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Cats like boxes. Even big ones.


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Yeah, I really didn't want another cat after ol' Spook died a few years ago, but one of the feral queens that live under my house abandoned a 4-week-old kitten 4 months ago. Crying all day and into late at night, so I went out and caught it. Now well on the way to being a big strong tom, smart, friendly, always into everything, and always good for a laugh. As much as the thing eats, it'll probably be huge when it's full grown.  

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My friend Aaron has 3 cats, 2 females named Mocha and Grace that he has had for years and a male stray he took in about a year ago that he named Linus.


Here is Mocha (in box) and Grace (on shelf, and annoyed).




And here is Linus, he's a bit of a character, also appears be trained to use a litter box earlier in his life, loves Tortilla chips, fish crackers, Cheez-Its,  Mayo (not making that up...) and seems to not be freaked out by fireworks.........does occasionally have a weird, PTSD like freakout out of nowhere I'm told.


Edited by Joe Handley
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Never liked cats,till someone left one with me.I fell in love with the cat..Then I went out and got a black cat.They mated a few years later,and had only one kitten.So it was the parents,and their daughter.The baby was jet black.The mother was a Calico.I guess the black short haired gene was stronger.Anyway,I had the mother for about 18 years,and the other two,only for a few years.The father died mysteriously about four years ago..I had to put the mother down a few years ago because she had a very large cancerous tumor.And I had to put the girl down,cause she had lung cancer a couple of years ago..But I loved having all three,plus a fourth one,that my ex gf took with her..I wonder if he's still alive.I hope,he was the smartest cat I've ever seen,and he was black.:DHe was a stray at our apartment complex.Then we took him in.He was very young.But he had to go out,while my other cats were always inside cats.Cats are cool.And man are they funny:lol:.

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Thanks for the vid Ace.  We have 5 (!) cats, all caught wild. Now they are contented spoiled couch potatoes.:P. Our most recent addition is a Maincoon kitten, and he's growing into a real monster. They all  go NUTS for boxes of any type, which makes pulling out a kit a bit risky, but one or two of them are close by or on my lap while I build. Since the wife can't have children,  our pets, cats and dogs, are our kids. They get Christmas presents every year, and cat nip when we just can't take they're antics anymore. We get them fixed, but we don't declaw them. Thankfully they all seem to get along and don't destroy stuff, as long as we have plenty of boxes and scratchy posts, carpet cat condos around. We must make good wait staff.:lol:

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It's funny how Big Cats love boxes and the such as much as their 'domestic' relatives . One of my kitties (both are shelter rescues) is 15 years ; he's half-Brit , half-whatever , and 100% kitten ! He wedges himself into places that make us wonder , "How the heck did he get-into _____________ ??" .

On a related note ---- here's one of my favourite Big Cats : 'Messi' , the Puma ( https://www.instagram.com/l_am_puma/?hl=en )




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My cat had to be put down a few months ago due to severe arthritus and old age and we still miss her, but there are a number of strays that live in our garden. We put one to the vet last week as it was obvious there was something wrong with its face. It turned out to have a bad infection so now has all its teeth removed, and has its bits cut off. Unfortunately due to my being away for the weeks i work i was unable to keep it but it is now with a loving foster home and doing well. We used to have a neighbour that tried to poison the strays but all the other neighbours told him firmly why we fed the strays, (keeps the rats away) and they soon moved out.

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2 hours ago, stitchdup said:

We used to have a neighbour that tried to poison the strays but all the other neighbours told him firmly why we fed the strays, (keeps the rats away) and they soon moved out.

I'd be looking at some serious prison time if I ever caught some dirtbag trying to poison anyone's animal companion ! 

Some of the control freaks around the apartments here complain about two long-time stray kitties . I school those dirtclods by telling them , "Notice how few rodents we have around here ? Leave those cats alone !"

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On November 9, 2018 at 7:04 PM, Ace-Garageguy said:

Yeah, I really didn't want another cat after ol' Spook died a few years ago, but one of the feral queens that live under my house abandoned a 4-week-old kitten 4 months ago. Crying all day and into late at night, so I went out and caught it. Now well on the way to being a big strong tom, smart, friendly, always into everything, and always good for a laugh. As much as the thing eats, it'll probably be huge when it's full grown.  

You going to take him with you.? You really should...

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20 hours ago, 1972coronet said:

I'd be looking at some serious prison time if I ever caught some dirtbag trying to poison anyone's animal companion ! 

Some of the control freaks around the apartments here complain about two long-time stray kitties . I school those dirtclods by telling them , "Notice how few rodents we have around here ? Leave those cats alone !"

exactly, i havent seen a rat for years, and i live right on the shore. by told them firmly I meant we had him by the throat and told him to put up or shut up. 4 weeks later his house was sold and he no longer lives in the islands

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We have a couple of stray cats here in the complex, a mom and a younger one... They don't bother anything, but the dog doesn't care for them..... The younger one keeps trying to catch squirrels! Those things could rip a cat a new one...... The cat's fighting for a meal, the squirrel is fighting for it's life!

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17 hours ago, slusher said:

You going to take him with you.? You really should...

Absolutely. I fed him with an eye-dropper in the beginning, all the other less-pleasant things momcat usually does. I bonded with him, he bonded with me. He follows me around the house and yard, comes when I call, seems to learn pretty quick what's verboten...like the model bench or kitchen counter-top...etc. Need to take him in for his next round of shots. Yup...he's my furry friend. I wouldn't leave him with somebody else.

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44 minutes ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Absolutely. I fed him with an eye-dropper in the beginning, all the other less-pleasant things momcat usually does. I bonded with him, he bonded with me. He follows me around the house and yard, comes when I call, seems to learn pretty quick what's verboten...like the model bench or kitchen counter-top...etc. Need to take him in for his next round of shots. Yup...he's my furry friend. I wouldn't leave him with somebody else.

Thank you for rescuing and nursing that special angel , and for keeping him as your companion ! 

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7 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Absolutely. I fed him with an eye-dropper in the beginning, all the other less-pleasant things momcat usually does. I bonded with him, he bonded with me. He follows me around the house and yard, comes when I call, seems to learn pretty quick what's verboten...like the model bench or kitchen counter-top...etc. Need to take him in for his next round of shots. Yup...he's my furry friend. I wouldn't leave him with somebody else.


6 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Hey...the cat found me. What can I say? :D

I have been told cats adopt us and all mine have been strays. Great freind you saved Bill....

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  • 5 months later...

My friend sent me more pics of his three, the stray, Linus who must be part goat and still want to share my friend's meals.


Then there's the sisters he had since they were kittens, Mocha and Grace (fur coloring should make who's who obvious), apparently Grace figured out how to get into that cat food tub open and made herself sick a couple weeks ago, so he put those blocks of cement on top of them to keep her out. As you can see, she's not too happy about that......


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We have 4, all rescues. Buddy and Holly we got out of a shelter and Benji and Josie we found there Mom and 5 kittens in our garage and we took care of them until they were old enough to be separated from Mom and we got Mom and 3 of the kittens adopted and kept the other 2.








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