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PMC 1959 Ford Ranch Wagon Restoration with modifications.


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I haven't posted in quite a while as I've been busy with work and needed a new camera. I'm trying to get used to the camera but am not happy with how the color looks in some of these photos. I'll keep trying.

This was a PMC toy molded in styrene, not acetate. It had no interior and no opening hood or glass and had a metal chassis. I decided to graft on the upper fender section from a Revell Skyliner. The last photo shows the piece I cut off the PMC model. The front and rear windows are from Modelhaus. The tires are original hand painted AMT's from 1959

I used the Skyliner. chrome, chassis, interior parts  from 2 Skyliners and a Revell Ranchero, and engine. I made the fender ornaments. I added tailgate hinges (they were on the promos but not the styrene toy),   and added the chrome trim on the tailgate (between the backup lights).

I also cut the optional chrome sections off the sides of the front bumper and molded them to the body to give a plainer look.

I know the interior is not correct for the Ranch Wagon but that doesn't bother me,  I've also never been one to do a lot of detail on a chassis. It's partly because most of the models I build are early ones which have a fairly plain chassis.

Please feel free to comment, good or bad.   -Rich







DSC00732 (2).JPG










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5 hours ago, thatz4u said:

very nice longroof, well done..where can I find a PMC 59 Ranchero??

2 hours ago, pack rat said:

I love this one!

Now I'm really wishing I had a PMC wagon (and a Ranchero).


 Thanks Al and Mike. The Rancheros and wagons come up on Ebay from time to time. Just be sure to get a styrene one (no interior or windows) if you don't want it to warp. They usually bring a pretty good price.

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