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I'm curious, what exactly does a Thundershirt do?

Hugs your canine buddy snuggly, so he/she feels like it's a constant, comforting hug!


It has velcro straps and panels so it can be 'snug' as a bug in a rug. The mild, constant pressure helps calm the animal "similar to swaddling an infant."

It works!

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What can I say? Natural selection and entropy. He obviously made a poor decision: drank too much and had dangerous materials around. Like I said, serves him right for being stupid.

so next time you complain about nosebleeds, we should think "serves him right for sticking his finger in it". got it.

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Aside from the guy who blew his head off (news report said one of his friends was quoted as saying there was no reason to call an ambulance) a guy in New Jersey blew his leg off with ammo he shouldn't have been allowed to acquire. I'm sure there's a state by state injury report.

I had posted earlier about a Pennsylvania law that allowed sellers to set up shop on border towns to sell to out of staters, but not state residents... as in what idiot approved this legislation? Especially since fireworks are illegal in the border states. I've since forwarded my opinion on this to our new no nonsense governor, Tom Wolf, and we'll see if I get a response.

There's no reason for this stuff to be sold anywhere in the USA.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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Hugs your canine buddy snuggly, so he/she feels like it's a constant, comforting hug!


It has velcro straps and panels so it can be 'snug' as a bug in a rug. The mild, constant pressure helps calm the animal "similar to swaddling an infant."

It works!

I will look into those. The Monsoon storms haven't really hit over here yet. That scares Santo, Johnny, seems to do ok. He just Hunkers down.

Edited by my80malibu
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I agree, it is not selling of fireworks that cause problems like this, any more than it is the legal selling of firearms that cause nuts to kill people. It is stupid is as stupid does.

Agreed 100%

And it's the stupid, irresponsible and sometimes vicious actions of a tiny minority that are always cited as the "reasons" for limiting the freedoms of the rest of us.

The lowest common denominator in this society has become the real ruling class.

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Rain......rain...... go away already...!!!

I was going to say "Nothing,actually" (Irked me today)...but yes,this,LOL! I miss having a workshop/shed to do spray work in when it rains,without so much as a porch roof now,some building days are "rain delayed" :lol:

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People who throw their freaking cigarettes out of the car, causing a fire at the side of the road. Glad I had my fire extinguisher in the car... People should put their smokes out in the ashtray in the car, not throw them out thinking "Ah, it'll be fine, nothing will happen"...

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People who throw their freaking cigarettes out of the car, causing a fire at the side of the road. Glad I had my fire extinguisher in the car... People should put their smokes out in the ashtray in the car, not throw them out thinking "Ah, it'll be fine, nothing will happen"...

Plus they are littering.


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