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When did you first truely realize your not the young buck you used to be?

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i was driving down the road and there was a young girl hitch hiking. i put my foot on the brake and then realized i was too old to pick up teen age hitchhikers, so i accelerated and kept going.

this was 30 years ago.

For some reason are another...but reading your statement..and looking at your avatar....gave me a good chuckle....


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I didn't realize what old was until I had a back problem. Went to the doc's and was given a two week course of steroids. About two days into it, I got out of bed and nothing hurt! Body felt like it was 30 again. Then I realized that all that heavy lifting when I was younger had taken a toll on knees, back, hips just about everything. After the steroids ran out I now understand drug abuse. I don't condone it, but I sure as hell understand it! :huh:

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I'm just starting to get some of these hapening to me and I'm only 39. My first clue was that my MOM stopped buying my models and told me I should get my wife to do that now.

I drove my custom 99 S10 Xtreme with 20 inch wheels through a Wendy's drive thou. The girl that got my money said to me (Driving your sons truck!!). My wife and I don't have any kids... I have a few freinds that I went to High School that have kids that have kids.

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I still play for 3 different softball teams , still in good shape for the shape I'm in ! Lol !

Played in the Co-Ed Sno Ball Softball Charity Tournament last Saturday with my kids , finished in second place . Laying in bed with Kathie the next morning , I started laughing . She asked me why ? . I said , " How is it possible that even my hair is hurting me this morning ? "

We laid there and laughed like two fools ! What really matters , doesn't mind . What really minds , simply doesn't matter ! Keep moving ! It's harder to hit a moving target ! Lmao !

Oh , one other tidbit .... Some of the tournaments that I play in these days ? They're called Senior Tournaments for some strange reason .... I don't get it !

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Well said .

I still play for 3 different softball teams , still in good shape for the shape I'm in ! Lol !

Played in the Co-Ed Sno Ball Softball Charity Tournament last Saturday with my kids , finished in second place . Laying in bed with Kathie the next morning , I started laughing . She asked me why ? . I said , " How is it possible that even my hair is hurting me this morning ? "

We laid there and laughed like two fools ! What really matters , doesn't mind . What really minds , simply doesn't matter ! Keep moving ! It's harder to hit a moving target ! Lmao !

Oh , one other tidbit .... Some of the tournaments that I play in these days ? They're called Senior Tournaments for some strange reason .... I don't get it !

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I love senior discounts. Trouble is that the G/F has issues, and wont let me use it!

I'm old, I'm cranky and I don't give a darn what anyone else thinks anymore!

My wife had a problem when the movie ticket girl automatically gave us senior tickets.. and she's 2 1/2 years older than me. Me? I was just happy to have the $4.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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When I turned 50 and had my stroke. I then realized thing would never really be the same even though I recovered to be almost normal. Still try to do things I used to but it isn't working the same. It now takes up to 4 hours to wash a car the way I used to do it in 1 1/2 hours. Model building is harder but still forge on trying to do the best I can. Can't skate/play hockey/ball etc but wasn't good at it

when I could. You adapt and carry on...Not bitching, feel lucky to be able to do what I do. I can still wheel a car which means lots to me....

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After having a heart related incident when i was in my late 30's because I didn't take care of myself, so now I try and use my head to deal with aging. Diet,execise,stopped smoking,lost weight. I've seen too many friends have illnesses more serious than me, or worst.....

Alot we can do to slow down the ineivtable.....

Edited by FASTBACK340
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I've spent my entire life in golf. I've played at basically every level competitively. In college, I could stay out til 3am, get up the next morning and shoot 68 with a category 10 hangover. Now if I did that, I'd have to have 48 hours of nothing but sofa time to recover.

And I've noticed at night in bed that flipping thru a model magazine often sounds better than a roll in the hay with the girlfiend.

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All the girls I dated at my earlier ages for YEARS, were generally around 25. Now, I could be their father (or grandfather).

When I was 43 my "trophy" girlfriend was 18. Sure an ego booster, but it only took a few months of her wanting to go out at midnight, and me being exhausted after dinner that I realized something was wrong, and it wasn't her. And it was pretty creepy that her mother and father were my age.

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Shoveling the drive way for the third time in 24 hours was a pretty good reminder.

Today! After all the shoveling to get my truck unstuck 3 times yesterday. And all the shoveling to unbury my Mother and Father-in-law's home last night. Cripes I can barely move today! Thank someone for Ibuprofen....

And people wonder why others move to southern California. Inspite of the other issues of living here, I haven't scooped a single shovel full of snow in 25 years :D, but I still keep the snow shovel in the garage just to remind me why I am here when other things get not so nice!

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A couple of months ago when I has to fill out my application for my Old Age Pension. Until then I kept pretending that I wasn't really getting old even though I'd retired from my job six years before (that should have been the first sign but somehow wasn't). Ten years earlier one of my students asked me if I was suffering from "Old Timers Disease" when I forgot something (maybe that should have been the second sign but I ignored it to).

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