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6 hours ago, Snake45 said:
6 hours ago, slusher said:

Is that the one with the whole family is dancing an tap dancing? I am sick of it also...

No, that's a TV commercial. That one's kinda cute. I'm talking about the radio version of a different TV commercial. 

I think that the "rat problem" commercial is even more clever and funnier.

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9 hours ago, peteski said:

I think that the "rat problem" commercial is even more clever and funnier.

Yes, it's hilarious the first time. The second time, not so much. By the fifth or sixth viewing it starts to get on the nerves. 

I still like the clogging one, though. 

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25 minutes ago, espo said:

That's why you have a mute button on the remote. There're a few that are somewhat interesting at first, but anything over and over and over is why we have the button. 

I almost never watch any TV live anymore. I record anything I want to see, and fast-forward through the commercials completely later. 

The one bugging me is on the radio. And it's on apparently every station. By the time I get up and get to the radio, the annoying commercial has played. 

I wouldn't mind hearing it a couple times a day, but four or five times EVERY HOUR? Wretched excess. :angry:

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11 minutes ago, Snake45 said:

...I wouldn't mind hearing it a couple times a day, but four or five times EVERY HOUR? Wretched excess. :angry:

I really have to wonder what kind of echo-chamber some of these marketing wizards live in. I know there's a theory that repetition in advertising has the power to get inside your head and get you to buy stuff, but I personally don't know ANYBODY who's not put off by a product that's constantly screaming at them.

There's lotsa stuff I simply will not buy because I hate their marketing "strategy" so much.

EDIT: K&N now sends me several emails a week pushing crapp I have no interest in, just because I bought one semi-custom filter from them. There's a good chance that NEXT time I need a trick filter, it WON'T come from K&N.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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1 hour ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

 I know there's a theory that repetition in advertising has the power to get inside your head and get you to buy stuff, but I personally don't know ANYBODY who's not put off by a product that's constantly screaming at them.


Funny story.
About 5-6 years ago there was a electronics warehosue that thought it was a good idea to show their commercials almost nonstop in both tv and radio here during christmas, it did not help much that the person in the advert was a real loudmouth and also the ceo for that company.
People got really mad that he alone "destroyed" christmas with his advertising where he was yelling and shouting that everyone should buy stuff from his stores..
Result: sales dropped.. chocking right?
So he made a new ad where he appologised for his last ad..
End result: People were still mad at him and refused to buy anything from his stores and it almost went bankrupt, then another company bought his and it no longer exists and he is no longer ceo

His own ads ended up putting and end to his own buisness that had been around since 1950 something..

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12 minutes ago, PierreR89 said:

Funny story.
About 5-6 years ago there was a electronics warehosue that thought it was a good idea to show their commercials almost nonstop in both tv and radio here during christmas, it did not help much that the person in the advert was a real loudmouth and also the ceo for that company.
People got really mad that he alone "destroyed" christmas with his advertising where he was yelling and shouting that everyone should buy stuff from his stores..
Result: sales dropped.. chocking right?
So he made a new ad where he appologised for his last ad..
End result: People were still mad at him and refused to buy anything from his stores and it almost went bankrupt, then another company bought his and it no longer exists and he is no longer ceo

His own ads ended up putting and end to his own buisness that had been around since 1950 something..

Something very similar recently happened in the election campaign. One candidate with unlimited funds bought so much ad time that he turned most of the electorate off completely. I've heard stories that he was so disliked that many of his own paid staffers and volunteers were actually spending their work time promoting other candidates. :lol:

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8 hours ago, Snake45 said:

Yes, it's hilarious the first time. The second time, not so much. By the fifth or sixth viewing it starts to get on the nerves. 

I still like the clogging one, though. 

Maybe because I was a fan of RATT in the '80s, I like that one, while the clogging one just seems stupid to me.  We're all individuals . . . :)

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1 hour ago, Tom Geiger said:

Hey, we wanted a break from 24/7 Corona coverage and we got it. Be careful what you wish for!

It’s not just Corona, the new can be depressing at times, when I listen to the radio it’s music and television I like entertainment. I feel for all the lives lost and people hurting in this country.  I have no idea when it will be over...

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30 minutes ago, vintagerpm said:

I'm sick of all the commercials on TV using the Covid-19 pandemic to say how wonderful their company is and how much they care and that we should buy their stuff.

My theory is that we will be on lockdown/restrictions until all those big companies think they've gotten their "money's worth" out of those commercials. Even as we speak, they are filming the next wave of commercials: "We're BACK! Come on in a get a GREAT DEAL!" As soon as all those commercials are ready to go, restrictions will be lifted. You watch! :lol:

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Wanna see something that explains how all those commercials work on our brains?  Check out Adam Curtis' 4-hour BBC documentary from 2002, "The Century of the Self."  The whole thing is available to watch online, if you can't find it in a queue or stream. 

It's about the invention of modern P.R./advertising.  Which was mostly invented by Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud.  Bernays wrote his most famous book, "Propaganda," in 1928.  He believed the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome "chaos and conflict" in society.  Bernays developed his ideas to sell toothpaste and cigarettes.  It never occurred to him that those ideas would be used by people like Josef Goebbels, to stir up chaos and conflict in society.

On-topic!  Each episode of the documentary starts with a short, weird video of a woman and a masked man.  That video is "Design for Dreaming." It was produced by General Motors, to promote the 1956 Motorama.



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39 minutes ago, Mike999 said:

Wanna see something that explains how all those commercials work on our brains?  Check out Adam Curtis' 4-hour BBC documentary from 2002, "The Century of the Self."  The whole thing is available to watch online, if you can't find it in a queue or stream...


Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.

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1 hour ago, Mike999 said:

It's about the invention of modern P.R./advertising.  Which was mostly invented by Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud.  Bernays wrote his most famous book, "Propaganda," in 1928.  He believed the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome "chaos and conflict" in society.  Bernays developed his ideas to sell toothpaste and cigarettes.  It never occurred to him that those ideas would be used by people like Josef Goebbels, to stir up chaos and conflict in society.

Coincidentally, I was just reading about this guy and his evil work in another book just this morning! Dunno if he never thought "that those ideas would be used by people like Josef Goebbels, to stir up chaos and conflict in society," but he was definitely on board with the idea that propaganda could and should be used by the "intelligent elite" to sway and steer the great unwashed masses, "for their own good." :angry:

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13 minutes ago, Snake45 said:

... but he was definitely on board with the idea that propaganda could and should be used by the "intelligent elite" to sway and steer the great unwashed masses, "for their own good." 

Seems like we're seeing more and more of that these days...

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Another great Curtis series is "Pandora's Box" from way back in 1993.  It's 6 one-hour episodes, dealing with all the ways societies have embraced technology.  And got bit.

The first episode deals with Stalin's attempts to turn humans into "scientific, rational beings." It would almost be funny, except it ended with the "Engineers' Plot," show trials and people getting executed. Weird Trivia: the "instant" Russian city of Magnitogorsk was modeled after Gary, Indiana. Since trees wouldn't grow on the steppes like they did in Gary, the Russians built Magnitogorsk with metal trees.

The last episode is a history of nuclear power in the US, UK and Russia. If you saw the awesome HBO series about Chernobyl, in this episode you see some of the real people involved.  Regardless of the country, it's amazing how many times Curtis interviews scientists and engineers who have the same comment about their politicians:  "We told them not to do that." 

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