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Everything posted by Dpate

  1. I don't think you bought Tamiya masking tape. Never known it was brown just yellow.
  2. Gray primer will work, but it will darken the red top coat a bit. If you want it to stay bright red recommend to use white or pink.
  3. My goal with the bronco. Seems the radio is also correct on the kit.
  4. That makes sense. I'll def be keeping all the parts not used. I'm guessing for some parts like the radio facing I'm suppose to trim off the radio part off the plastic dash? Because the radio facing #15 on the PE set wont fit on top or even match what's on the part.
  5. The parts i have circled do not have a number for them there not on the instruction sheet either. Looms for spark plug wires makes sense dunno why i didn't figure that out lol. But parts #28 and stuff are for window linkage the instructions even shows a window linkage setup with the part numbers. I was basically stating how i wouldn't be able to use the parts because the kit doesn't include a window linkage part. Also good to know about the decals, because i was worried for a bit. Thanks everyone for your help
  6. I' am going to be painting the bronco a different color than blue so i have a question about the decals first. As you can see with the long white paint stripe there is blue in between. If the decal is removed will that blue stay or that's just the backing paper showing? Because i would not want that blue on a grabber orange paint job. Next is the detail up kit. The parts i have circled in white i have no idea what there for, because the instruction sheet doesn't say. The window linkage parts #28 etc i won't be able to use because the kit doesn't even have a window linkage part. What bronco kit does? The outer and inner rear view mirror parts are actually bigger than the part that came with the kit. It feels like i paid $18 for some emblems...sigh. This is modelcargarage detail up set and that listed it for recommended revells bronco and baja bronco. How when half of it can't even be used?
  7. Don't know about any service that does chrome plating around my area. My method of de-chroming and re-chroming is as follow. 1. Super clean full strength. Spray bottles are not full strength only gallon version. Super clean will not hurt the plastic and can be reused over and over until used up (Basically not stripping the chrome off that good) 2. Clean parts off with dawn dish soap. Any imperfections fix before next step. 3. There are a few gloss black you can use for the base such as:" Mr.hobby gloss black, Alclad gloss black base, Humbrul gloss black, probably even tamiya LP gloss black. Do not use acrylic version of any gloss black. I use alclad gloss black base and never had any issues. 4. Your favorite chrome. Alclad, spaz stix, etc. You have to mist the stuff on around 10-15 PSI and don't over do it. Over do it and you'll lose the effect. Will take practice........ Once it's dry wipe off the paint dust and buff a little bit to shine. Only chrome i use is alclad and spaz stix. You can also use molotow chrome pens to do parts too or touch ups etc just be mindful of touching it to much cause of drying issues.
  8. Dang this is crazy. I've been in the hobby probably for a few months now, and i have like 2 packs of BMF that i haven't even used yet. Reading all this doesn't make me excided at all smh. I guess for chrome trim on side of vehicles it'll have to be careful masking and using your favorite black base & chrome like spaz stix, Alclad, or molotow after body is done and painted.
  9. If you're not able to use clips than you have a few options. You can use blue tack to hold parts and use bamboo sticks for large parts and tooth picks for small parts or cut the bamboo sticks to smaller sizes. Pop sickle sticks work good too along with blue tack or double sided tape. You can even glue the tip of the toothpick or bamboo stick to the part of an area that'll never been seen and it'll hold, and than little twist afterwards and it'll pop loose.
  10. I used Mr.hobby leveling thinner for the tamiya. I think i did about 3-4 coats and i do remember doing a medium wet and heavy wet coat. I had to be careful on the tail gate because the name was starting to get covered up, but it came back after drying in the dehydrator. I also only go about 110F in the dehydrator, and yeah if it wasn't for the trash getting in the paint i probably could get away with just some polish. Weird considering I've shot alclads gloss black base for chroming and I've never had anything get into the gloss lol. The only time i had issues in the dehydrator was when i had a part to high up near the exhaust fan and didn't think it was that high, and probably 20 mins went by and i look up and the axle just slightly bending over. I caught it just in time to bend it back into shape, but it was my own fault almost had a heart attack lol. I have 3 airbrushes but i only use two. GSI Creos Mr.Airbrush Procon boy PS-290 & Iwata eclipse hp-cs. I used the fan cap on the procon to shoot the hood, which probably wasn't a good idea considering I'm still learning it, and it shoots in a wide pattern. But man with the fan cap it lays primer on bodies like no ones business.
  11. Yeah the few parts in the dehydrator for another 3-4 hours today. Checked the hood out and no smell and could touch and rub it without leaving a finger print. I'm guessing it'll be good enough to start trying to fix the issues in the paint next time i get to it. The tamiya X-1 isn't too bad of a gloss after really looking at it again today, and i can see my face pretty clear in it lol. The orange peel isn't as bad as my iphone made it seem too - even though it's there. I was just curious because i didn't think it was 100% safe to use 2000 grit on paint even though it's a very fine grit. I guess the gloss is sorta like a clear coat too? I'm still new too the hobby if you couldn't tell lol. So if after working on the hood would i need to do the bumper front & back too to match the hood? or after all the wet sanding & polsihing is done the hood will remain the same just much better looking? Because the bumpers are basically flawless which surprised me. The kit I'm working on the bumpers are separate and can't be attached till basically end of build even the tail gate so that's why I'm asking. I haven't even laid paint on the body yet until i know i can get these parts right, because i do have a back up kit if all else fails.
  12. I use super clean to dechrome my chrome. Chrome is gone within mins, but sometimes the underlayer is still there. May take a day or more depending on the kit. I bought a small container so i can dechrome whole sprues and $8 jug of super clean lasts a long long time.
  13. That's a beautiful Roadster there. I own plenty of lacquer based paints, but i own alot of Tamiya acrylics too and wanted to give the X-1 a try. I also forgot to mention i had the hood in the dehydrator(Micro-Mark) for bout 2 hours before i took those pictures. But i guess more time in the heat should help from waiting a week? Also when you say 2000 grit you mean just regular ole wet & dry? like tamiya, infini, etc? Than hit it with micro mesh? 4000 and up? or 4000-8000 than novus polish?
  14. Sorry if this has been posted before, but i couldn't find anything doing a search. I'm still waiting for the tamiya X-1 to cure, but i ended up getting dust and little bit of orange peel. I was wondering if it's possible to color sand tamiya acrylic or do i have to clear coat and than proceed with sanding with micro mesh? I've marked the issues in the pictures. Also used Alclad grey primer as base. Thank you for the help and P.S I'm new to the forums
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