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So, I was walking out to the truck after work, and this guy walks up to me and asks me if I have a moment to talk about all-season tires. I said "No, thank you, but I am very burned out after working twelve hours and would just like to go home."

But he just wouldn't let up.

He said something about "guaranteed even tread wear" and "smooth ride". I said "No, thank you, I just want to get in my truck and go home." Then he started throwing out phrases like "innovative bonded six-ply design" and "superior roadholding characteristics" and I lost it. Punched him right in his all-season-tire-loving face.

I hate all-season tires so much I can't stand it...

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Way to go Chuck!

Today Melissa Harris-Perry said on her show that Star Wars is racist. After blowing my stack at her, I calmed down and was thankful she saved me from perpetuating the myth that Star Wars is a great movie franchise that has brought millions of viewers entertainment for decades. Plus now I don't have to blow 20 bucks on it! 

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Today Melissa Harris-Perry said on her show that Star Wars is racist.

You've really got to be kidding. PLEASE say you're kidding. Another media idiot.

The same media idiot who says the term "hard worker" should not be used because it's an insult to the experience of slaves.

Yeah, like she'd know "hard work" if it came up and bit her in the butt.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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So, I was walking out to the truck after work, and this guy walks up to me and asks me if I have a moment to talk about all-season tires. I said "No, thank you, but I am very burned out after working twelve hours and would just like to go home."

But he just wouldn't let up.

He said something about "guaranteed even tread wear" and "smooth ride". I said "No, thank you, I just want to get in my truck and go home." Then he started throwing out phrases like "innovative bonded six-ply design" and "superior roadholding characteristics" and I lost it. Punched him right in his all-season-tire-loving face.

I hate all-season tires so much I can't stand it...


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 Today Melissa Harris-Perry said on her show that Star Wars is racist. After blowing my stack at her, I calmed down and was thankful she saved me from perpetuating the myth that Star Wars is a great movie franchise that has brought millions of viewers entertainment for decades. Plus now I don't have to blow 20 bucks on it! 


She's on that View show, isn't she? That explains everything- they're all completely insane.

Charlie Larkin

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Sorry to hear that you have "neighbor troubles" as that's not good and something that I try hard to avoid. Around here, I don't think that any landscape uses rake anymores

Checking editor ?

Edited by XJ6
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Melissa Harris-Perry is hilarious! She is so far off the ranch it's funny to watch her. It's like watching someone doing a stand-up comedy routine except the performer herself doesn't realize that's what she's doing! She doesn't realize what a nut case she is, but man, talk about entertaining television! And I love that earnest little lisp of hers. :lol:

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My Bears had hopes. But at 5-8, their hope is pretty much gone for this season.

Bears finally have a decent coach, but what i don't like about the Bears and I am a fan is they never keep good talent. They had Greg Olsen and let him go now look what he does for the Panthers. WR Brandon Marshall played hurt and was a deep threat. I have never been a big Cutler fan. I think the Bears should have drafted a QB.. 

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The person driving in the vehicle in front of me with at least 3 or 4 empty car lengths in front of them applies their brakes as he/she is nearing an intersection with stoplights, and the light is GREEN. What's up with that?

Yup, one of my favorite moves too.  And the fool who keeps at least 2 car lengths in front of him when he's stopped.

Then there's the monkey-morons who signal for a turn because the car in front of them is signalling, but go straight and turn off the signal when the lead car turns. Who taught them that little bit of stupidity?

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Whilst driving through a busy shopping district w/ two-lane streets, I came upon a Mini that was parked in the lane. Sitting on the horn yielded no results, so I got in the wrong lane and drove around the car, the occupant being a brain-dead young woman playing on her phone.  Must have been waiting on a parking space to open up...

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The person driving in the vehicle in front of me with at least 3 or 4 empty car lengths in front of them applies their brakes as he/she is nearing an intersection with stoplights, and the light is GREEN. What's up with that?

As maddening as it is, it's just self-defense.  The light may have just turned green, but if you proceed you might just get clipped be someone trying to get through the intersection under the yellow.  That happened to my niece a few years back; she had the green, started into the intersection, and got slammed by someone trying to speed through a yellow that had turned red.  I'm seeing people flat-out blowing through stop signs lately too; not even a token tap on the brake pedal to make the brake lights come on.  You might be right, but that won't help you if you get hit; you're still dealing with insurance companies and possibly missing work.  And the knucklehead that hits you probably has minimal insurance, if any at all.  You've got to watch out for the idiots more and more.

Leaving a couple of lengths in front when you are stopped at an intersection makes sense lately too.  If you're within inches of the car ahead of you, and you get slammed from behind, you're going to get shoved into the car in front.  That happened to me about twenty years ago, only I didn't hit the car in front of me because my daily drivers have manual transmissions.  At every light, one foot on the clutch (down to the floor), the other firmly on the brake. 

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Lemme tell you about Thursday....

I knew this would be the last day of the year that I'd have to actually go to the office.  I'm working from home the rest of the year. May be attending a few Skype meetings, writing some purchase orders and otherwise I expect people to disappear.  So I went to a company location that's a two hour ride for some meetings.  Had a nice lunch with peers and then discovered it was raining cats and dogs.  Of course this is the location where you park outside the gate and then walk into the facility... probably about a half mile from the building to my car and I didn't have an umbrella.  So now I'm soaking wet.  But I am headed home, so I settle in for a long hopefully uneventful ride.

I get down the highway to a section that is always stop and go.  Bad traffic patterns.  So I decide to stop at Hobby Lobby since I'm passing it.  There is no good way to get into this store. I'm headed south and it's on the northbound side of the highway. Both sides are stopped dead so you are not going down to the next intersection to do a U turn. That could be a half hour!  So I head into the mall behind it.  The lots aren't really attached, but there is a dirt path that cars have created. I go through it and park close to the store.

Inside I find that they have all kits on sale 25% off.  That means the 40% off coupon is void on them because it's not valid on sale items. I even argued once about giving me 40% off their list, but nope.  And I really didn't need anything they had anyway.  I needed glue, so I grab that and go to look at the meager offering of stamp collector supplies.  An older lady walks up and asks me if I can help her.  She wants to buy a small gift for her friend's husband who is a stamp collector.  I help her pick out some stamp mount supplies which everyone uses, since everything else they offer is more for kids.  I feel good that I helped someone and a fellow collector.

I get back to the car and plan on heading back the way I came into the lot.  I look and some idiot has parked in front of the dirt path!  Oblivious that this is the access between the lots.  It's my only way back without getting stuck in stopped traffic for at least a mile.  I think I can squeeze past it and I didn't see a rough edge of curb sticking out (it is dark and raining). I hear myself hit this and suddenly the sound of a flat tire. Crud!

I think I have a bit of luck when I realize I have a flat tire in the Firestone Tire Store parking lot. So I walk up to the store and ask them to change my tire.  The idiot behind the counter tells me they are too busy to help me in any way.  I pull out my Firestone Tire credit card to show him I'm a customer. That changes nothing.  So I tell him I'll never buy anything from Firestone ever again and will write the home office about this experience. He is unfazed.

I go out to the car and call AAA road service. They tell me that due to unprecedented demand, they cannot give me any estimate of time, probably more than TWO friggin hours.  I yell at them, hang up and go about changing the tire in the friggin rain, in the dark!  I don't expect this to go well with the puny Chrysler supplied jack. I struggle to get the darn plastic hubcap off the Breeze. It's on there like glue. I finally decide I don't care if I break it in half and manhandle it until it gives.  I am now anticipating that the lugs have been welded on by the last guy who rotated the tires, but they are surprisingly easy.  I finish up and now I'm wet, tired, dirty and I have to go to the bathroom.

As I ready to leave I see a person headed to the offending car, parked smack in the middle of the driveway. My first thought is to go pounce on this idiot but I see it's just some young clueless girl.  So I just drive away. 

I stop at McDonalds and use their restroom. I wash up and decide I am thirsty and that after all that I deserve a large vanilla shake. So I go up to the counter and after two indecisive girls banter about what they want to order while the counter guy and I wait, it's my turn.  I tell the guy, "I want one large vanilla shake without whipped cream or cherry".   He looks at me and repeats back  "Three shakes?  What flavor?"   Numpty has hit me on the wrong day.  I yell at him "ONE large vanilla shake. NO whipped cream or cherry!!"  He's unfazed and says, "Okay one vanilla shake... what size?"  I yell back "LARGE,  I've said it twice already!"  He smiles and says, "I just want to make sure I get it right.  Do you want whipped cream?" I'm done at this point. "NO, NO, NO!  And no friggin cherry either."  He takes my money and scampers off to find a shake for me.  The lady behind me witnessed this entire encounter and  is laughing hysterically. I look at her and burst out laughing myself.   

Now I'm driving on the Turnpike with my vanilla shake, with whipped cream and a cherry.  I was hoping to relax and enjoy my drink but all the way home I'm wondering what will go wrong next!  Will that spare go flat? Will the car die?  I know I'm in the Twilight Zone and anything could happen.  I fortunate that traffic has let up and I sail home without further incident. Thankfully.

So that was the end of my work year!  

Edited by Tom Geiger
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Hobby Lobby has, at times, taken the 40% off coupons on items that were 25% off.  When they did, it was of course 40% off of the original price, not the discounted price.  Other times they did not work it that way, the discount that was posted on the shelves was what prevailed.  That's the way I'd interpret it anyway.  I figure they do the 25% off the last couple of weeks before Christmas because they're getting the gift buyers during that time as opposed to the "regulars". 

I was in there just yesterday, to pick up a couple of gift cards.  I spotted an AMT Firestone tire pack and decided to grab that.  I noticed the checkout girl rang it up at regular price, and asked her if it shouldn't be 25% off.  Her interpretation of the discount was that it only applied to the kits themselves, so I handed her the 40% off coupon which worked out better in this case.

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