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What Model Is Your Sentimental Favorite And Why?

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I think it was '67, I was 7. The LHS had just put out the Monogram store display of the Beer Wagon. Built by "the guys in the back" it was done to perfection. The paint, assembly, and woodgraining made a huge impression, much more than the simplified nature of the Monogram show rod kits might suggest. There is just something about the stance and proportions of the thing that have always struck me. I've built it 4 times over the years. This last one is close to being really good, I have have one left for another try in the future



Edited by samdiego
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  • 2 weeks later...

i know this topic faded away and for bringing it back i apologize, but i tried to throw in two cents then but my internet (lack of) connection was stopping me, so hopefully i can still throw it in.

my favorite from my childhood were actually a group of models, Monograms "color" models, Green Hornet, Black Widow, Blue Beetle, Yellow Jacket, those ones. i still have buildups of them i either built or collected later on, with some cool period store displays that are available on ebay regularly. i still need a Green Hornet one.

i just dug these models, especially the black widow and green hornet, where you could remove the body to reveal the primitive frame and running gear. just too cool.


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Every model means something to me, but the most sentimental...that's hard to choose. Obviously, we all build because it's something that means something to us, and those of us who are like me, high volume builders, have a lot to choose from.

For me, it's NOT my first contest winner. It's NOT my first published car. It's not the first I decaled or spray painted. (The first I decaled survives only in a zip lock bag). But it IS my first model, built all by myself. Back in 1992 I "built" a model with my dad, which consisted of me handing him the parts which he glued togther, and then I covered in various paint stripes (including over the windows and chrome!) Unfortunatly, the whereabouts of this model are unknown. That lasted a few years, one model a year on Thanksgiving day, but then it stopped.

Fast forward to late 1999. November 7th, to be exact. For some still unknown reason I got the urge to build a model. It came out of the blue, really, because I really didn't DO any building of the previous models. Several models had been laying around the house, and an AMT 53 Ford Pickup was sitting at the bottom of the basement stairs that whole time, on a shelf that I could see every time I went into the kitchen.

I pulled it up, and built it, starting that day into the next day. I didn't have any idea what I was doing-it never got it's right taillight, or fuel filler, and I busted up the front suspension pretty badly, I don't remember exactly how. I didn't know to paint the inside of the body, and the bed was painted gold because I didn't have any brown.

It was, of cource, entirely brush painted. It came out surprisingly good-it remains one of my best, of nearly 100, brush paint jobs. And the rest, as they say, is history. I've been building almost non-stop since then, and in a little more then 8 years I've done 240 models. (despite the fact that I am in a major slump currently) It has, unfortunatly, taken some damage since then-the tailgate has busted so it no longer stays on, which is the only majorly noticable thing, but there are some others I've fixed.


I have an unbuilt that is also sentimental to me as well. That first kit, a Revell "Max Rat" 66 Chevelle Pro Street, molded in bright green plastic, which was my first kit. It's long gone, the only one that is. I had been looking for another for years. Literally, since I started going to model shows in 2001. I was unable to find one for a long time. I had posted a few times that I had not been able to find one of them...and a member of the Hobby Heaven board codenamed Weird Michael sent me one! The box is a little worn, but the kit is complete. He would not accept anything from me in return-he gave it to me just because he is a nice guy! It's been sitting in my stash since 2007 but in September 2008 I finally started it. I'm going to be putting in more detail then I normally do-I've already opened the trunk! Unfortunatly it was one of the last things I did before I lost the will to model back in September.

Coincidentally, I found a factory sealed version at the NNL East last year. It came home with me, and became the only factory sealed kit to enter my permanent display.

And...to add another layer of 6 degrees of seperation....it was 7 years ago today my dad died.

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  • 8 years later...

I have a lot of favorites that I have built, for various reasons, but since this topic is for sentimental models, it would be this one:


My stepson owned one of these 454SS trucks. I grabbed an AMT kit, and built this for his birthday. I basically built it box-stock, as his truck was unaltered. I shot TESTORS black enamel on it in one coat. I was shocked to see how well it came out! I didn't even put any clear on it! I just polished it with Micro Gloss polish. When he passed away in 2003, his dad gave the model back to me. I have it in a clear AMT showcase, in the display cabinet for safe keeping.

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I built a Monogram 1/12 scale '69 Z28  about 30 years ago when I was a bachelor. I remember painting it in my Kitchen, and wet sanding it in my bath tub full of water. I painted it Dark Green, with white stripes, and a Black Interior. When I was a teenager, one of my father's friends had one, and he let me drive it by myself. It was all stock, save for a set of headers. This was in 1975. I built the model as a tribute to that car. It is still on the shelf in all its dusty glory.  I also have a 1/12 '57 Chevy that I built a few years before it to match my friend Chuck's car. It's on the shelf next to the Camaro.

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My sentimental favorite is the AMT Silhouette show car. I've tried and hopefully succeeded in obtaining an issue with every box art that it had been available in. Second fave would be the AMT Deora and the same goes for the collection of Box Art although I am missing the "Alexander's Drag Time" box.


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Boy what a great topic.There could be so many but probably the most important would be a 32 ford snap kit.It came purple with flame decals.I got it already put together and was blown away.It was a present for me and  put together by my grandson and son in law.This sits on top of a dresser and they know my extreme passion for models and thought of me.

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I guess I'll have to say it is not a car.  It is the only non car model I have built in the last 40 years.  I loved the movies as a kid and built this maybe five years ago.  Believe it or not I did not build any Mustangs that I can remember as a kid,  I built planes and ships and space stuff and sc-fi and tanks and a few cars.  It wasn't unti my 20's that I started to collect any Mustang, GT40, Pantera or Cobra that I could get my hands on regardless of the scale.


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The original AMT 32 Ford coupe.  An aunt gave it to me as a birthday present.  Building it as a dragster, I managed to hack out the fabric portion of the roof with a box-cutter, almost removing one of my fingers in the process.  Wired the engine with black sewing thread. Entered it in a contest sponsored by the local 5 & 10-cent store and won a third-place trophy.

When Revell released their new 1/25 scale '32 Ford coupe, it looked like they had nearly duplicated the car on the old AMT box art. Right down to the scallops and metallic blue paint.  Not sure if that was intentional, but I got a big kick out of it.



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I was about 14 when I built this for my father,  it was the first time I used actual car paint in a model,  it sat on a shelf in his room for years,   sadly he passed about 5 years ago ,  my mother gave the car to me along with the model,  neither will ever leave this family as my son has all ready claimed them.



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In 1962 I decided to go all out for a yearly competition at the local hobby shop. I spent a year on a '40 Ford Sedan making it a Low as I could ... chopped, channeled and sectioned with 13" wheels and massacred suspension. Pretty sure I used Bill Cushingbery's Matador as inspiration. The front dual headlight frenched openings were were formed with thin wire molded in as a 1:1 would. The low grill was a piece from parts box and the '39 grill smoothed and body color. The hood was pancaked with a bubble for engine clearance ... engine unknown,but fully wired with sewing thread. The doors were opened with working handle ... just a wire in a hole with ends bent parallel to the door plane. Scoops in the rear fenders were from parts box and fit just right, after more Plastic Wood. Corvette tailights on fenders and a license plate shroud finished the rear.  The interior, and undercarriage, was upholstered with strips of green and white corduroy 2 ribs wide. The paint was a disaster using Pactra Candy Green for the first time with dark globs at the bottom of the body.

Despite the bad paint, it was in the running for Best in Show and won First Place in the Custom Class, because it was said to be Not Roadable! The body was at least a couple inches off the ground! This was my last build for 30 years and I have only a few bad photos and the hood and one wheel lest. Somehow the trophy survived too, sentimental.

40 Ford Sedan sml01


40 Ford sedan wheel  DSC 2286

40 Ford Hood  2 DSC 9134

1962 40 Ford Sedan Trophy DSC 2263

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Ive got several. From builds I did many MANY years ( and actually still have )  Such as my Johan Sox and Martin 1969 Roadrunner. And my Monza IMSA looking thing , Its my very first attempt to do a multi color fade paint job ( all rattle cans ). Both of these were  built back in the late 70s to early 80s time frame

Those are the 2 at the top of my list. Followed by some kits Ive built in the past 15 years that are replicas of kits I built when I was a kid in the early 70s ( thank god for ebay find builders and modern day re-issues )

The Barry Setzer Vega I bought  a really nice case for it  to just display it alone. Built from an ebay find maybe 15 years ago of a mostly unbuilt MPC kit that had been tinkered with slightly. Using original kit decals to btw

I have others But I have to say these are probably my most prized and will go NOWHERE while I'm still breathing.



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For me it is the Revell SWC '41 Willys when it was first released in the summer of 1963. I remember saving up my 50 cents weekly allowance til I had enough (about $2.50 w/postage) to order one from my Auto World catalog. Checked the mailbox every day for weeks until it arrived. Unfortunately it was more advanced than my skills were then, but I had it on display in my room when I finished. I brushed painted it maroon.   

41 swc willys.jpg

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I'm with Gerald, back in '63 the Willys.

On another note....that darned Revell "Orange Crate".  Never finished it as it kicked my butt good.  I broke so many parts trying to get them off the trees, I gave up.  What a cool old model.

....maybe, just maybe, one of these days

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