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  1. I built this Goodwrench Chevy Corvette C5-R using the Revell pre-painted kit. It was quick and easy build and looks nice on the shelf with a little extra decal and paint work. As always, there more pics and all the details on my site at the link. http://www.svensworldofwheels.com/C5-Rpage.htm
  2. lms329

    57 Chevy

    This is my first post since I joined. My name is Andrew. This 57 Chevy is the first model I have done in a year I got back into after my grandmother passed away this was her favorite car in her favorite color. The paint is testors one coat lacquer ice blue. Thanks for looking.
  3. Revell 59 Impala convertible in gloss red and white. Came out pretty good. My only issues were with the wheel fit and the interior. The front looks lowered. Kinda like a low rider, but I built it stock and the way the directions say. As for the interior, the directions weren't clear on how to set up the door panels, so I took a guess that came up looking alright.
  4. I bought this for a few bucks at a thrift store recently, no box or instructions, just the parts in a large ziploc bag. Been working on it for the last few weeks and finally finished it this weekend. I stayed up til 4:30 in the morning Saturday night, listening to the nuts on Coast to Coast AM on the radio and working on the kit and had a blast. Nothing like "me" time. It isn't perfect, but it's done. One of my favorite shows is Fast 'N Loud and I especially enjoy when they take an older vehicle and redo the brakes, interior and electric, drop in a new crate engine and tires, then seal the rusty paint to keep the patina. I used the salt technique I learned from this forum. While the salt was drying on the primer, the salt got wet during a humid night and it didn't come out exactly as planned, but I can live with it. For a skill level 2, there were a lot of parts in this detailed kit. I love the look of body color steelies and chrome center hubs, but I thought I'd do something different. Initially I was going to use a different wheel / tire combo, but the Revell kit has the "pop on" type of wheels and I simply had no replacement for them. Since this is a work truck and nothing fancy, I dechromed the bumpers using Eazy Off oven cleaner and painted them flat white (first time dechroming for me). I used a drug store watercolor set to add rust and fill in the grill. Had I to do it over again, I would have painted the engine a different color and painted the engine bay flat black. There are imperfections (the side badge slipped after gluing it, among other things) and there are a few pieces I omitted (side view mirrors, among others) but I think I'm relatively happy with the outcome. Next build will probably be my take on the Rat Roaster.
  5. Think about World War Two. Many have speculated what humankind would be like today if the Axis forces took over the world after winning WWII. What about automobiles? Germany made the Beetle, which was amazingly reliable. They probably wouldn't think so highly of American cars. But they wouldn't want to just throw the American cars away. So I've made a prototype. Take an American car. Oh, here's a Monogram 40 Chevy! How ugly! Germans wouldn't take so kindly to the American front-engine style. So what would they do? Put a VW engine in it, in the rear, where an engine belongs! They would put the headlights on the fenders, inset, where they belong! American seats? Pshaw! VW seats all the way! Pictures soon to follow.
  6. This came out well. It's now one of my new favorites.
  7. Well,enough fondling with this and i think i`ll call i done ,despite not to happy with the rear window. It`s got an 454 with 4speed manual,low cowl hood,i added some small red Chevrolet stickers on front fenders,also an red stripe below the doors,there was no moldning on the body,and i think i kinda suits the redline tires. 62 Bel Air steelies,i used some photoetch and tried detail some on the engine. I would like to add hood pins but i dont have any,i think i`ll add later,this and fix the rear window. Also i forgot to mount the revcounter lol. It`s a little dusty,sorry. Any comments are welcome.
  8. This is the old AMT kit. I have seen some write it is kinda bad,but i enjoy building it. Any comments are welcome.
  9. I had a lot of problems with this build, including no clear plastic parts! However, I was able to save it and make it into a fantastic looking build. I had to buy the clear plastic from a 57 and trim it to fit the car. I also had to fabricate my own turn lights. I still think it looks great though.
  10. Hi Can you tell me where i can get a wheel set almost like this? I'd be very thankful for ideas!!!
  11. Howdy all,,takin' a break from cars on this one. Got this @ a swap meet,,its a 1990 AMT "Sportside" Chevy PU. I was going to just do total bx stock,,no wires,,plumbing ect,,but as it came along that changed,lol. I used flat white primer,,w/testors Lime gold over it,,1 coat,,thats it. The high rise mtr setup is kit supplied! Nice to you,,AMT! Rims are the kit supplied also,,but not the tires. I like a bit more aggressive tires on this one. It should make a nice tow trk for the traliers w/cars on them. Thanks for looking,,Cheers!
  12. Hello Friends, I just completed this OOB, about a month's time of building using enamels and acrylics, including Alclad paints and the Kustom Kolor metallic red. It's been almost 10 years since I've built a model car...glad to have returned to the hobby. Thanks. Frame/Chassis: With the Body on:
  13. 1956 Chevy Del Ray I love this build. I saw one just like it in Charlotte a few years back. I have to re do the interrior, but for the most part I think it looks great.
  14. I gave this kit to the wife for Christmas as her first kit. I prepped, primered, & painted the body & she built it. The kit stripes are stickers so I couldn't get them to lay totally flat. Thinking about either removing them altogether or replacing them with waterslide decals. Any suggestions? Sorry for the blurriness of these pics. Still trying to get the lighting figured out.
  15. Here is my last build, a '65 Chevy El Camino camper. This is from the 1/25 AMT kit. The lights on the camper are from another AMT kit. The interior, there are papers and rags, and seats are torn. The engine, 327ci small block : That guy likes to go to NHRA events ! What do you think about it ?
  16. I love this car, wish I would have plumbed it but this was one of my first real builds years ago. Im 30 years old but did not really start building till about 06ish
  17. Well I finally completed Big Red the 55 chevy cameo turned dually with a diesel and stacks. Big Red is a very useful and fun truck whether you be offroading or camping, hauling a trailer or just driving Big Red will take care of you.
  18. Scratch Built dually fenders just started this project today. Its gonna have stacks and hopefully i can make this engine resemble a 6.2 or 6.5 diesel. Its going to be International Harvester red. The kit's optional window visor will be used. hopefully it will turn out nice. Oh yeah the fenders are made of sheet plastic traced from my brother's stepside fender from his amt 55 stepside to make them. Also expect to see a 50 ford pickup project come up soon it will be IH red also not sure on what kind of plans are in store for it though.
  19. Since I am stuck until I can get to the hobby shop this weekend, I decided to mock up my next build. I hope it goes here under pickups Anyway, I am going to do a 66 El Camino topless cruiser. Here is what I am starting off with: Here is the mock up. I am going to try to keep it close to that low. Not sure yet what that will entail but I want it LOW. Top will get cut off leaving the windshield and vent windows and a little of the top right behind the windshield. I want to cut out the detail of this hood and use it. If I can find a cowl somewhere I might use that. I could buy a resin cowl if I could find one. If not though, I like this hood detail anyway and think it would look good. And here is the color I'm going with. Probably white as an accent color but still debating. Need to find a good color to offset the purple. I'll probably work on this a little until I get the parts I need this weekend for my 41 chevy pickup.
  20. Before I get to the model itself I would like to tell a little story because this one has special meaning to me. When I was younger between the ages of 11 and 15 I was building models, they were box stock nothing wild or really detailed just whatever was in the box and some cheap paint from Wal mart. It was a fun pass time but I ended up giving up the hobby in 2005, I just moved on to other interests I guess. A year later my dad found and bought this 1:1 1964 Suburban it was flat black with the cheesiest Wal mart .99 cent spray can flames you'd ever seen. For the next year we worked it on when we could and had it looking nice then the economy fell out and we had to stop. Fast forward to January of 2011 I don't know why but on the front page of eBay there was this 64 Chevy Fleetside model on the front page. At that moment an idea popped into my head, what if I took one of these and turned it into a Suburban and gave it to my dad for his birthday? It would be my first build in 6 years and the first one I had ever actually customized and went above box stock. I thought about it a little and decided why not, it would be the last thing on the planet he would ever think to see. I had about six months to work with too. So I bought it and started working on it late every night for the next 6 months I had many problems with it from parts to paint to my own error just about anything that could go wrong with it or to delay it happened. With less than 48 hours left until his birthday not one inch of it was assembled. I got maybe 8 hours of sleep between parts drying, but in the end I got it done around mid day on his birthday. To present his present (funny both word are spelled the same lol) I placed it on the air cleaner of the 1:1 and gave him the box with only a note that said "Find your gift at the heart of the Dragon" Which is what we had be calling it at the time. He knew exactly where to go, lifted the hood and when he saw it he was completely blown away, it was the first time any of us had ever seen him with that face, he is the kind of person who is very hard to surprise or left without words. But he was this time, seeing that made everything worth it. He spent the rest of the day pretty much staring at it. I really enjoyed building it more than I though I would and in the end this was also the model that got me back into the hobby. A few weeks later I found this and the other site which was holding a certain Cannonball run cbp and well, the rest is as they say history. Now for some details of the build, it was based off of a Revell 64 Chevy Fleetside with the back of it being made out of sculpting clay with months of sanding. Now I will admit that using clay was not the best idea but it was what I had laying around at the time I was unaware of styrene at the time. I didn't get many w.i.p pictures of it at the time of making this, I was unaware of these sites and trying to keep this as secret as possible.The colors are Bright Aqua Pearl and the White Lightning. The strips are based off of a Hot Wheels G-machines 71 El' Camino with a few slight changes to accompany the Suburban's body. Each strip was sprayed one at a time basicly it was dumb luck that I got them as straight as I did lol. This was made to be a representation of what the 1:1 was at the time (interior and engine) with the paint job we wanted to give it someday. And without further delay here are some pictures of it. In a nut shell this is the one that got me back into building models, wished I never stopped. Thanks for looking and listening to my story.
  21. Here is my last model, for the salvage and shop diorama I'm building. A '85 Chevy S10. Not a shiny gloss paint, but a paint of many years... Some details: I'll add some evolutions on the paint and details. What do you think about it ?
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