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Saw a truck running around with a fairly good size American flag that was tattered. No respect for the flag. I mean the poor flag was really shredded.

Frankly, I'm appalled when I see moron 'patriots' abusing this country's flag too. There was a time when our flag meant something sacred to most every American. We treated it with the respect and reverence it deserves, because of what it truly stands for. We used to take it down in the rain. We used to never let it touch the ground. If it wasn't illuminated, we used to take it down at night too, and carefully fold it. And many of us fought, killed and died for what the American Flag means...freedom.

Correction: apparently, what it USED to mean.

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I think the overwhelming majority still see it that way, Bill, it's just that the media crams so much negative garbage in our faces, that we can easily get the impression that no one respects it anymore. Old Glory still flies proud all over the US, and I hope always will.

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Bill, unfortunately I think it has a lot to do with the military service or more correctly lack of military service. If you look at todays vets, 2.3% of the general population served during the Vietnam War. 2.2% have served in the gulf Wars and 1.7% served in peace time. WWII and Korea account for another .9% Of the overall population 3.9% are veterans. That number was much higher for my parents generation(WWII) almost everyone who was of age, served in some capacity. I am a rare exception. I grew up with both parents being WWII Navy vets. I learned my respect from them. When I joined during Vietnam, that is when I really came to appreciate what it was and stood for. It really hits home when friends pay the price. With only 4 out of 100 doing service, that true meaning seems to get seriously diluted. It is a shame that some form of military service is not required if no other reason that to give the population an idea of how much freedom really costs.

Edited by Pete J.
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Frankly, I'm appalled when I see moron 'patriots' abusing this country's flag too. There was a time when our flag meant something sacred to most every American. We treated it with the respect and reverence it deserves, because of what it truly stands for. We used to take it down in the rain. We used to never let it touch the ground. If it wasn't illuminated, we used to take it down at night too, and carefully fold it. And many of us fought, killed and died for what the American Flag means...freedom.

Correction: apparently, what it USED to mean.

Good one Bill!

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Today was a day to stay home and deal w/ house issues.  Had to have a plumber over for a leaky pipe under a bathroom sink, and my A/C wasn't cooling when I got up this morning.   It got up to 90 in the house before the repairman fixed it (was a minor thing, something electrical on the unit itself)...back down to 80 now, hopefully will get down to a normal 75 by bedtime....

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Saw a truck running around with a fairly good size American flag that was tattered. No respect for the flag. I mean the poor flag was really shredded.


Frankly, I'm appalled when I see moron 'patriots' abusing this country's flag too. There was a time when our flag meant something sacred to most every American. We treated it with the respect and reverence it deserves, because of what it truly stands for. We used to take it down in the rain. We used to never let it touch the ground. If it wasn't illuminated, we used to take it down at night too, and carefully fold it. And many of us fought, killed and died for what the American Flag means...freedom.


Correction: apparently, what it USED to mean.

When i was in grade school in the 70's we was tought the rules and care of the American Flag...

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The first history of conscription comes from the Civil war era.  The south had the first conscription law in 1862 and the north in 1863.  This was modified several times until  1917 when the Selective Service act was enacted which require men between 21 and 30 to register through local draft boards until 1920.  The Selective Training and service act reestablished registration for 21 to 35 year olds in 1940 and was later in WWII changed to 18 to 35. This is the basis for the continued Selective service system that requires all males to register at age 18.  There is and never has been a "compulsory military service" requirement such as exists in Israel.  The draft has always been full of loopholes and exemptions so service has only been mandatory for those who were "drafted".   

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In my opinion nobody pays attention to car alarms i hear them go off at a mall and no one cares what does one do ? 

Buy the club for the steering wheel it works 

But anyway Good luck to you ?

Edited by XJ6
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The vintage model seller or sellers on ebay that lists models ''Buy it now''  a part per listing until the whole kit is listed taking up the whole page . I know its a get what you can get and I dont have to look or buy it. Maybe its just me, just sayin'.

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People still put alarms on cars???  :o


Sounds like a waste of money.  Just me though.

The vintage model seller or sellers on ebay that lists models ''Buy it now''  a part per listing until the whole kit is listed taking up the whole page . I know its a get what you can get and I dont have to look or buy it. Maybe its just me, just sayin'.

I know what you mean.  But you'd be surprised how much more money they make this way.  Almost 3x as much...sometimes more on the vintage AMT/JoHan kits.. The other thing is lots of times folks wont buy an entire kit for one part.  If they can save a few bucks to get the only part they need, some will. Not me.  That's why I have a junkyard of parts!

Edited by iceman-555
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Saw a truck running around with a fairly good size American flag that was tattered. No respect for the flag. I mean the poor flag was really shredded.


Frankly, I'm appalled when I see moron 'patriots' abusing this country's flag too. There was a time when our flag meant something sacred to most every American. We treated it with the respect and reverence it deserves, because of what it truly stands for. We used to take it down in the rain. We used to never let it touch the ground. If it wasn't illuminated, we used to take it down at night too, and carefully fold it. And many of us fought, killed and died for what the American Flag means...freedom.


Correction: apparently, what it USED to mean.

Saw a truck running around with a fairly good size American flag that was tattered. No respect for the flag. I mean the poor flag was really shredded.


Frankly, I'm appalled when I see moron 'patriots' abusing this country's flag too. There was a time when our flag meant something sacred to most every American. We treated it with the respect and reverence it deserves, because of what it truly stands for. We used to take it down in the rain. We used to never let it touch the ground. If it wasn't illuminated, we used to take it down at night too, and carefully fold it. And many of us fought, killed and died for what the American Flag means...freedom.


Correction: apparently, what it USED to mean.

Again well said Bill, this kind of thing is totally wrong.

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