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Everything posted by vwdave92

  1. OK the interior is done. All full sheet of Scale Motorsports kevlar is gone :). As this is being built for the Cannonball Run 2017 CBP a few things were added; CB, laptop, stereo with video display, speakers in foot wells, fire bottle, belts and window crank handles.
  2. OK the interior is done. All full sheet of Scale Motorsports kevlar is gone :). CB, laptop, stereo with video display, speakers in foot wells, fire bottle, belts and window crank handles all added.
  3. Mike I have to admit I do not know a lot about these cars but I can't imagine converting the engine to a turbo would be all the difficult. A blower that is scale can likely be gotten aftermarket or made from scratch. I'd guess the car was still carberated so no intercoller and minimal plumbing. Plus being an American car there should be plenty of room in the engine bay. Were there interior or body differences? Looks like the hood maybe from the photos but easy enough to rework that.
  4. that kit is great and that is a GREAT build!
  5. great work! love all the detailing in the engine
  6. Looks like a fun project! Where did you get the wheels? If the chrome engine parts are too shiny hit them with some flat clear; it will dull them up nicely.
  7. I have an OLD version of the 1/16 Firebird but the decals were for silver and I want to do it in black it's just been sitting. This is AWESOME news.
  8. That engine is super cool when finished. 6 cars with individual velocity stacks. I used it a LONG time ago in a 60 something caddy and would definitely use it again.
  9. All right... I've been off with most of September so I've gotten quite a bit done. The F40 is on the hoist and getting closer to finished.
  10. One more to show a good view of the paint in the sun
  11. OK I"m making good progress. I start my new job on Tuesday so I have been trying to get as much done as possible. The engine and bay are done and everything is mounted to the chassis plate. The exhaust and intercoolers still need to go in. I went with aftermarket turbos so I had to get to this point so I could fab up exhaust and cooler plumbing to match. The other big challenge was how prominent the turbo plumbing, dif cooler, oil cooler and all the plumbing is when the cover is open. Oh... and a full sheet of carbon kevlar fiber scattered through the interior and body panels.
  12. HAHAHA... as long as you didn't mind the oil leaking out all over then yes Seriously though the 944 is iconic and the 968 is really a fun car. Foxer - I might have an extra 911 wheel from the Fujima 911 turbo enthusiast kits. I bought some parts cars a while back for a build. I'll check and PM you. You are right about Porsche (VW) freely using the parts box for cars. We used to joke in the 90s that no two VWs were the same no matter how hard they tried. That said I converted a 92 GTI to rear disk brakes and power windows using an 88 Jetta doaner car and it all was straight bolt in
  13. It might just be the paint. I've used Testors' lacquer quite a bit and it lays down very nice. The clear self levels SUPER nice... little to no sanding. Just polish out and go. This looks great. It's amazing to me how well these cars have aged. They were pretty awful looking at first. The camaro hasn't aged well at all but ram-air Firebirds, the WS-6 package, looks better now than it ever has... weird. What kit are you using?
  14. Additionally, once you lay down the wash with a darker color you can do a bit of dry brushing with a lighter color. This will give a damaged / used look. You can try a "primer" color for the dry brushing as well to make areas where paint had been chipped away. The military model guys are great with this stuff.
  15. So I've been looking for a source for braided rad hoses. I found some beading wire that works for smaller diameter but couldn't find any that would pass for 2 or 3 inch hose. There are aftermarket suppliers but I wanted a cheep, quick source. I cut apart an old iPhone charge cable and BINGO. Under the rubber coating is a braided shield looking exactly like the needed braids. I clipped all the ends and stripped all the wire out of the center leaving just the braided outer.
  16. thanks Mike. PM me if you find them. 1320 you have a PM waiting for you
  17. I'm looking for 1/24-25 interior parts you would find in a police car. CB radio, hand held short range radio, scanners, radar guns etc. Thanks in advance.
  18. WOW. Looks amazing. I've always wanted to stretch that body over a new Corvette chassis or something similar. Kind of modern Pro Street style
  19. Looks amazing! do the doors actually work? how about the engine cover?
  20. thanks!! I'll give it a try again. I always seem to let the paint cure too much or wipe everything off
  21. If you don't want to spring for a printer check your local library. I can take them a file on a USB and they'll print it for just the cost of the fiber.
  22. what do you use for "clean up" when using the enamel washes? I don't use as many washes as I'd like because cleaning them off of an unwanted area is tricky. I have the same struggle when using The Detailer.
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