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1963 Melrose Missile III

mr moto

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This has been my favorite super stock for a long time and the stars finally aligned in such a way that I could build it. Sure, Moebius makes an excellent kit of a later Missile and this build gave me so many headaches that I wondered why I didn't just get that one and build it out-of-the-box but a long time itch has finally been scratched. This is a mash-up of various Johan and Lindberg Mopar kits: 1963 Plymouth, 1964 Dodge (Lindberg and Johan versions) and 1964 Plymouth. All the decals are home made including the nifty 60's style upholstery. The end result came out okay but it was a beast!

Hope you enjoy.








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12 hours ago, johnny rocket said:

Very nice what program did you use to make the decals

You'll probably laugh but I use Microsoft Word. Notice that most of it is just text and that's what Word does best. Everything else is made from images "captured" on the net and pasted into Word where it can be cropped, re-sized, etc. until it fits. The Champion Spark Plug logos were done that way even though I could've gotten plenty from leftover kit decals. The ones done in Word are much sharper and fine lined than the kit decals.

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16 hours ago, Hmann68 said:

Beautiful! Good detail and I love the air cleaner and screwdriver on the fender, nice touch ?

First, I have to say THANKS to everybody for all the compliments. Helps make the trouble worthwhile!

As for the air cleaner, screwdriver, etc., I had to think up some way to keep from covering up both of those great looking Carter AFB's that I got from Fireball Models. Fireball's stuff is really killer!

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This is a beautiful build. You made a unique piece using various kits to complete it. It's so much more satisfying than just building the later Moebius kit. I always liked the Melrose Missle cars and this is a good example of one.  Nice job !  I made a fictional racer out of a '63 Johan Dodge, used much from the Lindberg '64 Dodge for parts so I have an idea of the work you did.

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