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About 25 years ago I was part of the team that bought a  100 acre office park with a lake in the middle of it.  It had been unoccupied for better than a year so the geese had taken over.  We did a serious renovation before we moved any workers there, and as we went from building to building on the connector paths, there were geese everywhere. If you ignored them and kept walking they would calmly part for you to walk through.  One day the path was covered with at least 100 geese and a colleague and I walked through, then they would close the gap across the path again.  At one point I said, "Stop, look around..."  and we were completely surrounded by geese!

One evening I was leaving as it was getting dark.  There were a few geese on the path I was using to get to my car. I did the usual walk into them, and one goose had a fit and attacked me.  I stood my ground and gave him a swift kick in the breast with my steel toe shoe!  He ran off squawking and I ran for my car.

The next day a group of us was meeting in a conference room with windows that viewed the lawn.  One lady said, "Look one of the geese is limping! He looks hurt!"  I didn't say a thing!  He was gone in a day or two. Figure one of the foxes must've caught the slowest goose.  :D


Edited by Tom Geiger
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Why isn't intimidating goose gang activity addressed by law enforcement agencies? They're already involved in racketeering, extortion and taking control of the landscaping industry. That's O.K. Their days are numbered. They'll end up in the big house sooner or later

Image result for goose dinner in chinatown nyc


and get what's coming to them.

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My condo boarders a wetland and geese were quite a problem, making much of the common areas on our side unusable due to the droppings. At one point a number of us dog owners decided to get together and let them off their leashes, after a few times it seems to have permanently chased them off. 

I don't advocate cruelty to animals, but I'd shoot every one of them in this area. They are a real problem in some of the surrounding neighborhoods. During certain times of the year they overrun the local park and we can't even walk through it. Nasty creatures they are!

Edited by Phirewriter
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Geese are not the brightest of creatures.  I was a Facility Manager for an L shaped building with a pond out back.  The pond faced the highway so little intimidated them.  The building had a problem with them strolling up and dropping tootsie rolls on the patio for the cafe.  One day I showed up and there was a iron decorative fence w/ gate around the seating area...less than three feet high.  The building manager said that it has stopped the geese from strolling up on the bricked area.  They would come up and stick their head through the rails and never figured out that they could still fly on to the patio or do a short burst and go over the railing.

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Last night was our Fire Works display. This is provided by the Home Owners Association and has been an annual event for over twenty years. My wife and I take our lawn chairs and head down to the waters edge, the fireworks are launched from the top of the BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH and we are about than 50 yards away. We have a concrete sidewalk and some rocks at the waters edge and everything is covered with Geese droppings. I had to clear an area with a broom to get a place for use to sit. Looks like I get to play with the Power Washer again.  

Edited by espo
What is the Blah Blah all about. What do you call and earthen structure used to contain ground water ??????????????
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2 hours ago, espo said:

Last night was our Fire Works display. This is provided by the Home Owners Association and has been an annual event for over twenty years. My wife and I take our lawn chairs and head down to the waters edge, the fireworks are launched from the top of the BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH and we are about than 50 yards away. We have a concrete sidewalk and some rocks at the waters edge and everything is covered with Geese droppings. I had to clear an area with a broom to get a place for use to sit. Looks like I get to play with the Power Washer again.  

Did you spell it with a trailing "n"???

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Are you kidding me with this bla bla bla censorship?I know it's the rules not to curse or even abbreviate a curse word on here,but I think this is kinda ridiculous.I know cause I myself,have received a few text warnings for bad language in the past.

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17 hours ago, Rodent said:

Did you spell it with a trailing "n"???


12 hours ago, smhardesty said:

It's dam versus dam(n)


12 hours ago, SfanGoch said:

So.......Image result for dam is on the BLAH_BLAH_BLAH list. Pathetic.


11 hours ago, NYLIBUD said:

Are you kidding me with this bla bla bla censorship?I know it's the rules not to curse or even abbreviate a curse word on here,but I think this is kinda ridiculous.I know cause I myself,have received a few text warnings for bad language in the past.


11 hours ago, SfanGoch said:

Follow the rules or off to the cornfield!

Image result for bill mumy twilight zone episodes

I have taken note that the letter "N" is located on the key board next to the letter "M". So with somewhat large fingers anything is possible I guess. I have often noticed that I sometimes get a letter next to the one I'm typing  being included and I have to go back and remove the extra letters.   So lets hope that is all that is going on. I'm not really a "Potty Mouth".

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Aaarrrrggggghhhhhhh! I just took a phone call from my doctor's nurse. They scheduled some surgery for me on the 17th of July. I have tickets to see Ted Nugent on the 26th, and they are really good seats. The surgery I'm having will have me on my back for a minimum of 2 weeks with full recovery time slated for about 8 weeks. No way I'll be able to go to the concert. And of course this is surgery to be performed by the VA at a VA facility. I didn't DARE ask for a different date. You other vets know what I mean about that. If they get you scheduled, don't mess with it. Just be there on time.

I was really looking forward to this concert for a couple of reasons. First, I really like Nugent. Secondly, my wife has attended exactly ONE concert in her life. She went to see The Carpenters in the early 70s. I was REALLY looking forward to seeing her reaction to full blown, heavy metal, live and up close. So much for that! :angry:

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4 hours ago, smhardesty said:

First, I really like Nugent. Secondly, my wife has attended exactly ONE concert in her life. She went to see The Carpenters in the early 70s. I was REALLY looking forward to seeing her reaction to full blown, heavy metal, live and up close. So much for that! :angry:

I think our definitions of heavy metal are vastly different. lolz.

I think Teddy is barely hard rock.


And unless he performs in his loincloth and with bow & arrow, it just won't be worth it. 


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