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New Site/Forum Look

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Iʻll try and put all the comments on the new look here on this thread/post.


Here is the list of things to work on:

1. Under the old format when you visited say the workbench section. The threads you had not looked at were highlighted by bold type,and the ones you had looked at were in a thinner /smaller  type. This to  made it easier to know which threads I had looked at. Another example is the double spacing here. I did not set that up, and am having a bit of trouble finding a fix to go back to single spacing



2. Wish I could preview my remarks with the button we used to have. But I'll just reread them several times.



3 friends list will reappear    


4. I don't see the button for the members directory.  Am I just not finding it, or isn't it here (tom geiger)


Any more, let me know.

Itʻs a work in progress, I know.


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The one other thing I liked was being able to lock your own threads. To be able to delete a thread of your own would be good too. Thanks for the forum Gregg, good work. I am getting used to it visually. My eyes just aren't what they once were.

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Iʻll try and put all the comments on the new look here on this thread/post.

Here is the list of things to work on:

2. Wish I could preview my remarks with the button we used to have. But I'll just reread them several times.



I appreciate that you organized a place to review legitimate requests.

I wrote the above. The real reason is to correctly organize all the content. My WIP is 37+ pages and (so far) 550 photos. Creating text, uploading 4 to 8 pics and links needs previewing because some of the pics and links don't load in correct order in relation to their captions. Throw in typos and poor structure and it's a lot of dancing around with just an edit button. I like to get things right before presenting them. In addition, I'm actually building the model which is not exactly a Snap-tite.

The other request I mentioned was getting order numbers back on posts in a thread. That makes it easy to refer someone else to a specific spot.

I understand that the whole site is now a WIP.


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Gregg, Thanks for all your work!   

I don't see the button for the members directory.  Am I just not finding it, or isn't it here?

A thought-  Last time I went through the members directory, there were more inactive old members, than current, making it impossible to browse. I noticed that a lot of these were people who signed up ages ago, like 2007 and visited the site a few times, last time within a short period after signing up. Some of them have great user names, that people could use today. Would this be an opportunity to clean this up and delete ancient, never used IDs?   And maybe set up rules to delete IDs that haven't accessed the board in 5 (or another span) years?    I see guys who do come back to the board that have forgotten their ID, password etc and just set up new accounts.


Edited by Tom Geiger
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So far, I'm liking the new format. I'm getting everything figured out that I need to get figured out. 

The only problem I can't seem to square away, and it's probably my device, is when I quote and reply, the typing is delayed or does some wacky stuff. It will delete a letter or space on its own. Spell check doesn't work. But that's only when I'm quoting. Just a normal reply, everything works just fine. Like I said, best I can I figure it's my Android phone.

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The new format seems not to support my old Safari 4.1.3 browser on my desktop iMac, which I can't afford to upgrade and can't use other browsers. Now I can't use it to post anything on the forum, and that's where all my files are, and where I use Photobucket. 

As in this post, I can use my iPad to post text, but not images. 

Is there a chance of making the site support Safari 4.1.3 again?

Edited by sjordan2
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I haven't commented on the new look, because I figured I would get used to it after spending a little time with it, which is exactly what is happening.  Some things are very different, but they haven't caused any big problems for me yet.

Thanks for maintaining this forum, and for putting up with everything you have to put up with during the changeover.

Edited by Danny Lectro
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The new format seems not to support my old Safari 4.1.3 browser on my desktop iMac, which I can't afford to upgrade and can't use other browsers. Now I can't use it to post anything on the forum, and that's where all my files are, and where I use Photobucket. My guess wou

As in this post, I can use my iPad to post text, but not images. 

Is there a chance of making the site support Safari 4.1.3 again?

My guess would be no becuase the current version is 7. Part of the upgrade was for security and the older browsers are not as secure becuase it is doubtful that apple is still is supporting that version.Also that decision is being made by the software provider not Gregg.

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I also miss the ability to "Go to first unread post."

Skip-  Look at the list of threads.  They should have a dark blue star or  dot in front of them. The star is a thread you have posted in, the dot means you haven't. Clicking on either will take you to the first unread post.    

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