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Our newest builder....


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My son recently completed his first model, by himself (with coaching from Dad).

He had ambitious goals and expectations for his first build, so Santa had to find something that fit his interest and skill lever for this 5 year old.  The Raptor Snap Kit kit the bill.

Will wanted something with custom paint, but I was able to talk him into something that he would enjoy, have fun with, and be proud of. 

So here it is: out of the box Raptor with some light, off road weathering.  Pictures were done in the warmth of our basement as we decided outdoor pics in the blowing snow wan's't going to happen.


The artist himself:


I read/explained the instructions, Will assembled the truck himself.  I laid out about 6 different colors of brown and he flicked the paint onto the truck, using an old toothbrush.  He even used the excess to dry brush the wheels.  The simple job was fun for him and I think it looks great.  Sometimes the simple builds offer the most pleasure.

The last picture speaks for itself.


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Good job son! Kudos for Dad having time for Father-and-Son time too. When I was a very young kid, I used to scavenge any soda bottles I could find and turn them in to the market for the refund money. My allowance was 25 cents a week. Within two weeks I had the coinage to trot down to the nearby "five and dime" to by a 50 cent ( plus tax) bagged little model kit. I did this a lot. My skills were less than savvy, but I loved building things. This love of building things still resides within me, as, today, at 63 years old, I'm still building model kits, as well as being an engine builder at a performance engine shop for a living.

Kids, keep it up....modeling can help with skills when you grow up......or should I say get older ( some of us don't exactly grow up per se ).

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Awesome job! Enjoy these moments while they last!


My daughter is very slowly finishing a Jeep build with me. She literally hates watching paint dry, so isn't the biggest fan of building. I think she just likes the daddy/daughter time, which is fine by me. Although now we spend more time playing guitar. And although she's only 11, she keeps asking me about "her" truck out on the driveway. 


Kids, gotta love them!



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