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5 hours ago, NYLIBUD said:

Thanks guys for making me feel better.Your right,I should stop complaining and forget about how old I’am today.And count my blessings:rolleyes: 


Happy Birthday. You just have to remember being over 50 is better than the alternatives. The light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train.  

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22 hours ago, NYLIBUD said:

Thanks guys for making me feel better.Your right,I should stop complaining and forget about how old I’am today.And count my blessings:rolleyes: 


Hey. I wake up every morning feeling like an 18 year old man. Then I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror and say "who the heck is that?? LOL

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On 7/9/2019 at 4:24 PM, cobraman said:

To me, the hardest thing about getting older is admitting I can't do some of the things I used to be able to do.

Bah! I can still successfully hit on hot early twentysomething chicks, among other things ;) . One of the benefits of living a block from the beach.  :P :D

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I'm chapped knowing I'm going to have to replace my computers with Win10 machines shortly. Tinylimp is shutting down support for Win7 at the end of the year. That means no more "security" patches on the holes in it. I don't like Win10. There's not a damm thing wrong with Win7 for the way I use it. It works just fine and dandy for what I need it to do in the machines I run it on. But the powers that be in Tinylimpland have a greed-need to force everyone who's using their trash into spending more money through planned and ENFORCED obsolescence.

Maybe it's finally time to take a hard look at other general-use operating systems.

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32 minutes ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

I'm chapped knowing I'm going to have to replace my computers with Win10 machines shortly. Tinylimp is shutting down support for Win7 at the end of the year. That means no more "security" patches on the holes in it. I don't like Win10. There's not a damm thing wrong with Win7 for the way I use it. It works just fine and dandy for what I need it to do in the machines I run it on. But the powers that be in Tinylimpland have a greed-need to force everyone who's using their trash into spending more money through planned and ENFORCED obsolescence.

Maybe it's finally time to take a hard look at other general-use operating systems.

Take a look at Apple ...

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On 7/9/2019 at 1:53 PM, NYLIBUD said:

My 51st birthday.??today.Oh yea I just love getting older.....It SUCKS

Wish I was 51 again.... Naaa......

Wish I was 21 again... More better!....?

I just hope I make it to 60 this coming April... ??

Happy Birthday!!!!!..... ??

Edited by Deuces
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21 minutes ago, SfanGoch said:

I liked Win XP. Until my Toshiba Satellite dropped dead. I'm trying some recovery programs to revive the HD. Almost there.

I liked XP just fine too...but it was getting a little overwhelmed sometimes by all the "rich content" on websites (which as far as I can tell is nothing more than hysterical in-your-face audio and visual marketing trying to get you convinced you need to buy more useless crapp).

God, I love AdBlock.  B)

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How does this sound, I had ordered new checks 2 weeks ago after procrastinating and being down to my last one and ordered for the express delivery, which should have been here last saturday, but they never arrived. I give it until mid week and looked further, found that they were "delivered" last Saturday and we couldn't find them incase we missed them.  I called the printer and they were going to print up and send out replacements with the next batch of numbers to be here early next week.  Went by the local P.O. to advise them of the situation on lunch yesterday and tey were going to put a track on things, then stopped by my bank today to see what to do here and they put a hold on the missing batch numbers. Just before I get ready to leave, Dad texts me that I got checks in then mail......I went and grabbed lunch and checked when I got home, the ones that showed up are the original order.  Since the timing was right, I mentioned it to the bank employee that was helping me and we set things up so that I can pull that hold order with a call on Monday, at least.

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