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Changes at Model Cars Magazine

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Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

Happy New Year!


It has been quite a year, and then some.

A lot of things have happened. Some you are probably just hearing about from me now, others may have heard the rumors that have been floating around, but it’s time now to set things straight, and get this next year off to a great start.


First off, yes, I had my seventh back surgery on November 12 of this year. It has so far been a success, I can walk without my trusty cane, I don’t have to wear that two-ton back brace, and I am getting back to a somewhat normal routine. I had lost my voice for a few weeks, and now I am finally getting it back. Everything so far is looking good, the docs took out two bad discs, replaced them with some $53K bionic new ones, fused more of the spine, and I am getting around a lot better than ever before. Yes, hopefully I’ll be at some shows coming up this year, and that’s either a good thing, or a bad one, depending on your version of the events…


The big news is that Golden Bell Press is no longer publishing Model Cars Magazine. Larry Bell, of Golden Bell Press, made the decision to retire, and even though I would have loved to jump in and take everything over in Denver, that was not in the cards. I owe Larry a huge debt of gratitude for all he has done for me, and the magazine, for well over 16 years. I would not have been able to do this without his help, and I will always be indebted to him. I have learned so much from Larry, and hopefully everything he has taught me will help me carry on Model Cars for another 15 years, or more. 


I have formed an LLC (Limited Liability Company) here in Hawai’i to take over the management/ownership of the magazine, Model Cars Magazine, LLC, and I am working on getting all the kinks worked out of the subscription and dealer management systems now. I did get online payments set up through PayPal, but there is a glitch in that, and I will be redoing that soon. I will try and get the digital versions available through Magzter.com, but my goal would be to offer the digital versions directly through us, with no middleman, but that’s a problem that’s beyond my pay grade with respect to the digital rights management (DRM) that I have not been able to get ahead of yet. It’s a work-in-progress, I wish it was easier, but that’s just the way it is. 


Yes, the magazine is still late, we are mailing the November issue only now, and the December issue should be a couple weeks behind it. It will all get caught up, and the goal is that with the February/March contest issue, a double month, everything should be on at least the same month/print schedule. I have never been a fan of the four month advanced cover dates of other mags, and I would like to see the mag out about a week or two before the cover date. That's the goal. Please don't gripe and complain about this anymore. It's something I know everyone has been frustrated with for so long, but seriously, look at the alternative: QUIT? Would that make everyone happy? I don't think so. I have had to deal with "this" for a long time, and now the end of "problem" is now in sight. 


Model Cars Magazine is now being printed and mailed from a new printer in Denver, Publication Printers, and they are doing a great job of everything. Everyone will be happy to know that yes, now the magazine will be mailed in clear poly-bags, something that I know a lot of you have asked for for years! Why wasn’t it done before? Well, the machine to poly-bag them was about $125K, and we were only sending out about 25-30 replacement copies each issue for damaged copies at $3 a copy, and the math just didn’t add up. 


There will be some problems and issues that pop up, so please be patient. I am trying to get a vendor to help with the subscription/user/database, but haven’t had any luck so far. Good news is that we got a huge bump in the order for the newsstand sales, so hopefully you’ll see the mag in more and more stores soon.


So what does this all mean? Well, it’s going to be a rocky road for a bit, but with the help of people like Darryl Gassaway, Jairus Watson, Harry Pristovnik, and others, we will get the mag to be bigger, and better, than ever before.


I will be trying to get to Denver in a couple of months to gather up everything and either bring it all back here to Hawai’i, or set something up on the mainland for all the back issues, and other things related to the printed magazine. More news on this later. I hope to have back issues available sometime in March of 2016. 


A Hui Ho!


till next time




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It's great to hear of the improvement in your back condition.

The ideas and plans you have for the magazine sound very good. I agree that long advanced cover dates are not  necessary, the one to two week advance release you mention would be just right in my opinion. The poly bags will also be appreciated. Thanks for all you're doing with the magazine.

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Happy New Year!!

I'm pleased to hear that your back surgery seems to have been a success.  I'm sure you'll enjoy being able to take a more active role in the hobby again.

Thanks for the update on the status of the magazine.  It will take a little while to iron out the teething issues but I am sure you'll get there as soon as possible.

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Gregg, really Great to read your Medical stuff seems to be seeing a light at the end of the Tunnel that ain't an on comin' Train! Please don't haul the Printing off the Mainland. Heck the Stagecoach from Denver knew how to get here, but I don't think them Horsies can swim all the way from Hay-why-ee. Wishin' you ola Hauoli for the New Year.

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Hey Gregg!   Great news for the New Year!   Very happy to hear that your latest surgery was a success!  Hoping to see you at shows again, just like the old days.  I still do have some incriminating photos and look forward to taking a few more!   :P

It will be fantastic if you can develop the magazine to it's full potential.  It is great to get the mag out on the newsstands, there are a lot of modelers out there not in our small society. Heck, I got back into the hobby in 1989 because I found a magazine on the newsstand!   

Note that the four month ahead cover dates are a requirement of the newsstand distributors.  It gives them more shelf time for the issue.

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Gregg, thank you for the updates on the magazine, and the great news about your latest surgery.  I'm sure everything will eventually work out with the new publisher.  The very best wishes to you and your family for a very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Safe New Year.

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Happy New Year Gregg.... glad to hear the back surgery was a success. good to hear your able to also taking the magazine to the next level. if there is anything that i an do from the east coast let me know. again Happy new year, i know this year will bring its challenges and its rewards. You, Harry and Darryl put so much into making the magazine a success an i am glad you have given me an opportunity to be part of the Family. stay well and know you have a dedicated network of people that supports your efforts to bring the Model car hobby the best magazine on the market.



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The infrequent publishing schedule is why I have never trusted a subscription to this magazine . The one store who USED to handle your magazine has been out of business a couple of years here . I'd be thrilled to be a subscriber if I knew I was going to see a return . 

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The infrequent publishing schedule is why I have never trusted a subscription to this magazine . The one store who USED to handle your magazine has been out of business a couple of years here . I'd be thrilled to be a subscriber if I knew I was going to see a return . 

The magazine is not on an "infrequent" schedule. Every year there are nine issues, and if you subscribe for a year (nine issues), you will get nine issues. It's true that the magazine usually appears after the cover date, but it appears nine times per year, as agreed to in the subscription. You pay for nine issues... you get nine issues.

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Great to hear about the success of your surgery, and I bet that the second most elated person is Kelly, now you both can hopefully get back to something very close to a normal life style. (If anyone in Hawaii has what can be considered a normal lifestyle)

Personally I think the new printing schedule will be the best thing since running water, those five month or so lead times confuse the living daylights out of me. And the possibility of more outlets carrying the magazine is also good news, now it'll be easier for to get back up copies for the ones I wear out or manage to spill my beverage of the day on. 

Keep on improving, maybe we'll meet up at NNL West this year. I have another surgery scheduled for the fourth of February and hope to be walking around with the help of a trusty scooter by then, keeping the fingers crossed.

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