR. That's why Jim Anderson, Ward Cleaver and a host of other TV husbands/fathers would be wearing a friggin suit and tie on a Saturday afternoon and TV wives/mothers would be decked out like they were going to a formal dinner while cooking breakfast. Who wanted to wear Mao jackets or babushkas?

How about a sackful of custom, untraceable bouncing Betties?

Kinda complements the pogo-stick theme nicely. B)

They'd work. :D 

So would this


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@Merkur XR4Ti: Since you neglected to indicate where you live, i'll make a guess and say it's not a city popular with millennials of this ilk. Heck, it might not even be a real city. Are there more than two traffic lights in you burg? :P  :D  i observe these refugees from NorthSouthWiscoTuckyVaniaBraskaSotaGon daily. I see how they spend their time.

The difference is that most of us work, or are retired, and pursue whatever hobby as a leisure activity, not as a lifestyle.  I carp on millennials because they deserve it. They are narcissistic, self-entitled parasites and woefully lack any knowledge of anything more important than where the next music venue will be opening. Want to blame somebody for them? look in a mirror. They're the result of over-indulgent parents who didn't know how to say "no" to their precious snowflakes.

I carp about what I see in my pied de terre. You couldn't keep them at home in that tract housing community located in the flyover state you're from because they were starting to annoy the living hell out of you; so, you shipped them out to, and financed their four year playcation to my neck of the woods to annoy the hell out of everyone here, right?  Working, and having to earn a living, interfere with their busy schedules filled with mirth and merriment. You can't spend six hours a day stealing Wi-Fi at an organic, fair trade artisanal coffee bar while blogging about buying loose cigarettes at the only bodega left in the neighborhood that hasn't yet been displaced by another trendy tee shirt boutique and hanging out until 3 A.M. at your newly favorite microbrew lounge if you work. That is, like yah, so not kewl. So, you pay their rent and give them a monthly stipend so they can enjoy their waking hours in a perpetually Peter Pan-like state of bliss without having to worry about insignificant distractions like employmentThat is, until the middle of the month. By then, your little urban explorers have completely pissed through their allowance and are broke until the first of the month. The most telling sign of that is the trendy bars and eateries these less than useless wastes of resources frequent close three to four hours earlier than in the beginning of the month due to the abject lack of clientele. They rummage through restaurant and supermarket trash for dinner, looking like pipe cleaner physiqued raccoons wearing 25 foot long neck scarves and ski caps in August, or living on Fruit Loops and ramen until you make that next deposit into their bank accounts. Your non-employed, limitless free time, parentally subsidized me-monkeys are responsible for the dramatic increase in drug use and overdose deaths over the past ten years, due especially to a marked increase in heroin use, in my neighborhood. Robberies, burglaries and muggings have also increased since you palmed off your problem to another place. Aren't you glad that your subsidies are being put to good use? 


Why are you playing kickball? Can't hit? Use a lighter bat. :P  :lol:  :D 

I wouldn't comment on millennials if I didn't see them, work with them, and live among them every single day.


You're a very angry, judgemental man and I see that your mind is a closed book. I'm done with you and this conversation. Enjoy shouting at clouds.

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You live in a city that has a smaller population than my neighborhood. Who you see, work with or live among is an insignificantly small percentage compared to me. That means I have a larger sample from which to observe and comment on. 

You're a very angry, judgemental man and I see that your mind is a closed book.

Et tu Steve? You're being judgemental about someone you never saw, worked with or lived near. How do you square that? :P 

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I use pretty much only DupliColor products on bodies, it would be nice if car makers would pick up some new colors (I like the new ones on the pickup samples posted earlier) then it would trickle down to the touch-up paints and we would have more colors to choose from..........

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To bring this thread back into perspective:  With every age group, every generation--many things come in, and go out of favor--and that includes car colors.  While many of us can wax fondly about the cars, and their colors, of our youth, the real truth is, "Time Marches On" and for many of us here (I'm 72 yrs old--an old fart to most of you!) time has marched well on over the years.

The upside?  We as model car builders CAN relive those times of yore, of our youth, in miniature, and in some cases for those with the $$, in a restored or rebuilt car from your youth), by building models of the cars we remember, in the COLORS we remember.

But to criticize automakers for their following the whims of consumers?  Uh, A silly, eccentric Spaniard went jousting at windmills centuries ago, at least in an early novel--and all he got was a windmill blade upside the head.


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To bring this thread back into perspective:  With every age group, every generation--many things come in, and go out of favor--and that includes car colors.  While many of us can wax fondly about the cars, and their colors, of our youth, the real truth is, "Time Marches On" and for many of us here (I'm 72 yrs old--an old fart to most of you!) time has marched well on over the years.

The upside?  We as model car builders CAN relive those times of yore, of our youth, in miniature, and in some cases for those with the $$, in a restored or rebuilt car from your youth), by building models of the cars we remember, in the COLORS we remember.

But to criticize automakers for their following the whims of consumers?  Uh, A silly, eccentric Spaniard went jousting at windmills centuries ago, at least in an early novel--and all he got was a windmill blade upside the head.


A young punk of 57 here.  Well said.

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