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Too many projects going on.

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I find I usually have 3 going at once. I am into tractor trailers, so usually its a rig, a trailer, and a car of some sort. as mentioned earlier, it's nice to have something to mess with while paint and glue are drying :)

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I've got 3 right now. One that just needs the motor and intercooler. Still working on interior for another and just getting body work started on the 3rd

I hate waiting for things to dry so I move around. If more than one kit require parts to be painted the same color, I like to do a mad spray to save on time and clean up

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At the end of last year I had 8 builds long going and I made a resolution to finish them all before I started any more. I soon finished all 8 and 2 or 3 new ones. I was Happy, Happy, Happy.

Now I am stalled again on one that was moving fast until I ran into a problem with the tires not working. It has been 3 weeks since I did anything to it. I just want to start another but, I don't want to get back in a rut with too many uncompleted. These tires just have me too upset for no reason. Don't want to ruin a perfect model like I have so many times.

Call me crazy. I'm just looking for inspiration on here. I am envious of so many on here who make it look so easy. I like to follow some of the on going builds which really only make me want to start another project. It's a crazy vicious circle sometimes but, I love it.

I would just say to you build as many as you are comfortable with until it is no longer fun. Take a break a while if you feel the need. After all, it is just a hobby.

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I generally have 2 or 3 long term (> 1 year anticipated) and then 1, 2 or 3 short or shorter term projects going or lined up. sometimes its overwhelming but then I tend to finish up a few at once so that is pretty satisifying. I don't not finish projects, if I am serious enough to start something, I stick with it in almost all cases, I cannot really recall anything that I gave up on in the past 10 years, even though some stayed on back burners for a long while.


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I usually have 3 builds going at a time. For the past month there were 4 and now I'm up to 5 in progress. One of them is a long term '40 Ford pickup with a VW bus body added on. Lots of door openings to do. Hinges used to be a pain, but with the Fatkidd Hobby Products hinge bender, they're easy to make.

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As I remember in the past I have only worked on one at a time but now I find myself resurrecting My Tweedy Pie project, starting a 26 Ford Sedan delivery a 31 Ford Sedan delivery, a 41 Ford phantom sedan delivery researching and part collecting for the Kookie T. and yesterday I started thinking about a doing the Ala Kart as a sedan delivery. It looks like I will busy during my retirement.

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On the bench or in my mind? :blink:

Seriously, either way, way the hell to many! On the bench I have 5 at last count. I generally work hard on one until I hit a road block or is that mental block and I let it sit an ruminate in the back of my mind until I figure out how to proceed(see Zen and the art of Motorcycle repair.) Right now I have a really complex aircraft build, a scratch built hot rod, a WRC diorama, and aircraft and car diorama and a Tamiya Mercedes CKL(been on the bench for over 13 years). I also have a project of a bunch of turned aluminum rims(18 if your interested) on the lathe/mill bench.

In my mind: who the heck knows. Every time I see a kit, my brain starts work it. Dangerous situation, that!

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Last count it was 20 waiting for me ... I'm known to not finish a lot, but it'd just that I enjoy working on them so mush I hate to put them on the shelf! There's 3 right now on my bench and been on and off with them ... sometimes work on all in one day.

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Any pics of the rims?

Long way off and the project isn't due for a couple of more months.

Roughing out blanks from 3/4" bar stock with a hole saw.


Knocking the rough edges off and initial sizing of the blanks.


Rough blanks on the left, sized blanks on the right.


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As I remember in the past I have only worked on one at a time but now I find myself resurrecting My Tweedy Pie project, starting a 26 Ford Sedan delivery a 31 Ford Sedan delivery, a 41 Ford phantom sedan delivery researching and part collecting for the Kookie T. and yesterday I started thinking about a doing the Ala Kart as a sedan delivery. It looks like I will busy during my retirement.

I think I see a pattern, here. I'm a long roof lover, myself, especially if the sides are blanked off.

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I probably have answered this for several here before as I do movie props , museum exhibit work and yes, dioramas . I guess the best way to describe my projects is what I have parts to finish. Generaly speaking , that can mean one diorama , two magazine articles , one movie prop .

Edited by Eshaver
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