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Wankers who have nothing better to do than jibber jabber wasting countless hours on this forum instead of being at their workbench doing something productive with their time. But I guess its easier to talk about building model cars than actually building one.

Each to their own I guess.

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The whole point of an online forum is for the members to interact online. Or to "jibber jabber," as you put it. What's the point of having an online forum if you think spending time there is stupid? :blink:

In fact, why are you spending time here instead of building something?

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Your "final straw" remark above is exactly what I was referring to in my earlier post, about why many dealerships no longer hire "real" mechanics, and prefer to pay cheap kids who know almost nothing except how to hook up the diagnostic tools and read codes...if you can get them to stop texting long enough to do even that.

After working as an apprentice doing PDIs for a dealership in the '70s, progressing to the commission side and then going to several independent shops as a mechanic, I worked for a while as a service-writer. The policy I encountered at most dealer and chain shops was to sell sell sell as much as possible, whether the work was actually needed or not, and the more ignorant the customer the easier to screw them. 



:rolleyes: not all young mechanics are like this, some do not text and some do not know how to use a diagnostics tool (myself) generalizations like these p me off sometimes 

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:rolleyes: not all young mechanics are like this, some do not text and some do not know how to use a diagnostics tool (myself) generalizations like these p me off sometimes 

You have a point. Sweeping generalizations aren't fair to the people who aren't defined by the generalization, but included in it.

Unfortunately, incompetence IS becoming the norm. I have a friend who's a dealership lead tech and shop manager. He's an old fossil like me, and he knows his stuff. He's been unable to find competent technical staff among the younger people who are willing to work for what the dealership is willing to pay. His is a very common complaint within the industry now.

So the problem is really two-fold. Dealerships are wanting to get labor for cheap, and the starting pay is so poor there's no incentive for young people to put in the effort to get a good automotive technical grounding...especially since most of the schools don't offer any auto-shop classes any more.

Yes, there ARE some young kids who are wizard mechanics. I just don't know any right now, and since I'm in the biz and exposed to a lot of different parts of it, they can't be all that common.

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It seems like you have to go to a "trade school" these days to learn mechanic skills (no matter the branch or discipline) and even then some of the schools just seem like an organization designed to take your money without imparting the proper skills to actually perform (what some of the more experienced professionals consider) actual mechanical work.

The same can be said for most of the schools that take advantage of the supposed rising trends... dental hygienists, truck driver, network analyst, air conditioning tech.

There will always be the small percentage destined to work on cars or work metal due to their inherent talents but there will not always be the experienced professional to pass on the benefits of knowledge that would accelerate the young talent through to competent work.

The lack of companies that recognize this issue contributes to the decline.

Edited by blunc
fix typos
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Mother blanking sniper programs used on fleabay.


I agree. They drove me to only buy BIN items. :angry:

But don't blame ebay. They are all from other sources.

You guys sound like the fellows who yelled "Get a horse" when a car would pass by!    It's reality so why not join in? Easy to use, cheap and there are a lot of advantages.  I use esnipe.com   I believe they have a free trial.  I pay something like a quarter an auction only when successful.   

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I just simply bid what I am willing to pay. If I win, great if not another will be along sometime.

I absolutely agree Ray.  Yes I get annoyed when I get sniped at the last few seconds, but sooner or later I'll win the one I want... It just takes a bit of patience.

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Don't know how many of you guys know this, but those of us "lucky" enough to live in Crook County, Illinois (more crooked politicians per square mile than any other county!) pay the highest sales tax in the country.

So what did they do? Why, of course, they raised it even higher, effective 1-1-16.

I swear, between federal tax, Social Security tax, state income tax, sales tax, property tax, a tax on the phone bill, a tax on the gas bill, a tax on the electric bill, a tax on the cable bill, the highest gas taxes in the country (I think), etc., I have just about had it. :angry:

Geez... how much more of my money are they going to take from me???  :blink:

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