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I graduated in 1988. I recently slipped and fell in the shower for the first time ever. Nearly got a can of shaving cream where it does not belong. Went out and bought a non-slip mat. Gettin' older.

Posted (edited)

Graduated in '88. Just had to get bifocals for the first time.... I don't FEEL old, but that's not what my birth certificate says...:P I'm due for AARP junk mail any day now.

Edited by bismarck

I graduated from H.S. back in '65.  I missed going to my 50th Class Reunion:blink: because I couldn't afford the $120 per head price tag for myself & my wife, plus a hotel room, and round trip gas from PA to NY.  When I saw a picture of the 30 or so guys that attended, I think I was only able to recognize 2 people...!!!  Just looked like a bunch of old men...!!!  Of course...... We're all old men now.


I never went to any of my high school reunions. Once I graduated from high school I kept on going and never looked back. I don't care what happened to my classmates, or how they got through all these years, or who they married, or how many kids they have, or how big or small a house they have, etc.


I graduated in 1991. Have so far skipped all the reunions. Mainly because I still keep in touch with the "old gang" and we get together several times throughout the year. I still jam with the guys from my old high school thrash metal band too.

No need to reminisce with the people I really don't know.


Hey Octane,I couldn't of said it better myself.Thanks for all the advice guys.Think young,act young,etc....But Jeeze I still can't believe it's been that long since I graduated from H.S.Actually this June with be 31 years.Bla.?Arrrgggg


Actually, I rarely think about High School.  Never been to a reunion either.  Those kiddy days were left far behind once placed into the real world.  There have been for me luckily, many other days to remember.

As far as aging goes I'll say what many others have said before me.  It ain't nothing for pussies.  It's a tough row to how for sure.  But still, many times I do think life is getting better!

Just older bones is a pita.


I graduated in 76 and have never been back for any reunions or open houses. I could care less about how the freeks and geeks are now that I went to school with. As Bruce say's I don't need to relive my glory days.


It's been almost 40 years for me since high school. I've been to a couple reunions since then and it's hard to believe how unrecognizable some folks were even at my 25th! Heaven knows how they must appear now! :blink:

Actually, high school days were NOT very happy times for me. LOTS of family drama going on with my divorced Mom and Dad back in those days, and it's one period of time I was GLAD to be over once I got out of school. It's amazing I even graduated when I did because in my last year I had moved IIRC, THREE different times due to custody battles. I wanted to get out earlier than I did (only needed 18 credits back in those days), but because I was 16 in my last year, I had to have parental consent (my Mom) and she wouldn't sign off on it. 

I mainly wanted to get away from her--------sounds harsh, but for those of you who've lived through dysfunctional divorced parents while in school, you'll know what I'm talking about.


Once again,thanks guys.I do feel better.And,I have never attended one school reunion.Bla,forget it.Its like going out with ex girl friend.I don't know.But seriously,thanks...And yes,Bismark,I Have been getting junk mail from AARP....?I'm just like No arrrggggg????.Its not about the time in the end.Its the journey that really counts,.I guess.  



If you're not depressed enough yet:

Got any old Hot Rod or Rod & Custom mags from the '60s you enjoy looking through? All those hotties in bikinis and miniskirts and go-go boots posed with the cars?:wub: They're now all in their 70s. :blink:


I went 1 time to a reunion, not sure I will ever go again. I see most of the people I care to see. 

Dad graduated in 56 and every year the same group have lunch in town and say hope you are alive next year.  Just remember these old timers here went to school in a one room schoolhouse until 7th or 8th grade.  


Hey Snake I do have a lot of old magazines.I like them but they make me feel older.?No seriously,thanks for all the advice.I feel a lot better.Plus spring is on its way,and that means the cars,and motorcycles come out to play.Yup.Remeber I'm in NY


Hey Snake I do have a lot of old magazines.I like them but they make me feel older.?No seriously,thanks for all the advice.I feel a lot better.Plus spring is on its way,and that means the cars,and motorcycles come out to play.Yup.Remeber I'm in NY

Ron, the old magazines from the 60's and 70's are a lot better than the magazines you'll find on today's racks. I won't even take a subscription for free, and I just passed up an offer to a fairly decent mag for only a $1 an issue. I don't need to collect any more magazines, and I've been readin' them since the early 60's when the teacher would catch me with one of those "little" magazines inside my open text book.

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