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The most expensive cat I've ever had started out as a 2-week old, either abandoned or mother died, had fleas (a hard lesson there...always get feral animals flea-dipped before bringing into your house) and other intestinal issues.

Katie, may2008a

Eight years later...



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Is that a wild cat?

Beautiful animal.

nope, she has us trained.  ;)

she would be classified as standard "domesticated" tortoiseshell feline, if you added white to her coat she would be called calico.

I theory is: this is the result of an orange tabby mating with a black cat, a cat with a little fire in her coat.

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I've been getting really painful cramps in my feet


My wife gets them sometimes also. I think she takes Potassium for that.

Mike, bananas and milk are a real good source for Potassium. I had to eat bananas when on steroids to replace it...

Thanks for the heads-up, I'm not much into bananas and rarely drink milk but I'll check it out

These cramps really seem like a nerve thing- my toes get locked in a painful curled position and a hard spot wells up in the bottom of my foot. If I massage the heck out of the bottom of my foot, my toes eventually release.


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I know what you mean.

A feral momcat that lives outside here abandoned a 5-week old kitten in the back of my truck, almost seemed so I'd be sure to see it when I came in. No possible way the kitten could have got there under its own power. It had diarrhea and couldn't walk very well...something wrong with the back legs. I brought it in, cleaned it up, started feeding it formula from an eye dropper, got it to start taking solid food, etc.

It was getting stronger for a few days, was actually trying to follow me around, but still had the digestive and mobility problems. Really cute little bugger, smart, sweet disposition...especially for a feral cat.

Then it just started fading and nothing I could do seemed to make any difference. Decided to take it to the vet first thing Monday morning, but it didn't make it through the night. 

Just sad.

Going to give my wife and son time and get them a kitten. Going to take it to the vet before I give it to them. My son cried so hard it hurt me over him and the kitten. 

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Well, last time I drove my Jeep, the voltage gauge had dropped to nothing on the drive home, so I just figured the alternator died. That would make sense, the truck is 18 y/o w/164k on it and rarely gets driven any more, after all. Talked to some friends that knew of a rebuild shop that gave me a great price on a rebuild of the factory piece and since I'm working next saturday, I'm thinking that the weekday off would be a perfect day to take it over for the rebuild, so Dad was going to pull it while I was working today so I could run over and have the work done on the week day I have off next week. What does Dad find, everything tied works perfectly fine...............:angry:

He thinks that the pulleys had enough surface rust on them that when I hit the lights that night, the belt was slipping under load:rolleyes:

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You wouldn't be the first guy who bought an alternator when all he need was to tighten the belt.   :D

I'm just happy that he checked that out before taking things apart, let alone going and dropping $180 on a new parts house (Bosch, via NAPA) Alternator. Now I can put that money to a new track bar for the front of it.......it has a bit of WanderLust right now too.



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I'm just happy that he checked that out before taking things apart, let alone going and dropping $180 on a new parts house (Bosch, via NAPA) Alternator. Now I can put that money to a new track bar for the front of it.......it has a bit of WanderLust right now too.

With my Plymouth Breeze, the alternator light would come on from time to time.  It would stay on the entire ride, but wouldn't be on when I turned the car off and back on again. Tested the voltage a bunch of times, seemed normal.  Belt was tight and in good shape. 

I gave the car to my 17 year old nephew and a week later the light is on constantly and the car won't start.  Alternator must've been going...

(of course his father, my wife's brother calls me up like I offered him a 100 year warranty on the free car, no good deed goes unpunished!)

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Cheap paint?  Surface not cleaned properly.  Was car port made of aluminum?

Jim..its made of tin its one of those kits you see selling off the side of a road. It has to be ether cheap/old paint it had been scuffed up before painting was done. Wonder if a soybean oil base enamel will work..?  I hit it with some enamel spray paint as a test it seems to hold ok..even on one area where it got missed being prepped.

Edited by disabled modeler
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Wife wanted to go see a movie today so we went to see "Sully". What is the deal with people having to check their stupid phones every 15 minutes. You a doctor or something ? If you can't go a couple hours without your phone go to a bowling alley and stay out of a movie theater ! Rant over . : )

Harry they should have an answering service. No way you should have to tough it out.

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I'm a bit confused about this voltage gauge thing.  In the cars I have dealt with a voltage gauge is a voltmeter hooked up to the main power distribution junction in the car.  It doesn't specifically read the alternator but the overall health of the 12V electrical system.  If that type of a gauge dropped to zero volts your car would stall as there would not be any power available to power the engine ignition or rest of the cars electrical circuit. Usually when alternator no longer charges the battery the voltage drops from around 14V to under 12V (since it is running just from the battery).

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