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A US town rejected a solar farm amid fears it would "suck up all the energy from the sun"...

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54 minutes ago, Snake45 said:

Wait, what? :blink::wacko:

You didn't hear?

The best part about the vaccine is that it apparently has a 5g chip hidden in it so you can be tracked. 

My favourite part was when someone posted "the actual schematic" for the vaccine 5G chip, and the conspiracy people went bananas. "Proof! Ha Ha!"

And the guy had actually posted the schematics for the Boss MT2 Metal Zone guitar effects pedal. Didn't even edit or change it.

Some people will believe anything.



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2 hours ago, iamsuperdan said:

You didn't hear?

The best part about the vaccine is that it apparently has a 5g chip hidden in it so you can be tracked. 

My favourite part was when someone posted "the actual schematic" for the vaccine 5G chip, and the conspiracy people went bananas. "Proof! Ha Ha!"

And the guy had actually posted the schematics for the Boss MT2 Metal Zone guitar effects pedal. Didn't even edit or change it.

Some people will believe anything.



Hmm, what if you get your blood drawn?... Nobody freak out, I’m just wondering.

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One of the "best parts" to me about anything having any sort of tracking device (beyond the obvious that your cell phone already does that and you pay for the privilege) is the concept that your life is in any way important enough that the government would want to keep tabs on you in the first place.

In the same vein is the "gonna round up everyone who "disagrees" into a FEMA camp"...which would require pretty much every other living soul not being rounded up be employed by the Government to keep them under control. 

Edited by niteowl7710
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3 hours ago, iamsuperdan said:

...And the guy had actually posted the schematics for the Boss MT2 Metal Zone guitar effects pedal. Didn't even edit or change it.

Some people will believe anything.

Yeah, but they can take selfies, and post on Facebook, and use all manner of apps to order food and buy things and get directions and maybe even flush the toilet remotely.

Technology wizards like that don't need to know how to tell if a schematic is for a wah-wah pedal or a linear accelerator, because by virtue of being able to do things with their thumbs and tiny little screens, they've proven themselves to be vastly superior to those of us who do and make physical stuff. Just ask one of 'em.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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I'm a big fan of true crime TV shows. It's amazing how technology is helping solve crimes, especially cell phones.  Many people still don't know they can be tracked by watching their phones move between cell towers. 

The perp on a recent show knew how to fool that cell phone tracking.  When he set off at 5 AM to kill his ex-wife, he left his phone at home.  Instant alibi!  "I was home all day!"

Unfortunately, the route to his ex's house passed by several gas stations and stores.  Many had CCTV cameras, and the cops were able to follow him on camera all the way to his ex-wife's neighborhood.  So in the end, technology got him anyway. 

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18 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Yeah, but they can take selfies, and post on Facebook, and use all manner of apps to order food and buy things and get directions and maybe even flush the toilet remotely.

Technology wizards like that don't need to know how to tell if a schematic is for a wah-wah pedal or a linear accelerator, because by virtue of being able to do things with their thumbs and tiny little screens, they've proven themselves to be vastly superior to those of us who do and make physical stuff. Just ask one of 'em.

Yeah, but in the end, the primitive old gun still ends all that. Not saying it’s good or right, just find it sort of ironic.

You can be the dumbest person in the world and take out the smartest person in the world just by moving your finger a tiny bit.

....and those who figured out how to make all the mechanics in an automatic firearm to work just so are pretty much geniuses in my book... Hmm, perhaps another irony.

Edited by Venom
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18 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Yeah, but they can take selfies, and post on Facebook, and use all manner of apps to order food and buy things and get directions and maybe even flush the toilet remotely.

Technology wizards like that don't need to know how to tell if a schematic is for a wah-wah pedal or a linear accelerator, because by virtue of being able to do things with their thumbs and tiny little screens, they've proven themselves to be vastly superior to those of us who do and make physical stuff. Just ask one of 'em.

Heh-heh...I'm one of those technology "wizards" that builds computer applications and websites for a living and use lots of apps on my phone to do stuff and procure things like food, etc.     But once in a while I do physical stuff like planting trees, using mulch on my yard, using a leaf blower, snow blower, etc. 

The world needs technology people to keep things like cell phones, banks, the internet, tv streaming, etc running.    The modern world wouldn't exist as it is without us. 

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On 5/20/2021 at 1:58 PM, iamsuperdan said:

Guys, I find this all quite amusing.


Personally, I'm enjoying the 5G coverage and lightning fast internet my vaccine gave me.


But please, don't venture into politics. Everyone's behaving so far, but this topic could easily stray in that direction. Let's all keep it that way.

Mocking the dumb is one thing, politics are another.




"I try to think but nothing happens." - Curly


No lie... our NY State governor is offering anyone who has yet not received a Covid-19 vaccine will get a $20 scratch off lottery ticket. Well, I shoulda waited to my vaccine. LOLOL!!!

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On 5/21/2021 at 1:15 PM, Venom said:

Yeah, but in the end, the primitive old gun still ends all that. Not saying it’s good or right, just find it sort of ironic.

You can be the dumbest person in the world and take out the smartest person in the world just by moving your finger a tiny bit.

....and those who figured out how to make all the mechanics in an automatic firearm to work just so are pretty much geniuses in my book... Hmm, perhaps another irony.

In the category of "stuff I probably shouldn't laugh at, but did anyway:"  I recently inherited a High Standard .22 caliber over-and-under Derringer.  Went to the internet to research it.  Turns out it's a quality little weapon, one that many cops use for their back-up gun.  It doesn't have a safety, except for its 15-20 pound trigger pull.

Somebody posted that he knew a cop who used that Derringer as his back-up.  He kept it in his back trouser pocket.  One night it snagged on something, providing just enough pull for it to go off and shoot him in the butt. 

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This thread reminds me of the "Look at those rubes!" type stories such as the old Chevy Nova ("No Va!") urban legend, that, in the end make the story-teller look foolish.


I suspect there's more to the story of the solar farm than what you folk are ranting about.  Also, have you noted the story is well over 5 years old at this point?  🙂


The linked article below points out that the reasons the town voted down the solar farm had nothing to do with the strange concerns one citizen expressed. 



"...I get it: let’s all point and laugh at the ignorant small-town folk who think solar panels are draining the sun of its energy and giving us cancer. Let’s point out how foolish they look to feel better about our own ignorance.

In reality, however, this story is an example of bad journalism more than anything else.

First off, there’s the focus on the comments made by Jane and Bobby Mann. It is extremely misleading to frame the story as if the Manns’ bizarre concerns were the main reason why the Woodland Town Council rejected the solar farm proposal, especially when you consider the fact that members of the council actually refuted the Manns’ claims during the meeting.

Most outlets also chose to ignore the more reasonable concerns raised by other Woodland residents, like Jean Barnes and Mary Hobbes.

But if the town council’s decision wasn’t about sun-sucking, cancer-causing solar panels, what were the real motivations for voting against the proposal? The answer lies in another section of the Roanoke-Chowan article:

The town would not benefit, from a tax base standpoint, from the solar farms because they are not located within the town limits, but only in the extraterritorial sections. 

The only funding the town would get is approximately $7,000 per year for specialized training for the Woodland Fire Department in the event of an electrical malfunction at the solar plant. ..."



Edited by Brian Austin
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On 5/22/2021 at 10:34 PM, Brian Austin said:

This thread reminds me of the "Look at those rubes!" type stories such as the old Chevy Nova ("No Va!") urban legend, that, in the end make the story-teller look foolish.

I suspect there's more to the story of the solar farm than what you folk are ranting about.  Also, have you noted the story is well over 5 years old at this point?  🙂

The linked article below points out that the reasons the town voted down the solar farm had nothing to do with the strange concerns one citizen expressed. 

Looks like you didn't notice that I used the words "amid fears" rather than "because of fears", which transforms the meaning of the headline dramatically.

And it also looks like you didn't notice the repeated references in the thread that the important takeaway from the video and press coverage isn't "look at those rubes", but rather that the woman making the outlandish claims that a PV solar array would interfere with photosynthesis of surrounding plants is a RETIRED SCIENCE TEACHER.

The fact that an educator could be so unbelievably ignorant about the principles she would have been teaching makes one wonder how much gibberish and misinformation she pounded into the heads of the generation of kids she was responsible for "teaching".

Look at the link I posted regarding scientific literacy among first-world citizenry (in the chocolate milk thread), and you can logically infer that this instance is by no means isolated.

Again, the takeaway is NOT to deride the ignorant. It's to make people aware that education systems are failing...globally...to prepare citizens for responsible involvement in physical reality.

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On 5/19/2021 at 7:54 PM, youpey said:

it seems this story is not real. at least the part about them thinking it would suck the power from the sun


Frankly, Snopes is a discredited source of 'facts' according to many. They do seem to have an obvious political bias and agenda. 

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3 hours ago, John1955 said:

Frankly, Snopes is a discredited source of 'facts' according to many. They do seem to have an obvious political bias and agenda. 

I dont know about thst stuff. I will say that one rando doesn't translate into "the town"


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17 hours ago, John1955 said:

Frankly, Snopes is a discredited source of 'facts' according to many. They do seem to have an obvious political bias and agenda. 

Frankly, whom can you trust nowadays?   Remember the good old days where we had 3 TV networks, and we all sat in front of a TV, watching the 6 or 11 o'clock news, and not very often questioned the facts delivered by the news-anchors?    Now we have the Internet, zillions of news sources, and everybody has an opinions and "alternate facts".  :wacko:

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7 hours ago, peteski said:

Frankly, whom can you trust nowadays?   Remember the good old days where we had 3 TV networks, and we all sat in front of a TV, watching the 6 or 11 o'clock news, and not very often questioned the facts delivered by the news-anchors?    Now we have the Internet, zillions of news sources, and everybody has an opinions and "alternate facts".  :wacko:

I completely agree. I do my best though to avoid 'news sources' with rather obvious political slants. I recall when growing up that my area had four channels that had evening news, CBS, NBC, ABC and NET (it became PBS later but was no longer non-biased). For the most part, none of the anchors ever gave any opinions, they just reported on what was happening and you couldn't tell from looking at their faces what they thought about it. The network and local news anchors didn't have fancy haircuts or hairstyles either. They didn't attempt to entertain you or even smile at you.

The only time I remember seeing an anchor on TV seem to be unable to control himself was after JFK was assassinated. I saw that happen on all three major networks and since I was a little kid then, it scared me. Walter Cronkite took off his glasses and wiped his eyes, Howard K. Smith let out a big sigh and John Chancellor kept stuttering as he read the news and looked lost. That was totally unlike those guys. 


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