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"Bring Out Your Dead" Completion Build--ROUND 2 Is On!


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There are so many great projects underway in the "Bring Out Your Dead" thread, quite a few of which wouldn't take a whole lot to get across the finish line. I have a couple in that category myself (and earlier this year, I actually finished up three that would have qualified for the Dead thread). Anyone want to join me in committing to dragging one or more of these projects off the Shelf of Doom and actually finishing it by the end of the year? It could be fun! B)

Edited by Snake45
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I'd join too but I have to bring my model room back from the dead first.

Haven't been able to work on anything since the flood back in April/May. 

Taking the opportunity to switch rooms to one I've been slowly building up specifically to work on models in. 

I hope to be able to work on models again soon.

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On 11/2/2018 at 10:49 PM, Richard Bartrop said:

Works for me.


On 11/2/2018 at 11:25 PM, Eric Macleod said:

I too will join...now what to pick?


15 hours ago, Lordmodelbuilder said:

I am up for this. Been too long since I have even touched plastic.

Really need to get back to building again.


14 hours ago, 89AKurt said:

I thought this every time that thread popped up!  We have two months, so I should post an easy project in that thread now.  LOL


14 hours ago, rsxse240 said:

I have a few that I wanted to finish.  The SVO I have been hacking away on is nearly done, which will let me focus on something else.  Hopefully I can get something going with this build also.


5 hours ago, stitchdup said:

I'm up for it, might get some of the delaheye done


5 hours ago, rsxse240 said:

Maybe I can get Alex to finish painting my 180SX and put it in the hat.


So that's seven and me is eight. Cool! 

I just went back through the Bring Out Your Dead Thread and spotted a few more, all posted just in October, that should be good candidates for completion: 

*Gumball, you've got a BUNCH of likely prospects. Pick any one and gitter done! B)

"GeeBee, I'm not 100% sure what that black car is, but it looks easily finishable. B)

*Atmobil, your Land Rover and '29 Ford roadster both look like finishable projects. B)

*Foxer, that 2003 Infinity looks quite do-able. B)

*Ford F-100, that '67 LeMans deserves to be finished! B)

*ChrisBCritter, I'd LOVE to see that '61 Falcon done, it is so very way cool!B)B)

Fairlane1320, just pick ANYTHING--everything you posted is hella cool. Just pick one and drag it across the finish line!B)

I'll commit to getting either the '69 Camaro or the '69 Nova or the '66 Skylark finished. With luck, maybe two of them. 


Okay, we've got eight weeks more or less till the end of the year. Let's say "curbside" completions are okay. Your model does not have to have a fully detailed engine and chassis, but it should be up on its wheels and fit to set on a display shelf. But it SHOULD have all bodywork done and be painted and have a good finish--primer or "satin" is okay if that's going to be the model's FINAL finish. Glass and major trim (hood, grille, bumpers, lights, etc.) should be installed. The idea is to have the thing LOOK finished, even if it's maybe not fully detailed underneath. 


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Not sure if I posted this project on that thread, but it qualifies.  Time sheet shows start date April 1995.  Not sure if you can get the resin conversion anymore, but as you can see, I converted it to a Canopy Express.  I have it on my workbench now, and have made some progress recently.  Next major step is vacuum-forming the interior parts.  Will try some extreme weathering techniques.  So this will be my entry.


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2 hours ago, disconovaman said:

Let's do it... I'll have to swing for the fences but I'll give it my best shot... This camaro is a Glue bomb I just scored and it is on the bench currently... but the blazer and a chopped 55 nomad are probably my goals by the end of the year.



Yah, get that chopped Nomad DONE! B)

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