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This is a joke, right?

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Wow! An illustration why today's kids are more into computers than models!

Note that it was so out there that we all sat and watched all 2 1/2 minutes!

I didn't. That's what the little Fast Forward bar at the bottom is for. I got the gist in lest than ten seconds.

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Wow! An illustration why today's kids are more into computers than models!

Well, if the types of comments I'm reading here are the kind of "encouragement" they're getting , can't say that I really blame them.

"That's bad." "That's sloppy." "I could build better than that back when I was still a fetus." Yes, all of that may be true, but let's not give them any advice or anything... let's just go all Simon Cowell from the warm glow of our computer screens and bask in our own magnificence!  

Yes, constructive criticism really is a fantastic thing, and is usually appreciated by the recipient. Maybe not at the time it is administered, but later on when the builder tries to improve based on input from others. But the old frat-boy hazing technique BS that many modelers seem to default to when seeing a less-than-presentable model by a novice is just that... BS. 

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But the old frat-boy hazing technique BS that many modelers seem to default to when seeing a less-than-presentable model by a novice is just that... BS. 

How could ANYBODY, of ANY AGE, with any kind of rational feedback loop operating between their eyes and brains think this sloppy mess was worth making a video of and posting on the web?

There was a time in my own youth when I couldn't do any better than this, but I could LOOK at my own work and realize it was carp.

I sure as hell wouldn't have shown it to anyone and expected praise, much less expected people to "subscribe" to see more of the same.

That's why I asked if this was a joke. 

Or maybe this is another of the results of "everyone is a winner", "give praise for nothing" mentality we seem to be enamored of at the moment.

Nah. I STILL think it must be a joke.

Nobody capable of making a video having the decent production values this one exhibits could POSSIBLY think this glue-smeared, brush-paint-slathered "work" is worthy of immortalizing.

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Decent production values? Now I think you're joking. For God's sake... it was made with Windows Movie Maker. They even used that "Ninja Tuna" song that comes standard on every Windows-equipped laptop, right along with Movie Maker. That's it. You could make a video and run it through Movie Maker and have the same result, even if it was your first time using it. Sorry if I'm being too technical for you old timers, but that's how it is. 

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 Sorry if I'm being too technical for you old timers, but that's how it is. 

Ummm...now who's in the default-mode that younger guys always seem to switch to whenever they encounter somebody who's a little past their sell-by date, huh? ;)

The point was...whoever made the video did a hell of a lot better job of it than whoever made the model.

Maybe they should stick to mouse-clicking. They seem able to handle the tools and techniques involved adequately.

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Well, I was half-joking when I posted that, seeing as how yet another "how old is everybody" type thread recently sprung up, and all of a sudden I find it remarkable that I'm not being carded to buy smokes. :) I didn't see anything that stood out with the video editing, though THAT is of pretty good quality. But that's possible with standard-issue video editing software. I'm dead serious- anyone could make a video of equal or superior quality to this. 

Point I'm trying to make is this... you ask why he can't tell it's a poorly done model. Well... think about accessories row at Autozone and all the tacky stuff there. The guy who drives a Silverado with a clip-on billet grille and fake beadlocks on the wheels. Or the kid with an erector set wing on his stock Camry. Or... the guy who thinks his Rustoleum-and-roller paint job should take best in show. Everybody knows at least one guy who thinks that everything you need to repair a dent or a rust hole can be found in a can of Bondo. You or I would look at that and say "Wow, that's the bad kind of ridiculous." But apparently it looks pretty good to the owner, otherwise they'd not have done those things. 

Simply put, I can't see what they're seeing through their eyes. I can only see what they're seeing through mine. You're asking the impossible. I have no idea what he's seeing. 

Who knows, maybe this guy is so wrapped up in the pride and the "HOLY JEEZ I MADE THIS WITH MY OWN HANDS" aspect he either doesn't see the flaws or downplays them in his mind's eye. Perhaps in his mind it's exactly the way he wanted it to be. Rather than just parroting different forms of "That sucks", let the guy know WHY it sucks. And don't him know why it sucks, but give him some pointers on how to do it better on the next one.  Yes, sometimes a little tough love is needed. But it has to go further than pointing out the flaw and going on your merry way. 

But... if it is a joke, I'd have to say he played his hand pretty well. 

Edited by Chuck Most
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Yeah, the quality isn't great but what's the problem? If this is indeed a young kid building a model, kudos to him for being interested in our hobby. For every "good" builder out there, there's going to be many more of these type of builders. And it's not necessarily a bad thing since their purchases ultimately help us by convincing the model kit companies that there is profit in selling model car kits. 

Now if it had been labeled as "pro built" or something along those lines, then it would indeed be a joke. But that's not the case here.

Or maybe this is another of the results of "everyone is a winner", "give praise for nothing" mentality we seem to be enamored of at the moment.

That's quite the stretch given how we know very little about this person and why he choose to upload the video. Maybe he's having fun doing so? Isn't that the point of this hobby? 

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It doesn't matter if it is a kid or an adult that made it. He is obviously proud of what he built and was nice enough to share it with the world. The world of course passed judgement, as they are known to do. There are people with varying abilities that post on this forum and I don't see the level of negativity directed at them as was directed at the anonymous person in this video. 

At least he finished the model, as a kid I abandoned many models when I made a mistake or didn't like how it looked.

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