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What Irked You Today?


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I like taking my stuff outside and working on the deck. Today when the wind threatened ti pick up I took my stuff and went to go inside. As I was going through the gate a gust sent the gate crashing into my tray , spilling the coffee cup over everything and sending the model body I just finished cleaning up to the ground in a puddle of coffee. :angry:


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14 hours ago, HomerS said:

GM.....why?   This is why people ignore warning messages on the info center.  I drove to Derby City Model show and around the two hour mark this popped up.  It did it again when I drove across I64 to Lexington even though I spent about half an hour sitting on the highway while they funneled three lanes into one (resurfacing).  I turn on the digital readout for the odometer as I know I have a tendency to exceed the speed limit and this is easier to read without my old fart 'up close' glasses on.  Low fuel, low tire pressure, check engine....yes!  We don't need the car to nag us.


It's not just GM. I had a 2017 F350 Platinum last summer. Constantly got a "take a break" warning.


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  • 2 weeks later...

What irked me? Today I was behind three cars waiting for the red light to change to green, it did and nobody moved. I don't know if they were waiting for "candy green" or maybe they were all asleep as I had to blow my horn to get the parade moving. If people have trouble with "basic" driving, they should STAY home!

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Had to go to the doctor for a check-up yesterday morning.  They are repaving one of the roads in the area and had the right lane closed, which left the left lane and the turn lane open.  I pulled into the turn lane behind a few cars , and yes they were very slow to make turns so I got stopped.  While sitting there in the left turn lane with my signal blinking, I had the left turn signal right in front of me, another car pulled up on my left, then two more; they were sitting in the inside lane for oncoming traffic.  When the light turned green the oncoming traffic had to bottleneck down to one lane.  I completed my left turn by cutting off the fourth car in the line.  Got some horn blowing and maybe some indiscriminate hand signals.

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This heat that we have here....
Only 32c  (89f)in the shade and around 47c (116f) in the sun today..
Thats not normal at all for sweden...
Now at nighttime the temps have only dropped to 27c (80f)... i have every window and door open to try and cool down the house but thats not working that good...
I only have fans to try to keep the air moving but would much rather have an AC instead.
They are ouf of stock in every store right now so untill next year i will have bought one..

Was also told that my uncle has ALS and will probably not make it this whole year..
Have also got the time for when i am going in to have an operation in my shoulder.
Only good thing about that is that i will finaly be able to move that arm as it is supposed to do, have not been able to move it that good since about 2013..
So after my 5 weeks vacation is done i can only work for 1 week untill i have to go in and after that i am probably not allowed to work for 5-6weeks..
I dont now what i am supposed to do during those weeks as i am restless already...

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Sadly I had to give a friendship the boot, He was a friend for over twenty years. But he decided to steal money from me, And my youngest son. All just to get some beer. I guess beer was better than having a good friendship to him. I had to tell him that he was no longer allowed at my house.














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On 7/25/2018 at 10:02 PM, High octane said:

Sorry to hear that Rick.

Thanks, But what's worse is that I was helping him restart his model collection that he had lost. I bought him a kit, gave him a tube of glue, Hobby Knife and glue tips. All which he now will not get! Like I said Throwing this all away just so he could buy a couple of cans of Beer. I caught up with him this week, and told him everything I did for him; he just screwed him self out of. He is no longer allowed at my house as I lost all trust in him!

Edited by ranma
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19 minutes ago, Cornpatch said:

From reading your posts, I am betting that if he had just ask you, you would have given him the money for the beer. Than probley  sat down and enjoyed one with him.  Sure would of saved a 20 year friendship.

Yes I more than likely would have let him borrow the money if he asked, Although I don't drink beer, I'd rather cook with it. Now Coca Cola is a different story. He also took three of my builds, One '70 Mustang. '76 Ford Torino and a '70 Impala ( which I'll never see again. But Actually the money was worse as It was for my youngest son who is in Jail for a joke gone wrong. Long story about that. Besides Jail is a hard place to be in but worse for a 21 year old Transgender. My youngest was born a girl, But Identifies as as a male, As I told his adopted dad Nature does and can throw some nasty curve ball's!

Edited by ranma
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More than a little "miffed" with Rug Doctor today. I am perhaps over reacting and if you read this maybe you can set me straight. A little over two years ago I bought a new Rug Doctor deep cleaning carpet cleaner. The first two times it worked well. On the third time it would not spray. I called them and they had me try a couple things to see if we could get it to work. We could not. They sent me a call tag to return it and sent me a new one. The second one worked good the first and second time I used it. Again on the third time it too would not spray. I called again and again I returned it and they sent me a new machine # 3. I used it twice and went to use it yesterday after moving a bunch of furniture. Believe it or not it would not spray on the third time I was going to use it. I called in again and was told "sorry" we can't help you because we go by the date you bought the first machine. I was not happy and we won't discuss any conversation that took place after that .  Now, I contend that they should send me machines until I received one that worked more than twice. ??? Am I wrong ? Did I expect too much ? 

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I have tried several different home Rug Cleaning machines thru the years and have never been all that satisfied with their performance or durability. I have had so called professional rug cleaners do our carpeting and wind up with wet carpet for a week or more and that really helps to clean the bottom of your shoes but then you need the rugs redone.  

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We bought a Hoover carpet shampooer somewhere around 10 or 12 years ago. It's one of the models that is specifically for pet owners and has a couple of special attachments for pet hair related problems. It gets used fairly often, including shampooing 100% of every room in this house we just moved into and 100% of every room in the house we left. I've got nothing but good things to say about it. We will more than likely be considering buying a new unit in the not too distant future. It will definitely be another Hoover.

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Here it is July 28th and I have yet to use my pool!   We opened it up the week before July 4 and the heater wasn't working, so the water was too cold (it sits in the shade so the heater is essential!).  That cost me two weekends and the July 4th holiday.  Then the pool guys came the following week and got the heater working.  Past that it's either rained or we've had obligations every single weekend!  I get home from work after 7pm so we only use the pool on weekends.

I was looking forward to this weekend!  Sunny and warm both days. No obligations!  Then what happens?  My younger daughter buys a condo and closed on it this week.  My wife agrees that we'll come up and help her paint all weekend!    We leave the house here shortly!  So much for my pool dreams!



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1 hour ago, SfanGoch said:

Getting the annoying "404 Error" message when I attempt to post. :angry:

Ain't "technology" grand? Great when it works, beyond maddening when it doesn't (especially when it's for no apparent rhyme or reason, and the onboard diagnostics don't...which we all know never happens). ;)

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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I've been a member on this forum for just about a year and a half. I've never received any of the error codes on here. There was a short period of time one morning about a year ago where I couldn't login. I waited a few hours and logged right in.

I'm guessing it's because I use Linux and SeaMonkey browser. I avoid a lot of the common errors associated with Windows and Windows based browsers.

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Contractor is running underground wire to my new garage. Yesterday he did the hard part and got the wire thru a really congested area without hitting any other wires or cables. There was only one cable left to miss and it was clearly marked in the middle of the yard. He hit it and now, when I get home this evening, I will be without cable TV and Internet.

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