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1988 - 1991 Ford LTD Crown Victoria Scratchbuild

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At this past NNL East, I spoke to Ed Sexton directly about that car. I mentioned to him that they have the basic "bones" of the car with their Starsky and Hutch Torino. He raised his eyebrows and nodded his head in agreement, and it was one of the cars mentioned several times on "The Most Wanted List" that I posted here a while back that Revell had available.

I told him that I wouldn't care if it's a snapper...........all the better if it means we can at least get a KIT of the car. Doing it the way of the Monte Carlo would be a good idea------that era T-Bird is popular with the lowrider crowd. ;)

We just need to stay on Mr Ed!!!!!! :lol:

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I'd buy both... the 89-91 era Crown Vic..  I had my grandfather's car.  I drove it for 6 years.  

We also owned a 78 LTD II, BOTH 4 door and 2 door versions. Back when I started selling real estate around 1980 I needed a presentable car to take customers out. My father's company sold off their used cars, so my dad managed to buy me a 78 LTD II 4 door sedan that had just hit 100,000 miles for $600.  Keep in mind that this was a 2 year old car with salesman interstate miles.  It was filthy dirty and missing the wheel covers.   I had a friend who detailed cars and once he was done people thought it was a brand new car, especially with the odometer showing 3,000 miles!  My father and I passed that car back and forth a few times, but we managed to put over 230,000 miles on it.  And then we sold it to someone as a running car for $1000.  

My father went to a state auction and found the 79 LTD II 2 door coupe in the same dark brown as our 4 door. The right front suspension was wiped out, the car had 100,000 miles on it and he paid something like $200 for it.  We fixed the suspension to make it road worthy, then my grand father announced he was getting a new car and gave my father his current low mile Crown Vic.  So my dad sold this one as extra, we never did register and drive it..

I wouldn't  mind having all three of these on my shelf

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That '77 2-door LTD looks so much like the '77 T-Bird!  I would be in for a '77 T-Bird as I owned one for a while (bought it from my mom).  Plus, I think it is a really good (and unusual) looking car.  How about a Merc. Cougar from the same era? Those were cool too.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Greg.  Family issues have encroached and caused a delay in my building.  My mom is now terminally ill.  Not excusing myself at all just saying my normal rate of snail like pace has been dealt a bit of a body blow.


That aside I really have to say the car is virtually done. I did the park lights up front separately so they can be cast clear and remain so or be made orange for the 88-89 versions. What I am doing now is fitting headlights into it. That will conclude it. I know I have said I would call you and I will pretty soon.  Just bear with me a bit more. Thank you for asking..


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I am sorry to hear of your mothers illness.  My Mom is 92 and bedridden.  We will all just to have to be patient for your finished project.  I will soon be a patient.  My right kidney has a tumor on it.  My new plumber/surgeon girl is going to do robotic surgery on it.  Hopefully it goes well.  I will be off work for four to six weeks from my strenuous plumbing job at ASU but hopefully I will get more casting work done while at home recuperating.

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What he said. I know exactly what you're going through Greg. I went into the ER last December doubled over with stomach pain.  They didn't locate that but while x-raying in the vicinity saw something else and wanted to CT scan my right kidney as well. I had a 4 CM mass on my right kidney. Since they had to pretty much do the same to biopsy or remove they went ahead with the latter. So that knocked me out last Feb-Mar. Fortunately it was benign.  I never drank or smoked or took any drug of any sort, but I do like my sweet tea and Dr. Pepper. I used to be better at controlling my intake but it's really not much more now. Still... Turns out my 24 year old niece has a large one on one of hers. Just ignoring it because it's just a water cyst.

Anyway, I will talk to you shortly one to one and I will have you in my prayers as always.  I am confidant all will be well in the end.  Take care of yourself..

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Well, I think I am finally done with it.  Got the headlight lenses installed in the grille buckets or "doors", and the park light lenses were made as well.  They don't show in this pic but they exist..  Now time to talk to Greg..


170814 - Grille - HL completed (2).JPG

170814 - Grille - HL completed (1).JPG

Edited by DEL
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Great Job, Dwayne, looking forward to getting it going.  I can only hope you did not glue the headlights in for good.  I need to cast those as separate parts in clear resin.


That is what I had wanted to do to start with but I couldn't find any good donor buckets with clear lenses to incorporate.  SO, like so many model grilles out there i made them so they would be cast with the grille and thus be chromed with the grille as well..  Hmm.  We need to talk.

It would not be hard for me to remove them again, I just need those donor lenses & buckets to build into the grille.  It's HARD to find lenses on almost any model that look accurate in the engraving of their fluting & lines. I wound up using the ones from the MPC 76 Chevy Caprice because I thought they were most accurate but sadly they are not clear lenses.  They're chromed.  I'll call you soon..


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Well, all I can say is get set to be reeeeallll busy with orders for this! ;)

Not typically my type of car, but this is so well done, I might spring for one anyway! Not to mention you don't see many of these on the roads anymore. 

And thank you sir for the kind words.  I try......  (and obsess myself) it's why all my masters take years. I am NOT boasting, just exposing my fear of rejection.

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IT'S OK, Dwayne.  Don't get too worked up over this detail.  I would like to do the lenses in their appropriate tints using a clear resin.  I just don't think you will get rejected for your years of agony and sweat on your mastering work.  With a little surgery it's a detail we can handle here.  Well......Rocky, Harold or Mike will get volunteered for this.

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  • 4 months later...

FINALLY... REALLY ... pretty much done with this model.  I solemnly promise.  I am sorry I do not have fresh pics to show if I can i will post some tomorrow or by the weekend.  It has been rough re-doing the interior tub to fit nicely with the door tops, and making the two steering wheels & columns for each the 88-89 & then the 90-91 CVPI.  Door rear view mirrors and a hood ornament has been made.  The toughest part at this point is the window glass, windshield rear door side glass and rear window. I have made it two ways and will leave the caster (Greg W ) to decide which one goes. A fabricated glass 'shell' that can be cast in clear, or using inset grooves clear windows cut from sheet styrene by pattern can be inserted.

I'm not trying to tease. I just know there have been a few good diehard modelers waiting to hear something and it's been awhile.   On a personal note, my mom became terminally ill over the summer and passed away this fall. So my time on this project & others has been greatly inhibited. But, in the meantime, along with this one, there is the 77 Pontiac LeMans Enforcer project I have over on the Workbench Forum if any readers are interested in that project. New pics have been posted and it is also in its (finally) finishing stages.  If you like, have a look over there till I get new pics here.

Thanks to all who waited..   Tomorrow, hopefully.

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