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How to stop model building burn out?

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You burn out? I've been at it for over 50 years, an I still haven't. Don't take it so seriously, It'sa hobby, meant to relax you an set you at ease an comfort you. When it doesn't I guess you can just walk away for a while. As long as nobody else shares your room, it should all be right where you left it. Good Luck!

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First, I remind myself I do it for fun. If it feels like work, I stop. If I have no interest in a current project, it goes off to the side for a bit. I almost always desire to return to it eventually. And most importantly, I don't limit myself to one genre. I will build planes and jets and cars and tanks of all kinds and in all scales.

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Let's see, get off 12 hour a night graveyard shift; been on nights for the past five months started out as 10 hours then the contractor got "slightly" behind and went to 12's. Eat, sleet work, the weekends are for my wife and family. Should be off and back to "normal" 8 hour days by the end of the month.

So not model burnout, just plain old burnout, I do my net surfing from the roadside on my iPhone. That would be why I comment on a whole lot of stuff and maybe come off a tad bit "grouchy" normally I'm pretty mild mannered; oh did I mention that I've got half a dozen striping jobs that fortunately customers are really understanding... One of these day soon I'll be massaging the styrene again!! The ideas are floating, no time to execute!

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sort parts, rearrange things, go thru some kits you had sitting for a while, read some magazines (or do the internet thing) for some fresh ideas. get chipolte......

i wish that was my problem. i am motivated to go to the model room, just easier to plop my butt on the couch with the family and watch "the Voice"..... if it aint sports, tv stinks and i still sit there, then i fall asleep. at this rate i will never get more projects started!!

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I find myself from the Drag Racing Models section of this forum, all of the great builds there (just like the Army Vega FC and John Teresi's Daytona PM). After few minutes of looking those outstanding builds, I'm already running back to the bench! :lol:

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