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Quitting the Hobby

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Well, the time has come. The world is changing (and not for the better). 

I've decided to lay down my tools, and sell my kits. The time for (escaping) the world's issues by playing with (sophisticated) toys is over.

I've buried 40 years and part of a marriage into Plastic Modeling. It brings me less pleasure every month. Time to move in new directions, and become a different version of myself. I want nothing more than to hide from ugly reality, and continue to futz around with kits. But, the time is coming when than won't be an option, so it's better to move now, than wait for the decision to be taken from me by circumstances. 

It has been great fun, and I wish it could continue. Sadly, it can't, at least not for me. I've enjoyed everybody I've corresponded with on the board. I have talked to some great folks, and had some great times. Had some great trades.

If you live in Southern California, and are interested in buying my collections of Car, Truck and Airplane kits, send me a PM. I cannot deliver, but I'll be happy to help otherwise. I'm chronically disorganized, so there are no lists for me to share, although, i can take and text as many cell phone pics as you would like. I've got several parts boxes, and 20 years worth of kits.

So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish!

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I hope all is well with you and your health. I have bounced from many different hobbies and know you can get burned out. May you find peace and comfort in what lies ahead in your journey of life. Please keep in touch on this board when the mood strikes you.


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I can understand. At times, I feel I maybe not that far behind you. Yet, I've been in the hobby for 55 years now. I'm still car crazy. And for me, with my addictive personality, it's hard for me to stop. There are no AA like groups to help me with this addiction. 

Edited by unclescott58
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I'm an OCD/ADD personality type. I have been diagnosed "On the Spectrum" as it is said nowadays. So, this hobby has been my primary outlet for 40 years. It is rough to think about giving it all up.  And yet.....

There is a curious sense of freedom and relief as well.

As to those who are concerned about my health, other than the normal issues of any overweight, 57 year old, I'm still blessed with good health.

Don W. I'll save you a seat!

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Sorry to hear this.  If I still lived in your area, I'd be at your house with a U-Haul truck! ?

I hope you find something else to enjoy in your spare time. Or you might even want to hold off a bit.  I've considered giving up this hobby more than once and changed my mind.

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As one (and probably not the only one) who stepped out of building model cars in the past...   I even gave away my kits... and then regretted it later.  I would suggest keeping  some.  You may have that day when you come back.  

I wish you the best, I've enjoyed your contributions to the forum.

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Hope you can find a little peace in the future and something else that will help you deal with this rapidly changing world!

I myself am cutting back.

Trying to get my son to take most of the car models off my hands save a few that will be replicas of cars I once owned.

Going to concentrate on the semi trucks I have and when they are done I will too retire from model building , if I'm still here!LOL

Have a 1:1 project tat I'm playing with but not going to go for a complete restoration on her, just something from the 60's to cruise around in occasionally.

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maybe save some things your still seriously interested in and see what happens after a break, myself over 45 yrs in the hobby and have taken years off from building, but was still involved in the hobby via retail and toy show stuff like that so that kept me interested, anyhow I love archery but had to quit cold turkey due to having my sternum removed due to a rare serious cancer, thanks goodness I didn't get rid of everything model related cause now its been one of my main hobbies again, it doesn't cost anything to let some sit for a while  you never know what life will throw at you

good luck in whatever you decide

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I suppose that there comes a time in everyone's life where they feel the need to move on to other things.



Every time I look out my window and see neighbors all around me whose only joy in life seems to be mowing their lawn 4 days a week, power washing their driveways and scrubbing their siding, I thank God that I have something that I really love to occupy my time.

I tell my wife constantly that if I ever begin to feel the need to keep up with the Jones's and spend all of my time farting around in my yard just to shoot me and end my misery! :P


As long as my eyes are good, and my fingers are capable of doing the work, I cannot see myself ever giving up on this endeavor that I love.


Good luck in your quest Alan!







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Steven, you bring up a good point!  I know exactly what you mean about the neighbors in their yards, but I will confess....there is nothing more therapeutic than taking my brush-cutter out to my property, putting on a pair of mouse ears, firing that sucker up and just tearing the living heck out of Florida scrub!  Just flat-out fun!

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In my case I am down sizing because we will probably be moving very soon as our neighborhood has become unsafe. Vandalism, break ins has gone way up and can't sit outside without that skunky smell saturating the area!

Had people on the 4th tossing quarter sticks in peoples yards and when they came out to complain they were being beat up by a bunch of punks, even on man's wife who was dragged through her yard by her hair!

Will be going top a 55+ housing complex in a small town where my son lives. Still two bedroom but less storage space.

At least I can drive a few blocks to his house and use his garage for any paint work.

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2 hours ago, Husky1943 said:

Steven, you bring up a good point!  I know exactly what you mean about the neighbors in their yards, but I will confess....there is nothing more therapeutic than taking my brush-cutter out to my property, putting on a pair of mouse ears, firing that sucker up and just tearing the living heck out of Florida scrub!  Just flat-out fun!

If that's your thing, I say knock yourself out.


Yard work in my opinion has always been just that........work!

I get enough work during the week.

I mow my lawn when it needs it, or when I have to, not just to get that nice little "cross hatch" pattern that my neighbors seem to get the shivers over.


I get out the chainsaw when there's something that needs cutting, not just to kill time. ^_^






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1 hour ago, OldTrucker said:

In my case I am down sizing because we will probably be moving very soon as our neighborhood has become unsafe. Vandalism, break ins has gone way up and can't sit outside without that skunky smell saturating the area!

Had people on the 4th tossing quarter sticks in peoples yards and when they came out to complain they were being beat up by a bunch of punks, even on man's wife who was dragged through her yard by her hair!

Will be going top a 55+ housing complex in a small town where my son lives. Still two bedroom but less storage space.

At least I can drive a few blocks to his house and use his garage for any paint work.


Your neighbors are much worse than mine!! :o






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1 hour ago, OldTrucker said:

In my case I am down sizing because we will probably be moving very soon as our neighborhood has become unsafe. Vandalism, break ins has gone way up and can't sit outside without that skunky smell saturating the area!

Had people on the 4th tossing quarter sticks in peoples yards and when they came out to complain they were being beat up by a bunch of punks, even on man's wife who was dragged through her yard by her hair!

Will be going top a 55+ housing complex in a small town where my son lives. Still two bedroom but less storage space.

At least I can drive a few blocks to his house and use his garage for any paint work.

With the Police afraid to enforce the law, for fear of being fired(or shot)it's only going to get worse(everywhere). If it keeps going the way it is now, pretty soon there will be nowhere to go to get away from it. The criminals are ruling the streets!

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I once had a seven year hiatus from building...not on purpose. It's just the way things were going in the 1:1 world at the time. I wasn't building, but I never stopped buying! LoL

Now, I have a big enough stash that all of Gru's Minions couldn't help me build them all! 

But, I'll keep plugging away at 'em, I guess! Haha

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