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1/25 Revell Ford Del Rio Ranch Wagon 2'n'1

Matt T.

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Beat me to it, James:


Scott, you're certainly right to point out that the sins of Monogram's old Nomad are an order of magnitude worse than those in the '57 Ford. Hell, I was so giddy that Revell got the overall proportions right, it never even occurred to me to check moldings around the fenders.

But now that they've been highlighted, it's plain that they're wrong. Ain't gonna have to do major surgery to fix 'em, but they're on-topic because this wagon is gonna share that tooling. And now that Revell has gone to the trouble of a new body mold, it's a natural part of the discussion to see if they've carried these problems over or resolved them.

Who knows, maybe you've actually missed how contentious it gets when one faction tries to separate another out and call them nit-pickers or worse. And maybe it's not such a serious matter to you. But did you see the Chicken Little scenario that came up earlier, this whole notion that Revell/Monogram is so monumentally stupid they'll actually withdraw advertising over online postings of individuals whose opinions don't reflect that of the magazine?

Years of flailing about with this notion that if modelers don't "behave" on line, the model manufacturers will just stop making kits, a scenario that started off pretty idiotic and gets more obviously so with each passing day it just doesn't happen. So now we gotta come up with some new Pyropocalypse to justify a viewpoint that in the end makes no sense.

This is a forum about car model kits, and with that comes a reasonable expectation of a free discussion about those kits, including whatever problems they might have. The root of the drama around here is that certain people just lose it over that discussion for what amounts to no good reason, so they try to stifle that free exchange, and they're abusive about it. If they're not calling you a "no-lifer" for pointing out a feature that's 10% off true, they're making wild exaggerations about personal attacks on the manufacturers largely unsupported by the majority of the content they refer to.

There's no reason to put up with that, and anybody who doesn't want the return static might wanna make sure he can't be confused for perpetrating that same tired, repressive BS.

Edited by Chuck Kourouklis
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Courier, but same idea.

Here's some more ideas.

I had very hard time finding 57 Ford professional cars. Superior used GM, usually Pontiac, Chev. H&E same.

IIRC Perry Mason had 57 Ford coroner car in episode.

Keep images coming. Or not.


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I like anything light commercial... I had planned on doing my sedan as a meter readers car. I have the decals done and in the box. I just need to order the six cylinder engine from Ken Kitchen.

Why not do the wagon as a postal vehicle, public utility vehicle, TV repair van... the possibilities are endless. Especially in their second or third lives old wagons did a lot of services... painters wagon etc.

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For many years, cars 4 and 8 on the Marlborough Police department were wagons because they were also the ambulances. If I can figure out how to remove the side-trim neatly to make a Ranch Wagon, I'm thinking about trying it.

Actually, in the 1950s, from what I understand, there were only three or four marked cruisers in the City, and all of them were Ranch Wagons. The Cheif had a black Ford Custom 4-door and the detectives had another black Ford for their use.

Charlie Larkin

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Why not do the wagon as a postal vehicle, public utility vehicle, TV repair van... the possibilities are endless. Especially in their second or third lives old wagons did a lot of services... painters wagon etc.

Grocery shop, flower shop, pet shop, plumber, painter,....

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my father used to work in a machine shop. the coffee break caterer was a local mom & pop/ out of their kitchen affair. the guy would pull up with his '57 wagon, open the hatch glass, drop the tailgate, and start serving. the doughnuts were on an uncovered bakery tray and the coffee came from a military surplus coffee urn. he'd leave the engine running and the smokey exhaust would curl up under the hatch filling the entire car with smoke. this was about '62 or '63.

to this day, when i smell exhaust i want a doughnut & coffee.

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I like anything light commercial... I had planned on doing my sedan as a meter readers car. I have the decals done and in the box. I just need to order the six cylinder engine from Ken Kitchen.

Why not do the wagon as a postal vehicle, public utility vehicle, TV repair van... the possibilities are endless. Especially in their second or third lives old wagons did a lot of services... painters wagon etc.

I am also a fan of most things commercial. At most of the modelshows I have been to I usually have more models in the Light Commercial class than any other class. If I don't do an exact replica of something or make a model of something that could have belonged to a specific real life company or state/counsil/public office vehicle I do like the idea of coming up with a vehicle with a comedic punchline to it. Back in 2005, I did build Revells 37 Ford deliveryvan in to a hearse and called it To Die For'd and that it belonged to Toten Begravelsesbyrå (Toten is a place in Norway but in german it has the meaning of "to kill" and begravelsesbyrå is the norwegian word for undertaker/funeral business) and I gave it the registrationnumber of D666 (D was the old registrationnumber erea code for Toten, but it could also stand for "Døden" death or "Djevel" devil) and I managed to get a skeleton figure that was about 1:25 scale in a toystore that I made cloak for so that it looked like the hearse was being driven by the Grim Reaper.

I once also had plans on making a van with a very inside joke for a business that could possibly have been run by an old school mate of mine. I called the business Johan fra Roan - Kaffemaskinreparatør. The joke here was so inside that only I would ever find it funny. Johan (yes, like the old modelcompany) was a schoolmate of mine and he came from a place called Roan (Johan fra Roan means simply Johan from Roan and kaffemaskinreparatør means coffee maker reapir man) and when we went to school together the class all chipped in on buying a coffee maker. We got a very cheap one, costing something in the region of 15-20 US dollars. It broke after a week and we all wanted to take it back to the store but Johan insisted he was going to repair it. He maneged to get it all apart and in to all its little parts but never managed to get it back toghether again and obviously we could not get or money back or a new one. I never did build the model either...

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my father used to work in a machine shop. the coffee break caterer was a local mom & pop/ out of their kitchen affair. the guy would pull up with his '57 wagon, open the hatch glass, drop the tailgate, and start serving. the doughnuts were on an uncovered bakery tray and the coffee came from a military surplus coffee urn. he'd leave the engine running and the smokey exhaust would curl up under the hatch filling the entire car with smoke. this was about '62 or '63.

to this day, when i smell exhaust i want a doughnut & coffee.

Of course , a roach coach.

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Bring out your dead...

Now there's an idea I like! :lol:


License plate IFLHPY, MCHBTR

Nih Gardening and Shrubbery, Coconut Stables, Knight Prosthetics, Grail Lighting, Zoot Clothiers, Rabbit Security,...

Brazzi Seafood, Genco Olive Oil,...

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License plate IFLHPY, MCHBTR

Nih Gardening and Shrubbery, Coconut Stables, Knight Prosthetics, Grail Lighting, Zoot Clothiers, Rabbit Security,...

Brazzi Seafood, Genco Olive Oil,...

& of course, somewhere in the graphics, you'd be required to include a "And now for something completely different". :D


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