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Spray Paint Stash

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Too many would be my answer. I have a Large cardboard box, and a shoe box completely filled with the 3oz Testors cans, and a large plastic Pelican case trunk filled with the tall cans. I know some of the builders on here have racks like the LHS has and they are fully stocked.

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For a spray paint rack, I use a wire spice rack (Target) that can be hung on a wall. Mine have 3 shelves each, 6" high between shelves, 2.5" deep. Mine holds up to 5 regular spray cans per shelf. Sort of like this one.


Edited by sjordan2
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I've got way too many and I've found that even when stored in my chilly basement the stuff doesn't spray well after a while.Maybe that's an indication that I should be more productive with my paint jobs. :P

I know there is separation & settling of paint, I am not sure what kind of shelf life aerosol paint's have. I have some that are still good after a decade then others are not nothing but a new target to shoot at.

Skip, Great Idea on the paint rack for Aerosol paints!

Edited by Gramps2u
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Way too many and I'm not counting them. I'm with Harry... many of them are clogged or have no nozzle at all. I know two years ago Ollies had the tall cans of Duplicolor for sale for $1, so I bought 25 cans then. And tons of Testors, Tamiya and automotive and hardware store paints too. I probably have 100 cans. I collect different brands of gray and flat / satin blacks since they give different looks for chassis and interiors. So every time I see a new brand of cheap paint, I'll get those.

Also, I have a lot of spray cans since I don't buy the little bottles of brush paint. I spray everything. Even small parts. If I do need to brush some detail or touch up, I'll spray a little paint into a 3 ounce Dixie cup. And I don't use an airbrush so it's all cans.

One thing I have done for at least the last ten years, is when I get new cans, I put the date on them, usually on the bottom with a Sharpie.

I also have Testors cans going way back, some with 69 cent stickers on them. I don't even know if they're good any more. I had recently thought I should go through them all and chuck the bad ones.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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Just last night I boxed up nearly 200, yes 200 3 oz. cans of enamel. I rarely spray enamel anymore and don't need them. They're going to our next club get together to sell for $1 each. I probably still have 70 or so cans of various lacquers. Matter of fact I just bought 6 more cans today.

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I set up for airbrush and started buying bottles of paint when I got back into the hobby. In buying local models on craigslist alot of times the paint was thrown in. After buying about 20 bottles of paint, I now have a rack and about 400 1/2 oz and 1/4 bottles and several hundred cans or spray paint free or next to nothing. Time to get building--Personally painting is my least favorite thing, I enjoy the results but prefer the build and creativity of getting to paint. Great question, I look forward to seeing other responses.

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Excluding automotive paint, about 35 cans.

I use a couple of large Sterilite boxes, about the width of a shoebox, and roughly 16" long. They each hold about 16-18 Testors/Tamiya cans.

It's an easy way to contain clutter. I've ended up with a bunch of cans with missing nozzles that were freebies. I'm trying to figure out how to use them now. I'm leaning towards taking nozzles from expired cans, soaking them in lacquer thinner, and then seeing if that cleans them out enough to spray clean. Anyone else have any other ideas?

Charlie Larkin

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I am glad l am not alone. l have a few cans that are 10 years old and still spray great.

That's why I started putting dates on my cans. I have a can of Duplicolor that my father bought back in the 1970s for his 71 Chevy that still works. It's the can I used on my retro new Camaro. I also have some cans of hardware type paint in this Harvest Gold color that were in my parents house when they bought it in 1972. One of them still works! Then again, I have had cans a year or two old that had given up the ghost!

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Did someone say spray paint ? Yes I have a few cans of the stuff and bottles also.It's funny because I have 3 airbrushes and still use spray cans,that's going to be changing here soon though.One of those jars is filled with lacquer thinner and is used for spray nozzles when clogged,works fine for me.








You have a very neat organized model room..

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