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Everything posted by bobthehobbyguy

  1. Good points. I think one thing that is missed is how the judging process works. Contests are judged on fundamentals. Clean assembly and well executed paint. You can scratchbuild all the parts, add every photoetch and detailing accessory but if the finish is bad or there are other flaws the model is not going to be a contender.
  2. Got back out of the hospital on Wednesday. Down to approx 240 from 299 lb(Jan 2). Beginning to feel a lot better as things improve. Besides having more energy i can get shoes and socks on without it being such a fight. Looking forward to getting some bench time in.
  3. This week started off with a trip back to the hospital on Monday. Because of the edema I have been having to take a lot of Lasix to get rid of the excess water. It is a tricky balance becuase the Lasix are hard on the kidneys however the edema has its negative effects on the body. My cardiologist wanted to have my kidney functions monitored and still be able to get improvement with the edema.
  4. The higher priority should be determining the root cause of this issue and taking steps to prevent it from happening again. Second there does need to be accountability and actions need to be taken for those who contributed to this situation.
  5. Thanks for the info. Hopefully he will recover quickly.
  6. Ah the c perfect diecast for those who like Palmer kits.
  7. Movie sequels that have a different director are often disappointing .
  8. Similar but different is an example of an oxymoron.
  9. Another thought. Sometimes it takes one application to drive technology. For example computer games drove a lot of graphics technology development. If it was strictly business applications that wouldn't have been likely. If longer races were desired maybe there would be a push for really quick battery changes to allow longer races.
  10. Glad to see you persevered and dragged it over the finish line. Definitely a candidate for modelers hades. Hopefully the modeling gods will treat you nicer on the next build.
  11. Box opening and white glue buildup. A look at how it goes together and things to lookout for. https://youtu.be/oNR5BUOMnWE?si=eJaGrsM9_J5kHCnu
  12. Hang in there. There are some models that just don't want to be built. You've managed to overcome challenges in the past however a double whammy really sucks the wind out of your sails. Hopefully you will get back on the horse soon. I always enjoy following your projects. A thought how about putting a graphic or lettering over the area after you smooth the service. Wouldn't fix it completely but it will minimize the issue.
  13. I was having issues. See my post in how to use board. Dave responded he thinks he got it fixed.
  14. Been getting something went wrong when trying to view 3 different posts.
  15. Worth of any item is only what someone is willing to purchase it for.
  16. Any one have pictures to post of the show?
  17. At this point there can be no chance of Steve Scott doing this kit. This thread is 10 years old. The last status update was September 2020. There has been no significant progress. What more can be said. I am glad the original car will be restored. I thought the car was cool.
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