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Finally !!!!!!

Mike 1017

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As of 2/18/22 I am RETIRED !!!!!!. Plans? I got lots of them. I am in perfect health so that is a wonderful thing. I think that good drugs, Heavy Metal music, and BAD girls (good girls are no fun) are why I am in good health. LOL

I have not posted many of my builds because I didn't take the time to photograph them. Now I can set a side one day a week just to photograph. Get my bicycle tuned up and enjoy the rest of my life.

So now I am in The Old Geezer Club and looking forward to be more active in this wonderfull community.






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8 minutes ago, Mike 1017 said:

As of 2/18/22 I am RETIRED !!!!!!. Plans? I got lots of them...

So now I am in The Old Geezer Club and looking forward to be more active in this wonderful community.

Congrats. I'm busier since I officially "retired" than I was before. Lots to do...just because I want to.

James Dean is supposed to have said "Dream like you're going to live forever. Live like this day is your last".

Pretty much on-point, I think.   :D

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Congratulations! I've been retired for 15+ years. Treating my body as a playground for 60 years by listening to too much AC/DC, racing motorcycles, go karts and automobiles plus lifting things too heavy for my size as well as indulging have left me with ruptured discs, arthritis, bad lungs and I can't hear squat. I'm almost 78 and my modeling skills are diminishing as well. Eyesight and shaky hands mostly. Enjoy your retirement while you can. Life is about giving up things along the way and there's a lot I can't do anymore (haven't played golf since I broke my back in 89). But I regret very little though. It's been a heck of a ride. Very few regrets. Lucky you. Rock on.

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12 more years for me. I'll be 59 in May, and 60 is getting closer every day.

 I won't retire until I can't work. I've got 28 years left on the Mortgage, and I cannot afford to be without a paycheck.

But, I am doing well so far, although as Tom S, says I'm starting to give some things up.

Good On you Mike. Enjoy Retirement.

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