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Everything posted by TimJ

  1. TimJ

    My Del Rio

    Off to a good start. The weathering on the engine looks great.
  2. Excellent build of a beautiful car. Great color choice too.
  3. Still filling and sanding on mine. I have got the front panel on, which fitted better than I expected.
  4. TimJ

    BMW i8

    Looking good so far.
  5. This is coming along great. Good to see that the old Testor's paint was still usable.
  6. Great looking build. As the others have said, the skirts look good on it.
  7. TimJ

    Pie Wagon

    Great job Jim. It looks better with the lowered rear end.
  8. I haven't done much to mine either but I have got the engine finished. I got some primer on the body today, looks like I'll be doing some more filling and sanding.
  9. This one? Before anyone asks, yes I have got one.
  10. Beautiful work Cesar, looking forward to the next update.
  11. I only found this thread today which is why I'm dragging this one up from back in February. This is from 'Troll Hunter'.
  12. Since getting back into car modeling a few years ago I've been buying examples of the kits I built back in the late 70's and 80's. I picked up a Monogram 57 Nomad on ebay a few weeks ago which had been painted but only the engine halves and rear suspension had been glued. The paintwork looked like it had been done back in the day by someone who was younger than I was when I built my first one. Fortunately after a few hours in Mr Muscle oven cleaner most of it came off easily, revealing the yellow plastic beneath. Then it was time for a mock up. As the hole had already been cut in the hood I decided to leave it, but instead of using the pro stock hood scoop supplied with the kit I used a scoop from the AMT '62 Buick Electra. Next on the agenda was sanding down the mold lines and a coat of primer. As far as colors go I'm thinking of metallic purple with a silver roof and a purple and white interior.
  13. I made a start on mine today. I've decided to use the optional quarter window panels to turn it into a sedan delivery. I'll probably do some panel line scribing on the rear panel to extend the tailgate down to taillight level. I'll be using the single 4 barrel carb with the headers and side pipes.
  14. Brilliant work!! Excellent paint and detailing. This has to be the coolest Gremlin around.
  15. TimJ


    Very nice work and great paint!
  16. I've got my Gremlin and I'm ready to go. All the parts are still sealed in the bags waiting for tomorrow.
  17. TimJ

    Buick Custom

    Great paint job, especially for a first attempt!
  18. It was harder to find than I expected but I think I've got it.
  19. Very nice build and great looking paint.
  20. Thanks for posting the guidelines Ace. I got my Gremlin out of the stash yesterday ready for the start date. .
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