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Issue 137 complaint

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Guys, what is the problem? Look, there is an old saying, “one mans ceiling is another mans floorâ€. Just because you don’t care for something that does not mean that the rest of us must shun it to. This is a big world and there are many tastes and attitudes. That is why they make convertibles, hardtops, trucks, mini vans…..etc…..all because there is a market for just about anything.

Have you looked at the other magazine lately? I had a subscription to it for almost twenty years and 3 months ago I let it die. It was way too boring with the same, “chop it fast†or “Hot Rod Engine Maniaâ€. Always the same old stuff. The same kind of pictures of the same kind of cars at the same shows…I gave up on it. MCM is at least fearless, if nothing else, they like to break some new ground and I applauded them for that…they are always, from what I can see, looking to bring something new with each issue and if there is a story that I am not interested in I retain the right of Veto…..I just turn the page and read something else that I am interested in.

I will admit that I get more interesting and innovative information from this forum then anywhere else. I think the subjects and information shared on this forum are the best in the world. I am not just saying that…I have learned far more here then from any publication. The workmanship displayed here has done more to challenge me to raise the bar on my own skills then anything else. I always thought I was pretty good at this “modeling†stuff, but the work presented here always pushes me to find some other angle, to find a way to move past the simple build and attempt something new.

Running an ad agency with a “sister†company that publishes a magazine, I have a pretty good idea of what Gregg and Harry are up against…if anyone here thinks magazine publication is easy and lucrative, well step right up and publish your own. I for one am very happy looking at someone else’s “labor of loveâ€, read through the odd article that I have little interest in and look for stimulation and enjoy the hard work of my fellow modelers.

It’s like they say, “walk a mile in my shoesâ€, well Gregg’s shoes before complaining.

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I guess it's ok for the original poster to voice his displeasure or dissatisfaction regarding something he or she is not happy with, but if anyone else voices their opinion then that's out of line? Something's wrong with that concept if you ask me.

I didn't see one post where anyone was being crucified for their thoughts on the article. But, let me ask everyone one simple question. If it was YOU that put that much time and effort into a project and subsequent in-depth article only to have a bunch of controversy stem from your efforts, would you be eager to do more articles and show YOUR work in the future? If it was me I'd sure think twice about it, that's for sure.

My point is simply this. If we bash those that take the time and efforts to contribute to the very publication that supports our hobby as well as this forum, then how long do you think it will be before we are either stuck with another boring periodical that is best used for toilet paper, or worse yet, seeing these forums and everything associated with this magazine go away for good?

The great thing about Model Cars Magazine is that fact that Gregg and the crew dare to add variety, yet keep the theme on the automotive side of the hobby. We aren't forced to sift through mundane articles, read about new diecast releases, or be stuck reading articles from the same 3 or 4 contributors issue after issue. What more can we ask for?

For what it's worth, the only person being bashed here is the contributor of the article and to me, that's just wrong. Instead of slamming someone for what many consider to be an extraordinary modeling project, try to take something away from the article and use it on a future project. I know I sure will and I hope I become a better modeler for it.

And to Bill, I want to thank you for taking the time to share your work and tips for those of us who are looking for ways to improve their own future projects. Your work is inspiring and you are indeed an asset to the hobby. Keep up the fantastic work!!!!

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I love this magazine, I look foward to every issue and I read them cover to cover.But if I pissed off some of you or yanked someones chain or insulted someone,sorry. ######, from now on I'll keep my opinions to myself. :lol:

Na, thats not the point! This is just like the magazine. Every article is going to yank somebody's chain and every post can cause controversy. That is just the way it is. Different points of view and opinions are to be welcomed as they add to the rich tapestry that is our hobby. If we all liked the same thing or felt the same way about the content, this would be one dull web site. Keep the opinions coming, just keep in mind that they may not be shared, and don't be offended if they are not.

We all like different things and can all learn from other modelers and other fields. I learned most of my metal painting skills for aircraft guys, weathering from railroaders, detailing from....aaah, oh I don't know, other wackos like myself. When you see an article on a subject you don't like, read it anyway. I am sure you will find something you can apply to your sector of the hobby. Keep building and keep contributing.

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One man's trash is another man's treasure. Thankfully, MCM publishes a variety of material so that there's usually more pages of interesting/inspiring value than pages of not. While I'm not big on 1/43 diecast, I don't complain about those pages because I know other people are (big on 1/43 diecast) and it makes them happy. I figure they suffer through the pages of police car/fire truck/ambulance models and bubble-topped customs that I love. Fair trade until the market grows big enough to support niche magazines for car modelers.

And, I've always enjoyed the occasional Bill Borgen saga. I had just thought to myself recently that it had been a long time since we've had the treat of one of his treatises! Thank you Bill for presenting your splendid model in such an entertaining manner! And thank you, Gregg, for publishing it!

Thanks, also, for such a broad-based and "open" forum! Just try to criticize the other one on its forum! Can you spell "banished" and "locked/deleted thread?"

Model compadres!

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As someone who has been a member here a long time, it puzzles me that this forum is starting to look and sound like "the other one". ;)

I don't remember the original poster trashing Bill's work, only questioning it's relativity to CAR modeling. The endless posts defending Bill and his work shows his standing in this hobby and forum is one that is well earned, but from my point of view it really sounds and looks like playground politics.

I passed over the article not because I thought it didn't belong, but rather because I was interested in the OTHER articles first. That is the point guys, if you don't like what you see, turn the page. I will go back and read about Bill's build up and undoubtedly take a few pointers from it.

In regards to the constant trashing of Scale Auto magazine, whatever your opinion is of it (good, bad or indifferent), do you really think it will help our hobby if they cease publishing it? Come on, having another magazine has to help this hobby of ours, no? Whether you like it or not, Scale Auto gets distributed differently than MCM and that alone might help bring some folks into or back to the hobby. I don't want to debate page counts between the two, quality of articles, who has more how-to's etc, I just want to read about this hobby.

The timeliness of MCM has been an issue over the years and there has always been a reason. I have been a subscriber for a LONG time and don't see that changing anytime soon. My only request has been to post a short note informing us of a delay. Doesn't have to be a muti-paragraph explanation, just a quick post saying the December issue won't be out until late January is fine. I have had postal problems in the past so I just need to know if the mailman threw it away again or if it was delayed.

I would hope that instead of continual defending/complaining/bashing of others or the magazine, remember why Gregg allows us to use this forum- to discuss MODEL CARS !


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You know, the whole issue of the issues shipping "on time" could be avoided if only issue numbers were used! I thought that MCM was going to do that but I guess I must have imagined it or it didn't work out or something. I don't pay attention to months on magazine covers so maybe there was something there but I missed it. I've sent Jim Haught probably a dozen emails asking him to put the issue numbers back on SA!

Bill Borgen's builds are amazing. While it's not stuff I would build, for several basically unrelated reasons, I usually can't tell if he is posting just model pictures or a reference picture and THEN model pictures!!

Bill G, if you built a tracter, it would probably do it's own tilling up the land! You would not have to worry about a working convertible top or door window cranks or all the little details like that you put in.

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I love this magazine, I look foward to every issue and I read them cover to cover.But if I pissed off some of you or yanked someones chain or insulted someone,sorry. ######, from now on I'll keep my opinions to myself. ;)

There are 22 replies to the point you made this comment, I only saw one that could be taken as an attack on your opinion. Unless you consider differing opinions attacks, I don't see what you are responding to. The majority are simply saying why they thought it was an appropriate article to include.

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Have not seen 137 yet...soooooo I cannot really complain about the model that was shown. BUT what I hate to see is US bitchin about US!!!

I have seen posts from many of you that are not my cup of tea..but to start name calling and complaining about either mag does not do any good

but will drive many away from this and the other forums and then we all LOSE why? because those talented builders will not put up with

nonsense and simply leave...HarryP might remember all the talent at the other forum....Sadly most do not post any more and I do not get to learn.

So lets stop this bitchin now and BUILD!!!!


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Well just got my issue 137, and to me, it was just as good as usual. Personally, I like the goofy lil stories that're made up to go with the model. Like the one last year about the Mack truck that went thru all the owners!. I mean, the scale wasn't my speed, but I liked it just the same. It's a pretty good issue, if ya ask me. I'm enjoyin it! Thanks Gregg,Harry, an the folks over't Golden Bell!. :(

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Well just got my issue 137, and to me, it was just as good as usual. Personally, I like the goofy lil stories that're made up to go with the model. Like the one last year about the Mack truck that went thru all the owners!. I mean, the scale wasn't my speed, but I liked it just the same. It's a pretty good issue, if ya ask me. I'm enjoyin it! Thanks Gregg,Harry, an the folks over't Golden Bell!. B)

"Goofy little stories"??? :D

You mean those aren't true???!!!! :D

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I guess I can’t complain. I have been in the magazine more then a few dozen times. I don’t have a problem with other types of models being in the magazine, as a matter of fact I just read right passed it. Kind of like if I don’t like the song or movie, change the channel. But I do know what you are saying. And I do believe you have a good case. I have never seen an automobile in a train or military magazine, let alone a few pages’ worth. But like my new president says it’s time for change. We used to be the outcast before, us low rider builders and I never let it get to me. I just said whatever and kept on building them. Then before you know it we started making the magazines. A lot of other type of car builders took ideas from the low rider/ led sleds and applied it to there build’s, just like I took some of my weathering skills from a train builder long ago. Moral of the story is, there is always something to learn from each other no matter what we build.


Anthony Rios.

Edited by MR BIGGS
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I did the same thing as a lot of the posters here. I picked up issue 137 and said outloud, "Why did they dedicate 6 pages to a train!?"

I passed by the article a couple times then finally read it. I was entertained and surprised that I was looking at a COMPETITION PULLING VEHICLE. It's a puller tractor - just really old. Yes there was a LOT of page space dedicated to the story, but it was ....entertaining. Something like this once in a while is what sets MCM apart. OK by me.


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I guess I can’t complain. I have been in the magazine more then a few dozen times. I don’t have a problem with other types of models being in the magazine, as a matter of fact I just read right passed it. Kind of like if I don’t like the song or movie, change the channel. But I do know what you are saying. And I do believe you have a good case. I have never seen an automobile in a train or military magazine, let alone a few pages’ worth. But like my new president says it’s time for change. We used to be the outcast before, us low rider builders and I never let it get to me. I just said whatever and kept on building them. Then before you know it we started making the magazines. A lot of other type of car builders took ideas from the low rider/ led sleds and applied it to there build’s, just like I took some of my weathering skills from a train builder long ago. Moral of the story is, there is always something to learn from each other no matter what we build.


Anthony Rios.


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I did the same thing as a lot of the posters here. I picked up issue 137 and said outloud, "Why did they dedicate 6 pages to a train!?"

I passed by the article a couple times then finally read it. I was entertained and surprised that I was looking at a COMPETITION PULLING VEHICLE. It's a puller tractor - just really old. Yes there was a LOT of page space dedicated to the story, but it was ....entertaining. Something like this once in a while is what sets MCM apart. OK by me.


I just got my magazine today, and I think you pretty much hit the issue rigt there. People are looking at the traction engine thinking what the heck is a train doing here. It is not a train though, that was the height of heavy trucking circa 1900, really not much different than having an article on a Ford Model T.

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That type of tractor could be considered the "Monster Truck" of its day.

Hopefully those of you who didn't particularly like the subject matter were at least able to get a few ideas on weathering and detailing from the article.

BTW... hey, Biggs, I'd like to see a lowrider on the cover! I don't remember ever seeing one. How about submitting an article? B)

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I just got my magazine today, and I think you pretty much hit the issue rigt there. People are looking at the traction engine thinking what the heck is a train doing here. It is not a train though, that was the height of heavy trucking circa 1900, really not much different than having an article on a Ford Model T.

Me too !!!!!Now I've seen it and reread it 4 times ...it belongs. :D

and yeah a real lowrider...up front.....c'mon Biggs do it!!!!!

Edited by MikeMc
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That type of tractor could be considered the "Monster Truck" of its day.

Hopefully those of you who didn't particularly like the subject matter were at least able to get a few ideas on weathering and detailing from the article.

BTW... hey, Biggs, I'd like to see a lowrider on the cover! I don't remember ever seeing one. How about submitting an article? :D

I am building a full show 67 impala everything will open full mural on the body working suspension, I just put in a big order from R&B motion for 400.00 worth of nuts, bolts and a few other goodies.

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My first issue of MCM had a lowrider on the cover. Back around 2000 or 2001. I think it was titled "Las Vegas" I have not had it out in a while, but that was actually what made me buy that first issue-the cover looked interesting.

Ken, I thought we weren't allowed to say differing opinions are "whining"? :D:D

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I am building a full show 67 impala everything will open full mural on the body working suspension, I just put in a big order from R&B motion for 400.00 worth of nuts, bolts and a few other goodies.

Take good pictures along the way and send me the stuff when you're done.

I see cover material... :D

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