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Everything posted by Casey

  1. Another early AMT remote control car, this one a '57 Ford Fairlane, the body of which is slightly warped.
  2. I think that was mostly covered here: Thanks, Jack. I did test fit them over a Firestone Supreme last night, and they fit surprisingly well.
  3. Thanks. It looks like it was issued in slightly different boxes in 1969, both with the H-1292 kit number, with the main body parts molded in either red...: ...or pale green: And that mail-away record offer inside: Interesting decal sheet, too, with some neat (though blurry) vintage logos: H-1315 issue from 1972: H-1328 from 1976: 85-2036 Revell/Model King reissue from 2006:
  4. This one looks a bit closer to yellow, but, hard to judge the color accurately from an online image. I think this is the original issue from 1969(?):
  5. Probably the first time one has ever been posted here, and your build is flat out gorgeous. I believe this is Ed's son driving it back in the day, just to show how tiny the car is:
  6. Hard to tell honestly, as there's a lot of glare. I'm not sure if the Mustang sidewall caps were branded or not, but looking at the instruction sheet, it appears they were. I do have a sidewall cap with "Firestone Super Sports" in raised lettering, which I think was from a Corvair kit, but I was just curious what the Mustang caps looked like, and if they were Goodyear, etc.
  7. I would suggest you look at 1:1 reference pictures online, then break each part down into smaller assemblies as needed. A straight tube axle can be made out of styrene (Evergreen is the most popular brand) or brass (K&S brand or similar) in the appropriate diameter, but you'll need to use either kit parts for the spindles and steering linkage, or scratchbuild those, too. For the leaf springs, I would suggest using pre-formed brass strips to create both parallel leaf springs and the leaf spring brackets and shackles. These aren't terribly complex, so making each leaf separately, then joining them together, either with miniature bolts, or a length of rod/tube works just fine. Accurate and consistent measuring and cutting is important, so make sure you have a sharp razor saw and files, as well as a good miter box. Are you going to use a tube style frame for the front end or try to work with the stock frame? Forums such as the H.A.M.B. and others are great reference for this type of thing, and will give you some ideas regarding how you want to proceed with individual parts, wheels and tires, ride height, etc. Here are some brass leaf springs I built for a truck project, but the same techniques would apply to any similar parallel leaf spring application:
  8. Does anyone have a pic of the tire caps which were included in the original issue? I believe the included tires were the common Firestone Supremes:
  9. So you're saying there's a chance? 🤔🙃 I think this would be warmly welcomed if reissued:
  10. Any progress to report, @James2?
  11. https://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2018/05/big-deal-artist-you-might-not-be.html
  12. Not sure if it's accurate to call them scammers, but Joe Z recently reported here that they (or one of their multiple internet storefront names) were finally being shut down or taken to court or...yeah, best avoided.
  13. No, just stumbled upon it on eBay, offered by a seller I have previously purchased from.
  14. Not a whole lot to these kits, is there?:
  15. That's probably the worst starting point as far as a model kit-based is concerned. Is it imperative that you start with that particular kit? Here's the JF chopped '34 Sedan on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/124835615015?hash=item1d10c85127:g:kMQAAOSw3YNgkxgK I would suggest starting with this kit, and chopping it to your taste:
  16. A 1969 version still sealed in the original wrap (with a seemingly legit vintage price sticker to back that up) is, IMHO. Very few have survived in that condition, never opened.
  17. Was watching this circa-1969 Monogram Badman kit to see where it ended up...Not rare, but definitely one of the more desirable kits: https://www.ebay.com/itm/325032816799
  18. Yes, the plastic underneath is black, from the first Swamp Monster issue. The plastic in the later release you have is very pink, I can confirm. 😳😁
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