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What Irked You Today?


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   We made our last move 45 years ago , house payment was $276 , was worried about covering it . Now our light/water bill is larger . And don't get me started on moving again , people grow to their environment , and we've filled out nicely , stuff everywhere , moving would be a nightmare for sure . :lol:

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Spent over 4 hours on the phone trying to cancel our direct TV and att internet!

Kept getting transferred to the retention department and put on hold only to be hung up on!

Will try again today!

Maybe I can get someone that speaks and understands English this time!

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3 hours ago, OldTrucker said:

Spent over 4 hours on the phone trying to cancel our direct TV and att internet!

Sounds like when I disconnected my Serus Radio.. they wouldn’t take no for an answer. Discounted it down to $5 a month and I still said no. Finally the off shore woman said okay it was canceled.  Then later that month I saw it billed to my credit card at full price!  Had to do it all over again!

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11 hours ago, OldTrucker said:

Spent over 4 hours on the phone trying to cancel our direct TV and att internet!

Kept getting transferred to the retention department and put on hold only to be hung up on!

Will try again today!

Maybe I can get someone that speaks and understands English this time!

That's sad.  Before AT&T bought DirecTV, DirecTV's customer service was here in the States.

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Went to a junk yard that swore they had the right drive shaft for my Jeep.When I got down to pick pick it up after sitting in an hours worth of traffic,to find out it was bent.And the junk called me to tell me it was sent from their other yard.But I can’t use it.Looks like I’m gonna have to spend $350+for a new one.????

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WAY PAST IRKED!  Well into PI$$ED!

Mailed a Priority package to an address I've mailed dozens (or scores) of packages to over the years with no trouble, always delivered on time. NOT NOW.

Mailed the package on 07-13-2020, Priority, from Phoenix to Denver with a promised delivery date of 07-17-2020.  Tracking shows it was in Denver by 07-16-2020 and put on a truck for delivery 07-17-2020.  No delivery scan. Never delivered. Still hasn't been delivered. Vanished.

I put a trace on it 07-24-2020 per their procedures. Received a very unsympathetic call from USPS Idiot chick in Denver on 07-24-2020. Was told I should call the recipient to ask if it was delivered. I don't think so, for two reasons:  1) The recipient ALWAYS calls as soon as a package is received . . . recipient hasn't called, so it hasn't been received. 2) It was supposed to be a surprise. Calling the recipient kinda screws that, no?  Oh, yeah, and what the ph**k is Tracking for?  I'm supposed to call the recipient to find out if it was delivered or not? Then I didn't need to pay so much extra for secure handling and tracking, huh?

It was put on the truck and never got off the truck. GO FIND IT!  Go look in the friggin' truck. Arrest the delivery guy or guyette for mail theft!  Whatever.


The Denver USPS Idiot chick told me I should contact the shipper and ask them to send a replacement package. HELLO?  A) I'm the shipper. I don't have to contact myself, I already know it's AWOL.  B )  The package did not contain merchandise, it contained heirlooms from my recently deceased Love-of-My-Life (the Lovely and Gracious Mrs. B )  intended for the recipient. There's no replacement on the planet.  

GO FIND THE ph**king package! 

I was told (rudely) I should get over it and file an insurance claim. 

Been three days since the second call where the same USPS Idiot Chick told me to just send another.  Right.  Like I'm supposed to trust you fools now? Besides, did you not listen? See "B" above.



The local delivery truck can only be so big. How the H-E-double-hockey-sticks can they lose it?


Thank you one and all for allowing me to vent.  I needed to get that out.  I'm afraid I've gone postal. 



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I got laid off today. Yea COVID! Our freight volumes have been dropping since January. Terminal has been in the Red since then too.  They pulled the plug on my position (Terminal Manager), and will keep only the truck drivers. All the stuff I was doing will now be done remotely, in Texas.......


At least they did it in person, and at the end of the Pay Period. I have a tiny bit of savings, and I'm eligible to apply for unemployment.  In California, no less! This should be fun. (not). Things could be worse, and I'm not going to cry too much. 

But I'm 57. Not fun trying to find work at my age. No one ever admits to it, but there is plenty of age discrimination out there, and I'm not young anymore........ That does bother me.

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There seems to be age discrimination everywhere except for political jobs. I was lucky enough to "pull the plug" when I was 59 1/2 and it was only 8 months earlier than I had planned on. Retirement seems to work well for me and I thank the good Lord. Good luck Alan.

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41 minutes ago, alexis said:

I got laid off today. Yea COVID! Our freight volumes have been dropping since January. Terminal has been in the Red since then too.  They pulled the plug on my position (Terminal Manager), and will keep only the truck drivers. All the stuff I was doing will now be done remotely, in Texas.......


At least they did it in person, and at the end of the Pay Period. I have a tiny bit of savings, and I'm eligible to apply for unemployment.  In California, no less! This should be fun. (not). Things could be worse, and I'm not going to cry too much. 

But I'm 57. Not fun trying to find work at my age. No one ever admits to it, but there is plenty of age discrimination out there, and I'm not young anymore........ That does bother me.

Sorry to hear that Alan!

I have been out since the beginning of this mess. I was supposed to start a new job... not my ideal job.. on Monday.  Seems it may be delayed a bit. No word on start date!

And yes there is age discrimination! I’m going on 62 and need another 5 years!

My best to you!

Edited by Tom Geiger
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42 minutes ago, alexis said:

I got laid off today. Yea COVID! Our freight volumes have been dropping since January. Terminal has been in the Red since then too.  They pulled the plug on my position (Terminal Manager), and will keep only the truck drivers. All the stuff I was doing will now be done remotely, in Texas.......


At least they did it in person, and at the end of the Pay Period. I have a tiny bit of savings, and I'm eligible to apply for unemployment.  In California, no less! This should be fun. (not). Things could be worse, and I'm not going to cry too much. 

But I'm 57. Not fun trying to find work at my age. No one ever admits to it, but there is plenty of age discrimination out there, and I'm not young anymore........ That does bother me.

That sucks 

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2 hours ago, alexis said:

I got laid off today...and I'm eligible to apply for unemployment.  In California, no less! This should be fun. (not).

Sorry to hear that.  Losing a job is always rough.  I went thru it in Los Angeles in 2013, when my whole department was suddenly laid off with no warning.  I was very lucky that I had just hit the age for early retirement and a pension.

Overall, the CA unemployment system worked very well, once I got thru the initial application process.  Your company should help you with that. After you're in the system, your unemployment payments can go directly into your bank account.   

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Discrimination includes employers selecting where to post job availability information...some of them favor online and social media which they assume some older applicants won't use.  But there are enough employers out there using old-school methods too, or even instead of newer media because they want an older employee that they can more safely assume will show up every day. 

I had to do a job search last year at 59.  I knew it was coming for about a year.  I didn't send any resumes out, nor did I call any agencies, until after my last day of work.  I was only off six weeks, and had a job locked up before my two months' insurance at my former employer ended.  Fortunately I landed the right job, as I don't particularly feel like looking for a job again under any circumstances.

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2 hours ago, alexis said:

I got laid off today. Yea COVID! Our freight volumes have been dropping since January. Terminal has been in the Red since then too.  They pulled the plug on my position (Terminal Manager), and will keep only the truck drivers. All the stuff I was doing will now be done remotely, in Texas.......


At least they did it in person, and at the end of the Pay Period. I have a tiny bit of savings, and I'm eligible to apply for unemployment.  In California, no less! This should be fun. (not). Things could be worse, and I'm not going to cry too much. 

But I'm 57. Not fun trying to find work at my age. No one ever admits to it, but there is plenty of age discrimination out there, and I'm not young anymore........ That does bother me.

I was laid off at the end of January, so I've been laid off this whole time. This is my last week of unemployment benefits. 

And I'm even older than you. In fact, I need to file for Social Security next week. :unsure:

"The cattle all have brucellosis, we'll get through somehow." --"Play It All Night Long," the late great Warren Zevon

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2 minutes ago, Mark said:

Discrimination includes employers selecting where to post job availability information...some of them favor online and social media which they assume some older applicants won't use. 

You reminded me, last time I was unemployed a couple years ago, I had to do a mandatory "find a job" clinic/workshop. One great tip I hadn't thought of was, DON'T use an AOL email address (like mine), as it's assumed that the only people who still use AOL email are auld pharts (such as myself). They said get a free G-mail account. 

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6 minutes ago, Snake45 said:

You reminded me, last time I was unemployed a couple years ago, I had to do a mandatory "find a job" clinic/workshop. One great tip I hadn't thought of was, DON'T use an AOL email address (like mine), as it's assumed that the only people who still use AOL email are auld pharts (such as myself). They said get a free G-mail account. 

Yes!  Create a dedicated account with your real name as the address. Leave out any references to years too!  You don’t want to be communicating with prospective employers as “ratrod1956@aol.com”

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That really sucks. There may be additional funds coming. I was laid off a 3M many years ago and I loved that job . But in the end it was a blessing in disguise as I got a better job that I stayed at for 27 years. May be more difficult in the current job market but I wish you the best !  Good luck !

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59 minutes ago, Tom Geiger said:

Yes!  Create a dedicated account with your real name as the address. Leave out any references to years too!  You don’t want to be communicating with prospective employers as “ratrod1956@aol.com”

Good grief! I have received so many resumes with really stupid e-mail addresses on them. "partyboy_justin@gmail.com" or "easygirl_jessica@hotmail.com" aren't email addresses for a professional resume. As Tom says, make it a g-rated derivative of your name. If you have to add numbers, "666" is a bad idea. And I too think that technology has left someone who still uses an aol.com  email address in 2020. Is AOL still a thing?

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Thanks for the encouragement guys.  I'm still processing this whole thing. But, we had a great Un-Birthday celebration to night(think Alice in Wonderland), and We had Fish&Chips Chocolate Cake, and I got to see my Kids and Grandkids. Nice way to end the day.  

I'll be back at it Monday. I'm going to take the weekend to de-compress.

And, LOL after all the Sturm und Drang over Scale Auto, merging to Fine Scale, my son got me a subscription to FSM for Father's Day! First issue was in today's Mail!  I'm happy.

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Maybe 5 years ago my wife was applying for jobs and doing interviews but kept getting denied. She was ending a manager job and just wanted to be an 8 hour day "grunt" without all the responsibilities of managing people. They all kept telling her she was over qualified and the pay wouldn't be great but she was up front on what she wanted. I threw out that maybe they don't want a 50 year old.

Thing is, these companies are stuck on young people just out of college and don't realize how perfect an older employee would be that has years of work experience and simply wants to come to work everyday and do a good job. They have a stable life, no kids, looking toward retiring some day....

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32 minutes ago, TonyK said:

Maybe 5 years ago my wife was applying for jobs and doing interviews but kept getting denied. She was ending a manager job and just wanted to be an 8 hour day "grunt" without all the responsibilities of managing people. They all kept telling her she was over qualified and the pay wouldn't be great but she was up front on what she wanted. I threw out that maybe they don't want a 50 year old.

Thing is, these companies are stuck on young people just out of college and don't realize how perfect an older employee would be that has years of work experience and simply wants to come to work everyday and do a good job. They have a stable life, no kids, looking toward retiring some day....

Far to many employers are hindered by their "Thumb Suckers" in their HR Departments. They just got out of collage and think they know everything there is to know about the world and don't even understand what qualifications the company is looking for or what the job description even is. But if you have a lot of experience then you just have to be to old in there minds.   

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