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Smoke Wagon

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Upstate SC yesterday, Sun. Feb. 16.  It snowed almost all day, which is unusual for this area.  As it got later in the day, the temps kept DROPPING instead of going up like normal.  After 5 PM, the temp was still in the 20's and we had healthy snow flurries coming down.



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Winter storm blew in yesterday. In the morning, it was 0 degrees Celcius, and we had freezing rain. Our driveway and the roads on the way to work were like a skating rink. Studded snow tires for the win.

By mid-afternoon it was still 0 degrees, but was pouring with rain. 

By 4pm, it was -7 degrees and snowing and windy.

Now it's -22 and windy, but at least the snow stopped.


Yesterday, thanks tro road conditions and winter storm warnings, everyone stayed home. Buses were cancelled and schools were closed.


My commute home was deserted. This is normally bumper to bumper.



Little bit of blowing snow.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Drove a careful half-a-mile down the highway leaving work this afternoon - we’d had maybe 8 inches of snow today.  It was tough going, but manageable…just took it nice and steady and was doing ok.

Then, I guess, they just stopped plowing at a certain point.  Made it half a mile before getting stuck…


This New Yorker isn’t used to the Midwest yet… 

Edited by CabDriver
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4 hours ago, CabDriver said:

This New Yorker isn’t used to the Midwest yet… 

Hopefully you weren’t stranded too long. Oughta get yourself something with four wheel drive. Won’t need to use it often but in situations like that, a transfer case is worth its weight in gold. 4x4 allows you to not only help yourself, but others as well. Come to think of it, I used my ‘80 F-150 to pull a Civic just like yours out of a ditch a few winters ago. 

In a 2WD with weather like that, it’s not a bad idea to pack a blanket or two in the trunk, along with a first aid kit, drinking water, small shovel, and a bag of kitty litter. That way you have a couple of tools at your disposal to try and become unstuck, and worse case scenario at least you’re warm and hydrated while waiting for a tow. 

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5 hours ago, Smoke Wagon said:

Hopefully you weren’t stranded too long. Oughta get yourself something with four wheel drive. Won’t need to use it often but in situations like that, a transfer case is worth its weight in gold. 4x4 allows you to not only help yourself, but others as well. Come to think of it, I used my ‘80 F-150 to pull a Civic just like yours out of a ditch a few winters ago. 

In a 2WD with weather like that, it’s not a bad idea to pack a blanket or two in the trunk, along with a first aid kit, drinking water, small shovel, and a bag of kitty litter. That way you have a couple of tools at your disposal to try and become unstuck, and worse case scenario at least you’re warm and hydrated while waiting for a tow. 

Good advice!  Believe me, if I'd known how bad the roads get here in winter I NEVER would've got this little sedan.  I knew they got a lot of snow, but I figured they wouldn't let 12" of it build up on a (normally busy) highway 😁

I do have all the stuff you listed in the trunk, figured I probably WOULD get stuck at some point...luckily in this case I was close to work and we've got a small fleet of Silverados and Rams and stuff useful for pulling dummies like me out of the snow...was only stuck for 5 or 10 minutes.

That highway had police barriers up this morning and was closed - but I could see at least 5 or 6 cars stuck behind the barriers, and a small army of farmers with tractors dragging people out 😁

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Crazy weather... 2 weeks of snow cover and cold, had cabin fever...was sunny and 46 on Tuesday, had a lot of melting, sat out in my driveway for a while and soaked in the rays.  Got my Jeep out, took a drive over to the national park and walked a bit in the late afternoon.  

 Rained and in the 40s yesterday, and with the melting got the driveway about 75% cleared off.  Then the rain changed to freezing rain/sleet and snow overnight and has been snowing all day so far...

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It's been snowing all day here outside Cleveland, after raining everyday and freezing rain changing to snow last night... it's been getting heavier the last hour...not going to shovel the driveway until it's over...cleared a path earlier to roll out the trash and recycling bins and for the mailman to get in.  Done w/ deliveries for the day...had about 6 inches on the ground from the last two weeks snow, expected to get up to a foot or more today...I had the driveway cleared yesterday, but filled in again..

My Jeep is sitting in the garage, no point in going out..




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Hey guys, I thought we weren't to use four letter words here. In my book s**w counts. LOL It makes my back hurt,drains my energy, and takes away from my building time. It does give me an excuse to build once I'm done clearing the stuff though. Haha



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