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Cool Hand

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Everything posted by Cool Hand

  1. Good to see something different. I like it. Great job all round, interior definitely got the VIP look with all the wood grain, and done well with air set up in the trunk.
  2. Good to see someone finally doing a build thread with the Gasser kit. Glad you are first up and showing the way and seeing the direction and style its going to be a very interesting build to follow and learn from.
  3. Well im going to admit defeat and say my build will not be completed by the end date. Was a great idea for a community build and enjoyed what I achieved.
  4. Looks to be a beast of an engine, what is it ?? Can you show some pic's of just the engine.
  5. I just thought someone would be itching to be the first to post a build thread. But yeah in time there will be every man and his dog building and posting them. Im really looking foward to building the Gasser and im not even interested in Gasser's LOL! Ha, think of how much it cost me for 2 of each shipped to Australia. Same got an email yesterday, you are fortunate to live in the US and wont be long until you have it your hands. Im not even sure if mine will make it out of the US with all the suspensions and then if it does will have the issue of shipping delays due to flights etc. ugh!
  6. So if the kits are available in the US, where are the build threads ??? anyone ???
  7. Wouldnt have a clue, but can it be split in slicing software.
  8. LOL! yeah doing another colour for a change. Im replicating and updating an old build. It can be found here.
  9. Incredible talent being showcased with the use of the 3D technology, going to be very interesting to see all your future projects and how you incorporate the tech.
  10. Perhaps a comment that is actually referring to the topic would be more useful than unneeded commentary.
  11. Very impressive how quick you build.
  12. So finally managed to stop being distracted with other kits and get back to this build. Ended up having to strip the cab, bonnet/hood and bed. Also had to order more paint, get surfacer applied ,wet sand and painted again. Paint has some very fine orange peel, so will try use Tamiya compounds to sort that out.
  13. Yeah same, want to get the build completed by the end date.
  14. Methylated Spirits is another alternative for removing water based and alcohol based acrylic paints. Really!! I find very simple to identify what formulation a paint is by the labelling. No need for the semantics. OP has found the solution
  15. Good to see you back at the bench Eric and WOW! that paint work is awesome. Look forward to seeing the wheels under it.
  16. Just a throw together for fun to suss out an idea.. Will build it properly one day.
  17. Found all the parts to build a 211 Gran Chan. Got to run with idea's as you get them sometimes. Should be back later with mock up.
  18. Thanks Chris and Nigel, not sure on the using the Laurel parts was just suss'n out the idea.
  19. Sorry I didnt reply earlier, If you only have wet and dry sand paper 2000 would have been the go, 1000 is a bit too coarse will leave scratch's and more chance of burning through. Polishing cloth grits would be best thing to use when colour wet sanding, go over the whole thing with 4000-8000 and give it a wash, then give it another gradual build up to a wet coat. Shouldnt need clear over Tamiya TS solid colour's if you apply them just right.
  20. Good to see some progress JJ. Wonder what has happened to everyone else ??
  21. Anyone have any updates when these will be available seeing as the date has been changed from late February to March ??
  22. Yeah cool, looks good with Formula Mesh wheels When I find the side skirts I will build one with the full body kit.
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