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1st 700 Quad

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Everything posted by 1st 700 Quad

  1. What I wouldn't giove for that Fox to be produced. It's GOT to al least be as good a seller as a garbage truck is going to be. Steve
  2. For those of us who build fire apparatus here's about the best. https://www.shapeways.com/shops/downrangeproductions1-35th-scale?li=pb Thanks Steve
  3. Would love to see a 68 Olds 88, my first car.
  4. A bare block for the GMC 702 c.i. V-12 engine. Basically two GMC V-6s joined into one block. Thanks Steve
  5. You mis-spelled it, it's "sadly" that is a real car!
  6. For being only 16 years old and on a tight budget you are doing very fine work. Let us know when you plan to start selling these cabs. I'm in for a few. There have been quite a few fire apparatus (what I typically build) built on this chassis and I can't wait to replicate some of them. Steve
  7. I'm very interested in one. Couple of questions. Are you using a vacuum tank for your RTV and are you using a pressure pot for your resin? Great looking work.
  8. Found what I needed, now I have a complete set of Weird-ohs, Frantic Cats and Silly Surfers.......
  9. I have a "Buy it when I see it IF I can afford it." With resin kits and their respective prices that's not always possible. And don't get me started about Modelhaus...
  10. The roof lights are accurate representations of a Miller Meteor item from the period.
  11. You can now add the AMT Parts Pack Turbine truck engine to the list. A LOT easier to get than the original.... Steve
  12. If you ever decide you want to sell it, let me know.
  13. Thanks. I bought one off of eBay and when I got it you could basically nest it inside the AMT hardtop body so none of the donor parts will fit. I'm currently grafting the greenhouse from the promo to the hardtop body, I'll have to rescribe the door lines and use interior door panels from 2 cars to make the interior sides. Sure wish I could find a resin, it'd make my job a WHOLE lot easier....
  14. I found "Leaky Boat Louie" on eBay and now all I need is a sealed 2006 issue of "Digger, the Way Out Dragster" ro have them all, all of the Weird-Ohs, Silly Surfers and Frantic Cats. Still have the same kist to trade.
  15. What with the upcoming of the decades old announced Garbage Truck I'd sure like to see the creation of the 1926 Ahrens Fox fire engine that was originally announced around the same time as the garbage truck's first announcement.
  16. And while they're at it, add to the decal sheet decals for the little screens that cover the air intakes right behind the door handles on both sides.
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