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2019 CBR - the Vannonball Run!


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I have created a Completed Builds thread. Please post your best photos of your build. Again, I apologize for my lack of attention and participation. It's been a crazy year. 


As I've mentioned before, I do not plan to run a 2020 CBR. I just don't have enough build time lately. If someone else wants to, you have my blessing.

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Racers, as it sits, Dec 1 falls on a Sunday. Losing a build day after a holiday is unthinkable, so I'm going to go ahead and extend the CBR until the 2nd, a Monday. That's the deadline. If you are doing the last minute thing, which I personally have never done ?, this should help. After the deadline, lets get any completed builds over to the finished builds thread so our esteemed Lunajammer can get the poll going.

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That's all folks. Thus ends the 2019 Cannonball Run Community Build. 

As Mike said, please get your completed builds onto the other thread so that the poll can start. I'll leave it to Mike's discretion how long he wants to wait. Mike has been running our poll for the last 4 or 5 runs and he does an excellent job. With so few finished builds, it should be easier than usual.

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On 11/13/2019 at 9:50 AM, Jantrix said:

I have created a Completed Builds thread. Please post your best photos of your build. Again, I apologize for my lack of attention and participation. It's been a crazy year. 


As I've mentioned before, I do not plan to run a 2020 CBR. I just don't have enough build time lately. If someone else wants to, you have my blessing.

Thanks for doing this for so long Rob. It's been a good run (no pun intended).

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27 minutes ago, MeatMan said:


Thanks for doing this for so long Rob. It's been a good run (no pun intended).

So are quite welcome Dennis. I have had some help over the years and some other folks have run it a couple of times, when I was busy. It's been appreciated. It has been fun. Who knows, in a few years maybe I'll have some time and some inspiration and I'll kick it off again. Odds are, its not the end of the CBR, but more of a hiatus. ?

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I hope that someone will do a CBR for 2020. I'm really disappointed in myself that I couldn't get my Van entry rolling this year. I struggled with each passing month. No Excuses but I had a house for sale all year and with the Realtor showings, home repairs, and house hunting I barely had time to dedicate myself to any modeling.

We finally did get settled in with the new house and the idea of me getting my model space set up to "Hailmary" a project across the finish line was just a preconceived notion that I had with my thoughts because I work best under pressure anyway.  I just didn't feel like it was fair to the other Racers who have worked hard all year on their builds. So my decision to through in towel was easy in the end.

With that said, as a way to make it up to myself, I would be interested in overseeing the 2020 CBR... But I have zero experience in doing so. I'm willing to learn as I go.  Also I'd have to ask for tips and suggestions on a theme, polling, and presentation... I do plan on voting for my favorite finished build as always. 

I'll start with my idea(s) for a theme...

"Movie car" CBR

"Factory Phantom" CBR (any car or truck that wasn't a production vehicle Ex: GTO station wagon. SS Chevelle 4 door. Corvette truckster/Elcamino) anything that didn't exist but could've or should've. 

The "OG SUV" the Classic Station wagon CBR

"Rear or mid engine" CBR (Factory rear/mid engine or can be converted... doesn't have to be factory)!

Forgive me if any of these ideas have already been used. These are just a few I had to get the ball rolling... Thanks and just let me know if I can help out...



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To help. Here are the themes for the last twelve runs. For those with a year, the builds were restricted to the technology of that year.

2008 (SA) - Unlimited

2009 (SA) - Unlimited

2010 (SA) - Route 66

2011 (SA) - 30th Anniversary - 1981

2012 (MCM) - American Graffiti - 1962

2013 (MCM) - Unlimited

2014 (MCM) - 1979 (honoring Brock Yates final run)

2015 (MCM) - Sleepers (our most popular run to date)

2016 (MCM) - Australia (on and off road)

2017 (MCM) - Unlimited

2018 (MCM) – Inline Engines

2019 (MCM) - Vans/Panel Trucks

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20 minutes ago, Jantrix said:

Here are the themes

How would we go about choosing a theme? Should I start a thread and let every one interested vote and most votes gets it or just gauge interests and see if we can get it goin? I've read other similar topics and there are some good ones but I'm thinking of something fresh since it will potentially be my first one. I'm up for the challenge... Do I have to sit out or can I build for the challenge too? I'm good with writing it all up and posting the rules and but I'll have to get help with the poll and if it's ok I'll copy and paste some of the past presentations that I love about the CBR. The familiar subject matter that would get everyone else Jazzed up for it too.


I would love to see it continue and I think I could devote the time to keeping it alive.

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I hope someone will organize this CBP next year as well. I will try to participate with something if Cannonball Run is going to happen. Unfortunately, I know I'm going to be really busy during the summer which means little to none building time (and not much time to check out on these forums either)... So with that said, I don't want to run the Community Build myself as I might not be able to check in very often during the summertime.

I think a theme is important, so hopefully there will be no "Unlimited" category. A good theme will inspire big number of builders to join and at least in my opinion, a good theme is helping the builders (or at least myself!) to stay motivated during the project. The first time I participated was the "American Graffiti 1962" theme and the excellent theme itself really kept me motivated to rush the model together to make it to the starting line. Same thing with the "Sleeper" theme a couple of years ago. Lots of participants, and some great models in the final voting (unfortunately I failed to finish my SBC powered Trabant that year, but it will get done some day).

Anthony had some good ideas for themes. Especially the "Factory Phantom" or "Mid / Rear Engine" would be pretty cool, but any of them would do it for me actually. I'll stay tuned to see what happens - I will try to participate if there is a Cannonball Run organized. This year was unsuccesful for me as I didn't enter at all, but there was just too little time to build (and finish) anything...

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1 hour ago, stitchdup said:

The ford vs ferarri movie could be a good theme, but opened up to be any car that appears in the movie, not just the race cars

I'd be onboard for this theme, just for the fact there would be a variety of kits to choose from during that time period. The mid 60's and prior are alot of what make up model car subjects. I haven't seen the movie yet so that would be the first order of business.

11 minutes ago, W-409 said:

Anthony had some good ideas for themes. Especially the "Factory Phantom" or "Mid / Rear Engine" would be pretty cool, but any of them would do it for me actually.

Thanks, I'd be into anything we decide, really. I just want motivation this year and I can't think of anything to motivate me more than running the show, so to speak lol

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8 hours ago, disconovaman said:

"Movie car" CBR

"Factory Phantom" CBR (any car or truck that wasn't a production vehicle Ex: GTO station wagon. SS Chevelle 4 door. Corvette truckster/Elcamino) anything that didn't exist but could've or should've. 

These two have my interest.


Edited by DPNM
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4 hours ago, stitchdup said:

The ford vs ferarri movie could be a good theme, but opened up to be any car that appears in the movie, not just the race cars

Good idea Stitch, but we can't do the race cars because the Cannonball Run race is for street cars.

I think the "Movie Cars" allows for a wider choice of kits available.

I can already see Jed and Granny trying to go coast to coast. ?

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I've been sitting on the idea of TV and movie cars as a potential theme for the 2020 CBR for a few months myself, I was just waiting on the suggestion thread to be posted. There are a wealth of kits that could be used and almost all kinds of builds would be represented from cars and trucks to big rigs so hopefully participation would be high. I got the idea from watching a video about guys who did the real rally in an LS swapped Dodge Monaco police car dressed like the Blues Brothers. 

My other theme suggestion is the "2904". The traditional route of the Cannonball is 2,904 miles long. In this race your car and all of your equipment and modifications must be less than $2904. Again, this is a real variation on the race that has been run a few times. It keeps guys from buying a new Ferrari just to compete and also limits your financial loss if your car gets permanently impounded. The current single driver record holder did the race in a 95 or 96 SC400.

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In this race your car and all of your equipment and modifications must be less than $2904. 

I like this idea as well... But if we were to do the movie car thing could we have it to where it must look like the movie it was from but be altered under the hood? This would make you competitive enough technically to win the race. 

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2 hours ago, disconovaman said:

In this race your car and all of your equipment and modifications must be less than $2904. 

I like this idea as well... But if we were to do the movie car thing could we have it to where it must look like the movie it was from but be altered under the hood? This would make you competitive enough technically to win the race. 

Yeah, we could tweak the rules for TV and movie cars to allow performance mods as long as they aren't obvious. This way you could do a Beverly Hillbillies truck with a turbo 2jz if it fits under the stock hood.

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1 hour ago, Fat Brian said:

Beverly Hillbillies truck with a turbo 2jz if it fits under the stock hood.

That would be Awesome! I'm into the "Movie Cars" theme and if we all can agree, I'll get started on presentation so we can start picking our projects. One thing I would ask in the rules is that if a Racer declares a specific Movie subject, please don't choose the same one... (First come first serve) For example: the "Bandit Trans Am" one entry per race please. There are enough movie cars that we can all pick a different one. This will make it easier for voting at the end and be fair to the the participants. It will also be like each individual movie car showed up for the race... Starsky's Torino, Bo's Charger, Mavrick's Firebird or The Fall guys GMC.

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19 hours ago, disconovaman said:

How would we go about choosing a theme? Should I start a thread and let every one interested vote and most votes gets it or just gauge interests and see if we can get it goin? I've read other similar topics and there are some good ones but I'm thinking of something fresh since it will potentially be my first one. I'm up for the challenge... Do I have to sit out or can I build for the challenge too? I'm good with writing it all up and posting the rules and but I'll have to get help with the poll and if it's ok I'll copy and paste some of the past presentations that I love about the CBR. The familiar subject matter that would get everyone else Jazzed up for it too.


I would love to see it continue and I think I could devote the time to keeping it alive.

I'll back you if you need it.

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