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How does your family deal?

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However, in general, it usually takes a significant other who thinks a little outside the box and is secure enough in herself to allow YOU to do what YOU enjoy (for a hobby) with no criticism or whining, and somebody who has known men who have actual physical hobbies (drinking beer, watching sports and playing video games don't count). It also helps if SHE'S creative and has some kind of actual physical interest too, like photography, painting, etc.

Trying to not make a mess is good, kinda like putting the seat down, and simply shows respect for the other party and the joint living space.

I met a very attractive younger woman not too long ago who I thought might have some potential, but when she visited my house for the first time and asked, kinda sneeringly "why do you have so many cars that don't run?" (all in various stages of storage, restoration or repair...and all quite valuable AND significant parts of my life), it was obvious from that instant that she'd just never get the old car thing, probably not the model car thing either.


Life's WAY too short to have to kiss azz to get some.


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Got that right. Tried it once, lasted for 2 years then another 3 years getting out of it and the resulting fall out. Most miserable time of my life. And turned out she was allergic to cats and hadn't told me so had to get rid of mine. Now its just me, my new cats and my books, models, cameras and artwork in my little paranoid, luddite, reasonably happy world.

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My wife is supportive but doesn't like it when she hears a loud voice(mine) swearing in "the room" . She often wonders how I have the patience to do modeling as I lose my temper very quickly..She's good about it and even doesn't complain of the paint smell when I paint..I don't buy many newer kits now, maybe just a good deal at our model meetings.  She knows I don't like to spend now(waste) money on my hobby if I don't need things..My family knows I enjoy modeling and encourage me to do so more often..Both my sons tried years ago but sports and life made it not work..My grand-daughter built a snap PT Cruiser rag with my watch but never got involved much involved after that..Sports did it for her too..

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My wife and daughters are great with my hobby, apparently I'm easier to live with when I'm building.....hmmmm? Where I get apprehensive is with other people. I'm practically a closet builder and I don't share what I do for fear of what others might think. At 60 years old you'd think I wouldn't care. 

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My wife and daughters are great with my hobby, apparently I'm easier to live with when I'm building.....hmmmm? Where I get apprehensive is with other people. I'm practically a closet builder and I don't share what I do for fear of what others might think. At 60 years old you'd think I wouldn't care. 

That is how my wife and kids see it too. I think I use modeling for a stress release. I know it is funny because of how mad you can get when things don't go right, but that is nothing compared to normal stress. There are times when the wife will ask ( aren't you going to work on something )

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My family understands I have to have something to do with my time and the fact I have been building all my life and enjoy the hobby life.  Most of my friends are supportive of it.  One has to be themselves rather anyone likes it or not and do what makes you happy.  Its an art forum..we create our own works of art.  Like me..many of us are also historians we restore old ones so they can be around longer...there time pieces.

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My wife and son support my hobby, although my wife shakes her head when she opens my model closet and sees how many I have. I'm 60 yrs old and have been building models since I was 7, I get positive feedback from the majority of people who know I build models. Some people are impressed with the detail of my builds. And for the people look down at my hobby, I don't care as I have quite a few friends who build and we have fun.

Edited by 58 Impala
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My wife is very supportive. Although shortly after we starting dating many years ago . I think she asked herself what she was getting into when I paid over $100 for a model car . But she soon realized I had a good idea what I was doing when I sold same kit for well over $200 . Now ,,,, when I paid over $500 for a kit I think she thought I lost my friggen mind .  I realized having that kind of money tied up in one kit was crazy, so soon sold it and got all my investment back out of it .

Although she wonders sometimes just  how I can sit there for hours on end and  work with all those tiny pieces. And  both my daughters think they're cool. ,,, my youngest has even built a few herself. But school and high school soccer and a part time job pretty much takes up most of her time . Hopefully she'll build again.

My wife and both daughters have been around old cars since day one. She knew what she was getting into and decided to stick around anyway. ( thanks babe ) Plus both my girls have been raised in and around old cars from the day they were born. ( my oldest came home from the hospital in a blue 1969 GTX convertible when she was born  ) And BOTH of them want some old car of there own at some point in there life. My wife is starting to say we need to get another old car ,,,soon.

I just realized its been almost 10 years since  I sold my 1970 Challenger 340 . Yep, time to start looking for another one for the garage .


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My family is very supportive. My father was particularly. He gave me my first, Model, Guitar, Skateboard. All things which is do to this day. I played in a working band for 15 years. I skated both Pro and Am since 1973, and the models are things he just loves so much. With his Mancave overflowing with my builds it's safe to say he enjoys them. The rest of my family all have examples of my work and show them off with pride. How could I ask for more than that?


I lost my Dad last Saturday and I am going to a Memorial I organized this very morning. Getting my builds back will be bittersweet. But knowing how he adored them is solace enough.

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I am blessed to be have been married to my best friend for 53 years.She has always been very supportive of all my many and varied interests which includes model building.Nothing in the world is more important than my family,never has been,never will be.We had two children to whom we dedicated our time and energy to while they were still at home.Yes I did build models during that period.I was heavily involved in the MPC contest series then and displayed models that took a year or more to complete,but not one minute of that time was taken away from our family.I was at every sporting event,science fair or what ever else was happening.I realized early on that those times were only going to happen once so that's where my focus should be.

I have been building models for about 60 years along with other time consuming interests including being an avid reader,toy and antique collected,3-D art,church activities,president of our local historical society,mentoring at school and other stuff.I am not posting these to brag in any way but to point out that if we are selfless enough to keep our priorities in the proper order there probably won't be family issues to deal with.

Don't take any of the things I have posted as being the priorities You should have,as they are my opinion and how I choose to live my life.Also please don't assume that my models are important to me,I have a constant cruise-in rolling through my mind of models I want to build.That I call it my "Headbone Nationals" and it never stops.

This hobby has blessed me with some of the best life long friends imaginable.One of our children died in a horrible car accident decades ago....who was there in the hospital for support....then later at his funeral to grieve with us...those life long model building friends.

Enough said.Plan your priorities correctly and you will rewarded.

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My wife and family are very supportive with all of my hobbies. Whether it's the 1:1 stuff, the model cars or any of the "crafty" things I build. They put up with a lot when I was running Machined Aluminum Specialties. :)

What your family needs to realize is you could be doing a whole lot worse things with your money and time. Model cars will keep you off the streets and out of the bars. Have them think about that the next time an "issues" occurs...


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I'm married now for 25 years. I was building when we were dating, so she knew what she was getting into. She's supportive of my hobby, and though shes tried twice to get into it herself, she has little interest. 

What she does like, is that I enjoy it, it keeps me at home, and that compared to a lot of hobbies, it's fairly low buck. I spend less than $250 a year. I keep a modest stash. About 65 kits I think. This way she never feels like the hobby is taking over the home in any way. She went out unasked and bought me the new Caddy on Monday. My sons enjoy seeing my work, though they are not really into themselves.

All in all, I'm a pretty lucky guy.

Edited by Jantrix
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I've had mixed experiences with this. The ex-wife hated it. She has some serious issues and was jealous of my hobby. "Not Mrs. Draggon" ( girlfriend ) is supportive and has even bought me a few kits and supplies. I haven't built in 4 years and she has encouraged me to get back to it. My son thinks it's neat, but has no interest in it himself. 

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