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Well it's been awhile!

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Hi Fellas!

It's been quite a while since I posted on here! I took a much needed break from the hobby and from message boards in general for the last several months. In fact, yesterday was the first time I actually worked on one of my models since about May or so. Just got kinda burned out.............there was a bit of drama here on the board which I hear has cleared up. That wasn't really the sticking point-------I was at a point where I needed to step away from building (and its attendant frustrations) and do some other things for awhile.

In checking some of the messages, I want to thank those who have been asking about me, including Harry P. who emailed me a few times in the past. Some of you who know my eBay handle, may have noticed that I even got rid of a number of models over the summer, as the realization has set in that there are just some things that will never get built, so might as well give them to some other modelers who can do something with 'em. :lol:

I also want to thank those that wished me a happy birthday last month.................that was very nice!

I can't promise I'll be on here as often as in the past, but I'll certainly be checking some of the posts from time to time, as well as making a comment or two if I feel so compelled. :o

Thanks for listening!

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Hi Fellas!

It's been quite a while............

Same here. Good to hear from you Bill. Amy & me stopped in at the CPMCC meeting a few weeks ago for their meeting/auction. We were hoping to see you. As for stepping away from the hobby,I can relate to getting burned out. With me it was getting away from the 1:1 car scene as I used to moderate on a Mopar site. Between building my car and corralling 15,000 members it got tiresome.

Amy & me moved into our house and I'll have the work bench set up soon. After taking a few years off, I'm ready to get back into this. See you on the forum hopefully! Stay well my friend.

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Hi Fellas!

It's been quite a while since I posted on here!

Wow! What a Thanksgiving treat for us all ~~~ welcome back, Bill. Obviously, you've been missed. Glad you're well; hope the hiatus served you well; wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and holiday season.

We'll be looking forward to your new plastic projects when they happen. You have many friends here, and you are welcome any time it's right for you!

Best regards,

Dan <_<

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Hey Bill, glad to see that you didn't fall completely into that great big abyss out there. Life's tough.....that's why we need our "happy place" to go and hide in. That's what I do....I work because I have to.....I build because I want to.

Take your time and ease back into the water slowly if you must....but you are too talented a builder to stay out of the water completely. And besides, your work is "inspirational" to any of us who has seen it.

Good to hear from you again. :P

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And besides, your work is "inspirational" to any of us who has seen it.


Bill can assemble a snap kit with his feet better than I could with my hands....

For those whom have never met Bill in person are missing out. He's every bit the gentleman & "nice guy" as one can imagine. Good to hear from him. bowdown.gif

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It's good to have you back in our workshop here. Mr Bill. :lol:

On this "return to the hobby", I think I found the secret to burnout ... never finish anything and work slow.. maybe one or 2 hours max per day. I think I might last this time until I'M put in a display case! :lol:

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