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What kits do you collect?

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Vintage annuals. And even then pretty much only 1958 thru early/mid 60s time frame. With a bunch of vintage and modern drag car kits thrown in the mix.

I havent touched anything model related in over 3 years. And am starting to give serious thoughts to start unloading some stuff. And I did sell off maybe a couple hundred last year

But ,,,,,,,,,in the back of my mind retirement is a little over a year away. So maybe keep them ,,,,at the very least thin down to what I think I can actually build . decisions decisions decisions

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I’m not a collector by any stretch of the imagination, but since I restarted the hobby last year I’ve amassed over 150 kits, some of these were kits that I wanted at a younger age but never picked them, so I’ve amassed a stash of second choices. I’ve collected as many of the revell 32 Ford variations that I can, some complete, some partial and some rebuilders, and some kits and rebuilders just to scavenge for parts. There are some that are still on my wanted list. 

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I try not to collect kits, not because I don't have an interest in doing so, it's that I've found when I have more than three or four kits to be built my output of building them slows down. I think it's cos I look at them as needing to be built rather than getting excited over a new kit arriving in the post. I have a few unbuilt kits that I've had for nearly a year which have been pushed back in the line because of me buying something that "I must build now" Lol.

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I don’t collect kits for the sake of never building them. What’s the point in collecting if you’re not going to build? If I see a kit I want, I’ll buy it. Lately, I’ve acquired a few kits from my youth years through eBay and other sources with intent to have another go at it - not for nostalgic reasons to collect. On occasion, if the mood is there,  I’m always looking for a few particular kits to add to my stash like Force 440, Smokey the Convoy Chaser, Dodge 4x4 Pick-up Camper, Streaker Vette, a few old Monogram Tom Daniels Design kits to name a few if the price is right. 

I’ll buy kits I want when I know I’ll regret later. I’ve had my fair share I passed over them in the past and had wished I hadn’t. 

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Quite a few of us get caught in the trap of "Great Deals" and end up buying stuff we will probably never build. Either it is not really something we like or it is too rare to build, but, "It Was A Great Deal!" seems to be the battle cry.  And sadly, it will decorate the wall, or storage, until we either sell it, trade it, give it away or die. 

Yes, we all have the dreaded saying of "I plan on building everything I buy", but, if you are in the "100's" club, that simply just ain't happening. Unless you are a super fast builder, and that is a bit rare these days. and that takes us back to the "Die" part of the equation. I have already helped unload two collections, and it is a pain. So I will probably start to unload "The Great Deals" soon and make my pile a bit more manageable



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I didn't start out to be a "collector" but looking at my stash you wouldn't know it.  I have hopes of getting to all of them at some point, but at my age I know I likely won't.  My problem is I finish one, then replace it with two.  I rarely get complete kits unless it works out that way, but rather builders of '60's annuals.  I even less rarely purchase reissues unless I need something (or more) from that kit for other project builders of that subject.  I have very few Revell kits (no builders) but many AMT, Johan and MPC.  Mostly full size cars from Detroit although lately I've begun getting ideas in my head that I want to do late '60's muscle as well.  I follow a general direction of trying to complete as many cars from my youth as I can, whether they were mine or family and it makes it fun I think to have that connection.  

I suspect lots of us just enjoy the hunt of finding builders, kits or parts and imagining the day we'd actually complete them.  This is my main hobby and being retired, living in the middle of nowhere in a place where winter can be everlasting, I'd be lost without.


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