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First Car in Space: a Tesla Roadster

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16 minutes ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Someday, some alien species really ought to get a good laugh from that.      Related image

Or better yet, some future belt miner.

"This week on Asteroid Pickers, we found something really special."


Also, I'd like to think we can all agree that the moon hoaxers are idiots.

Edited by Richard Bartrop
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12 minutes ago, Richard Bartrop said:

Or better yet, some future belt miner...

Speaking of which, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that asteroid mining is on Musk's long-term agenda. Although the resumption of manned exploration of space is as cool as it gets, some kind of mega-dollar commercialization is going to be necessary to continue.


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13 hours ago, dieseldawg142 said:

it was an incredible achievement.

I thought spacex already had contracts signed and lined up with private and gov business's

either way, an incredible thing they did by themselves...can't help but think some spacex's engineers were watching Heavy Metal while working on this....lol

Agreed. Heavy Metal was my thoughts exactly when I first saw that image.

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I like the display on Starman's GPS screen in the middle of the dash. It states, "DO'NT PANIC!." The Space X folks have a great sense of humor in my opinion. 

As I noted, I turned 60 yesterday. And I had been feeling a little Blue about that. Two things I loved as kid were cars and space program. I knew the first time I saw 2001: A Space Oddessy back in 1968, I would be piloting that cool Moon Bus someday. Things changed quickly, most for the better. But not for cars or the space program at that time in my eyes. Cars became boring, efficient Toyota Corolla toaster clones. Doing their jobs well and safely. With kids the strapped down, and immobile in special pods in the back seats. The space shuttle? Basically a truck for bring cargo up into low earth orbit. No really adventure there.

Musk is bringing the excitement back. We're running out of oil? How about an electric cars. But, for their first one, he gave us a fairly quick roadster. Not some bland and boring, resource saving, soulless, compact sedan. And when he did gave us a sedan, it was as sexy as anything Jaguar ever put out. They may not be perfect. But, they were, and are, heading in the right direction.

And at the rate NASA and their government bureaucracy is going, do you think we'll see them put humans on Mars, and spread farther out into the universe before I'm dead? No 2001 Moon Buses coming from them. But, with Musk and Space X it's looking more hopeful. It's time for humans to leave this planet, and start exploring the unknown, in a hands on way again. We are smart creatures. God has given us the brains, and the resources to figure these things out. And we now know that there are places out there for us to explore. Maybe colonize. And find resources to continue bettering our lives. 

Thank you Elon Musk for the wonderful birthday gift you gave me yesterday. And thank you for having fun while doing so. The more I see of both Tesla and Space Xs projects, the more excited I become. Rather looking at what limits us. Your stretching out, reaching for a brighter future. It may not effect my life directly. I doubt that I will personally ever drive a Moon Bus. Or the even see the surface of the Moon personally. And that's okay. Elon Musk is at least giving me hope. We need more people out there like Mr. Musk. 

Edited by unclescott58
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9 minutes ago, Richard Bartrop said:

From what I understand, it was a test flight, so it was going up anyhow, most likely with a concrete block as a test weight.   I think it's safe to say that we probably wouldn't still be talking about Elon Musk's concrete block, so I'd say, he got his money's worth in publicity, and then some.


And you wouldn't risk a high-dollar payload on the test flight of a new booster configuration anyway.

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26 minutes ago, Ace-Garageguy said:


And you wouldn't risk a high-dollar payload on the test flight of a new booster configuration anyway.

No rocket scientist here, but it does strike me as prudent.    There were 29 engines on the end of the rocket, so 29 opportunities for things to go horribly wrong.

Edited by Richard Bartrop
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13 hours ago, Casey said:

The lunar rover was operated, driven, and had a practical, intended use-- it wasn't just a publicity stunt.


12 hours ago, iamsuperdan said:

I know, I know...where they're going they don't need roads...




Technically, the Tesla totally serves a purpose! Normally, when testing rockets, generic weights are used to test ballast and load ability and whatnot. In this case, why not do something more fun? They needed weight, that Roadster fits the bill, and does it in a fun way that brings attention to the project. Look at how this story is everywhere! Mission accomplished!


To paraphrase ol' Doc Brown:

If you need to carry ballast, why not do it with some style? ?

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I'm pretty cynical, but I was wowed by both the engineering achievement and the sense of humor displayed. If the rocket's gotta have some disposable test payload, why not cross-market and put a Tesla in there? It becomes a viral internet sensation (Fake car! Earth is flat!) and generates attention! 

Watching those boosters land was a treat. 

I also got a kick out of the launch countdown "Spacesss*x  F**kin' heavy, go for launch".

I'm tickled pink by the whole thing. Sure, launching more junk into space is probably a bad idea, but this particular object is going to join millions of existing random space lumps, on a trajectory that will take it far, far away from anywhere we'll ever want to fly. 

For those who are doing the "yaarg, taxpayer money!" thing, for the last time: SpaceX is a private company. Your tax dollars are getting spent on more important things. Like...(redacted).



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10 hours ago, Lovefordgalaxie said:

Always thought the first car in space was a red 1936 Ford pickup truck. 

???? Red '36 Ford pickup truck. Who sent a '36 Ford pickup into space? I'm assuming this is a pop culture reference I know nothing about. Or maybe I knew, but have forgotten about? 

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