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Server Upgrade Started

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5 hours ago, rickcaps55 said:

Thats great news because this is the first site i go to every morning with my coffee.!!! I really hope one of the things your going to do is get ride of the add's that are all over and come up in between subjects.!!!!

It's pretty high up on my list of things to do. But, it will happen after I get us moved in to the new server. 

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Dave- A thought.. 

When one hits the little newspaper icon at top of page for:   

Unread Content 

Showing all content I have not read and posted in for the last 365 days

This is the slowest activity on both my iPhone and Windows 10 laptop. I can imagine it is indexing tens of thousands of posts!   When I do my own search and limit timeframe to 90 days or even 6 months, it is much quicker.

Would your setting the default search to 6 months be possible? I think that could solve a lot of the slowness issues!


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7 hours ago, Tom Geiger said:

Dave- A thought.. 

When one hits the little newspaper icon at top of page for:   

Unread Content 

Showing all content I have not read and posted in for the last 365 days

This is the slowest activity on both my iPhone and Windows 10 laptop. I can imagine it is indexing tens of thousands of posts!   When I do my own search and limit timeframe to 90 days or even 6 months, it is much quicker.

Would your setting the default search to 6 months be possible? I think that could solve a lot of the slowness issues!


That's a great idea. I'll see if I can change the default. You can also define your own activity streams too. 

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8 hours ago, Plowboy said:

Thanx for the work you do Dave! Is there any way you could please please set up the WIP sections so that they can be edited past three days? Also, I no longer have a preview option. But, I can get by without it.  

X2 on this as I am currently working on a WIP where I’ve noticed I need to make some corrections, but no longer have that ability since too much time’s gone by. I think that for WIP’s it would be nice to have unlimited editing time, or at least until it’s finished.

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Update 2: New server is in place, and it checks out good. I've given them go-ahead to do the final data transfer. The site will probably go offline tomorrow, Jan 28, while the final cutover happens. You may get various errors including "Host not found" while this is happening, and possibly afterward. Please bear with us as it can take up to 24 hours (but usually doesn't) for old information to get purged from the Interwebs. 

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12 minutes ago, crazyjim said:

I've been going into the spam folder and moving to to new mail.  Would marking them as not spam correct the issue?

it should but you might have to do it a few times before it learns. I use gmail and yahoo but others might work differently

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