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Everything posted by randx0

  1. I couldn't view this link ^ the model but spent a long time looking at all the other kits you have in your fotki site .
  2. I just Googled 52 Plymouths and frankly if you paint the roof throw on some whitewalls and lower it a couple inches they look pretty good. Assuming the underneath areas are rust free and it's within your means I'd go for it .Let it grow on you .
  3. That is pretty cool, I like the concept and execution.
  4. Is there a Toyota FJ cruiser kit in 1/24th ? I feel like Ive seen one but maybe it was a R/C car
  5. Well he's got 100% positive so he must be doing something right . I wonder if the people buying these know what is actually possible with plastic .
  6. An excellent adhesive for joining bodywork that is very strong is acrylic nail filler found in the fingernail polish area , it comes with a liquid and a powder you dip the brush into the liquid then into the powder then brush onto the joint . it is very strong and dries pretty fast like in five to ten minutes . I always had problems with styrene filler ,epoxies, and superglues but this stuff sticks and doesn't break . I don't remember who brought this to my attention but it was someone on this board .
  7. I like that you always come up with something different , and it is always done well . I hope all your builds will be compiled in a book someday.
  8. Invaluable tool, I have a stylus which is my favorite but I also have a corded one which I use with the drill press dremel makes . I also have one of the cheap cordless ones too which is adequate to start with if money is an issue . there are so many uses for it you basically just have to get one and figure out what you can use it for . I have a very thin saw blade I use for bodywork and the sanding drums are good for wheel wells .
  9. Welcome back , with sites like this and others you should be able to improve your skills rapidly .
  10. I'm pretty sure you must have these cars sitting out in your driveway, I can never find enough detailed photos to add that much correct looking detail . You sir are BRILLIANT.
  11. You can never have too many brackets. I'm not much of a "planner" or "measurer" more just eyeball it . so for me having several different sizes is beneficial but being able to get multiples of the brackets I need is nice too. I know this doesn't help .
  12. You could make a mold, cast the unit, and then modify the resin copy .
  13. Revell made a van parts pack in the seventies . you can find them on ebay from time to time I wouldn't pay more than $20 for it .
  14. The Slingster gets my vote . I just really like having options , I wish the 3 in 1 kits would make a comeback in newer kits , stock custom and racing in one box .
  15. You can probably just recoat it but do a whole coat don't try to just spray the bare spot.
  16. Sorry to hear , thoughts and prayers for his family and friends .
  17. there is also http://www.ebay.com/itm/20pcs-Unpainted-DIY-Fun-Toy-Project-Model-Train-People-Figures-1-25-G-Scale-NEW-/330719350231?pt=Model_RR_Trains&hash=item4d0068cdd7
  18. these are my favorite http://www.ulrichmodels.biz/servlet/the-590/Ulrich-Mini-dsh-Men-1-fdsh-24th-Scale/Detail
  19. You can also try EBAY for airbrushes . Since you're just starting out don't over look the Testors Aztek airbrushes . you can find them pretty cheap they are easy to use and clean and would work just fine to learn on . I found an airbrush compressor at Menards (home improvement box store ) on sale for $30.00 again not the best but adequate for starting out . I would recommend starting with the lower end stuff until you are sure you will be using it often enough to warrant buying the top of the line stuff .
  20. Any body have pictures of what is being discussed ? I am more of a visual learner .
  21. K&S aluminum tubing , you can try to flare it with an awl or similar tool by placing it in a slightly larger tube and rotating the awl then cutting to size. but it is hard to get consistent results . frankly the AMT set isn't that pricey when you think about the time spent making them . also there are some on ebay that are slightly cheaper than the AMT set you just have to search a little bit .you can also check out the jewelry section at Michaels ,Jo ann or other craft stores for items that may capture the look you want . hope this is helpful.
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