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Modern Day Space Race...

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What are you guys' opinions on all the progress being made toward commercial space flight? Would you take a jet that would carry you into Space? With all that's going on in this field, it won't be long before passengers will be able to do just that.....


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I think it's awesome.

If the opportunity came up and the funds permitted, I'd be on one of these spaceships with zero hesitation.

It would be far more interesting though if the whole "space hotel" idea was happening faster. Being able to have somewhere to go while in space would be great.



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53 minutes ago, iamsuperdan said:

I think it's awesome.

If the opportunity came up and the funds permitted, I'd be on one of these spaceships with zero hesitation.

It would be far more interesting though if the whole "space hotel" idea was happening faster. Being able to have somewhere to go while in space would be great.



A space hotel sounds nice, but after watching Avenue 5 on HBO I'm not so sure I would want to go.

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I would live to see them take one of the Flat Earthers up into orbit to show them that the Earth is a sphere (not a flat disk). I would love to see what excuse they would come up with that what they see with their own eyes is just an illusion. :wacko:  Kind of reminds me of another group of people (but that is a taboo subject here).

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11 hours ago, stitchdup said:

Its not really a space race, just a load of tax dodgers having a apendage waving contest.

Which is exactly what that last space race was, except it was nations waving their respective appendages, and you know what?  I am just fine with that.  They wave their little appendages until they fall off if it makes space more accessible.

Okay, now that we've gotten the obligatory class struggle snark out of the way, why is this a big deal?

Aside from it being really cool, neither Branston nor Bezos are just doing it for kicks.  Both are doing this with an eye to offering commercial flights, and if either of them make money at it, you can be sure that other companies are going to want to get in on it too.  Competition also means they're going to try and make it cheaper and better.  And yes, if the price was right, I'd sign up in a heartbeat.

Now while I wholeheartedly approve of doing things just for fun,  it's not just about tourism.  We've already seen that space is already very useful for so many things, and if you can make getting into space cheaper, it means you can do more with it.  Projects that were once the exclusive territory of governments and large corporations can be undertaken by smaller organizations, and maybe even private citizens.

Here's the first home computer.  It cost as much as a Ferrari, and there are probably musical greeting cards now with more computing power.  A useless toy for the rich if there ever was one.


But you make it more powerful, and knock the price down, and before you know it, you have an indispensable tool, and a social revolution.   It's not unreasonable to expect the easier access to space with have an impact on society as well.



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It’s interesting to watch history being made.  The Wright Brothers flight was in December 1903 and by 1914 there were the first passenger flights.  It went that fast in those times, just think how fast they’ll get it done today!

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9 hours ago, Tom Geiger said:

It’s interesting to watch history being made.  The Wright Brothers flight was in December 1903 and by 1914 there were the first passenger flights.  It went that fast in those times, just think how fast they’ll get it done today!

Burt Rutan's Space Ship One was the first privately-funded craft to make it to the edge of space, in June of 2004.


Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic was intended to have been offering commercial flights by 2008, but due to the magnitude of the task involved, and inevitable problems with ground-breaking physical technology, this was knocked back several years. 

Virgin spaceship crashes in California | eNCA 

Branson's (and crew) flight on July 11 of 2021, in vehicles developed directly from engineering pioneered on the earlier Rutan effort, marks the successful completion of the vehicle development. Passenger flights are expected to commence after two more sub-orbital shakedown missions.


Of far more importance to the future of mankind, however, is the renewed interest in and commitment to establishing colonies on the Moon and Mars...largely utilizing technologies and hardware being developed by Elon Musk's people. While much of Earth-bound humanity continues to engage in increasingly petty and ignorant squabbling among the philosophical cesspools many choose to inhabit, the best and brightest have their attention focused on the stars.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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1 hour ago, Tom Geiger said:

It’s interesting to watch history being made.  The Wright Brothers flight was in December 1903 and by 1914 there were the first passenger flights.  It went that fast in those times, just think how fast they’ll get it done today!

That's why the people behind 2001: A Space Odyssey thought they were being nice and conservative predicting orbiting hotels and moon colonies.

It turns out space is a little harder.   You can't build a spaceship in your garage, and when Lindberg flew from New York to Paris, Paris was already there.

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Can’t get things right on this planet, but we want to go to another one…..

also in the same vein, we don’t know everything this planet has to offer ( mostly just what we can pillage for profit), yet we feel the need to explore other planets…..

just my opinion, no offense meant to anyone…

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39 minutes ago, tbill said:

Can’t get things right on this planet, but we want to go to another one…..

also in the same vein, we don’t know everything this planet has to offer ( mostly just what we can pillage for profit), yet we feel the need to explore other planets…..

just my opinion, no offense meant to anyone…

Yah. It's kind of like you look at your house and all the paint is peeling and the grass is a foot high, so you decide it would be a good idea to load up a pickup truck with everything you can get on it and just drive into the desert until you run out of gas, and then you'll just live there from now on. :blink::unsure::lol:

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14 hours ago, Snake45 said:

Yah. It's kind of like you look at your house and all the paint is peeling and the grass is a foot high, so you decide it would be a good idea to load up a pickup truck with everything you can get on it and just drive into the desert until you run out of gas, and then you'll just live there from now on. :blink::unsure::lol:

Works for me...'cept it's three 26 foot vans, two of 'em pulling trailers, and a pair of multi-car transporters.

Changing the world, or just changing one's own life, takes effort. A lot of effort.

But I guess in your view, those early humans who left the Rift Valley 70,000 years ago to find greener pastures just should have stayed there, content to live in grass-and-mud huts, living on roots and bugs.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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13 hours ago, tbill said:

Can’t get things right on this planet, but we want to go to another one…..

also in the same vein, we don’t know everything this planet has to offer ( mostly just what we can pillage for profit), yet we feel the need to explore other planets…..

just my opinion, no offense meant to anyone…

Let me help you complete this train of thought.

To ensure you're not a part of the problem, first get rid of your computer and phone. Then disable your AC and heat. Give your car away; better yet, just abandon it in front of a recycling station. Don't take or use anything from the evil exploitave system. Plant a subsistence garden in your yard, and live entirely off-grid, like a peasant in the 1600s.

There. All fixed. Much more effective than virtue-signaling on social media, doncha think?

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1 hour ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

But I guess in your view, those early humans who left the Rift Valley 70,000 years ago to find greener pastures just should have stayed there, content to live in grass-and-mud huts, living on roots and bugs.

And there it is: They at least had hope of finding "greener pastures." They weren't leaving to go to a known desert with no food, no water, no air, and no hope of getting back. :blink:

(Even the late great Sam Kinison knew what to do in that situation. ;):lol: )*

Heck, I bet even where you're going "in the desert" you're going to have water, electricity, and access to extra supplies if you need them. And hey, good for you! I'm genuinely happy to see you (or anyone) making a life change that you've carefully chosen, and I wish you nothing but good luck and happiness out there. B)

*I'm afraid to post it here due to NSFW language, but if you don't know what I'm talking about, go on U2be and search for Sam Kinison world hunger. ;)

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16 hours ago, tbill said:

Can’t get things right on this planet, but we want to go to another one…..

also in the same vein, we don’t know everything this planet has to offer ( mostly just what we can pillage for profit), yet we feel the need to explore other planets…..

just my opinion, no offense meant to anyone…

And how are these things mutually exclusive?

If anything, exploring the rest of the universe is part of how we learn how to fix things here.

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