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What Irked You Today?


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What irks me is I go to Albany Medical Hospital everyday for the past 5 day. There is a public bathroom. One seater only. 2 First days it was fine. But the last 3. Someone goes in and pees all over the toilet and seat. REALLY! Freaking pig.

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12 hours ago, ewetwo said:

What irks me is I go to Albany Medical Hospital everyday for the past 5 day. There is a public bathroom. One seater only. 2 First days it was fine. But the last 3. Someone goes in and pees all over the toilet and seat. REALLY! Freaking pig.

Sounds like Walmart bathrooms!LOL

When maintenance wasn't on duty they cart pushers were recruited to clean up the messes.  When I worked Parking Lot Security I actually had to break up a fist fight that started over who was going to go in!LOL

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2 hours ago, OldTrucker said:

Sounds like Walmart bathrooms!LOL

The only time I ever had to use a Walmart bathroom, I used the one at the BACK of the store, not the one at the front, and as I was going in, the cleaning guy was just coming out. The place was spotless, and there was plenty of TP and paper towels. I had the joint to myself. One of my best public bathroom experiences ever, anywhere. B)

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14 minutes ago, Snake45 said:

The only time I ever had to use a Walmart bathroom, I used the one at the BACK of the store, not the one at the front, and as I was going in, the cleaning guy was just coming out. The place was spotless, and there was plenty of TP and paper towels. I had the joint to myself. One of my best public bathroom experiences ever, anywhere. B)

After they moved into the super store my wife worked at they had a fantastic cleaning crew. But here lately they have so many unfilled jobs (also they for some reason are cutting hours ) the whole store is a dirty mess.

Walmart, just like when I worked as a school janitor it seems the girls/lady's  rooms were always the messiest!

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16 minutes ago, OldTrucker said:

Walmart, just like when I worked as a school janitor it seems the girls/lady's  rooms were always the messiest!

Sadly some never grow out of it.  I was a facility manager for a health insurance company and the female restrooms were always far worse.  Even with the toilet seat covers (aka a** gaskets) some would hover over the toilet and hit the back of the toilet, flush mechanism and even the wall....and not with just urine.  Feminine hygiene products being flushed instead of using the lined container in each stall and then clogging the toilet.  What always shocked me was even with the disproportionate number of females in the office, the men's soap dispensers always needed refills more frequently.

My favorite was having to put up a memo on each stall to NOT conduct cellphone conversations in the restroom due to numerous complaints from other females that they are uncomfortable completing their 'transaction' as someone on that call may hear them.  

Edited by HomerS
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15 hours ago, ewetwo said:

What irks me is I go to Albany Medical Hospital everyday for the past 5 day. There is a public bathroom. One seater only. 2 First days it was fine. But the last 3. Someone goes in and pees all over the toilet and seat. REALLY! Freaking pig.

I seen bath rooms toilet, floor, handle everything a mess. You just can’t wipe that off needs to be sanitized…

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If you have to use the public facilities anywhere (especially at stores), be paranoid about super glue on the seats...there was a rash of such incidents at Home Depots awhile back.  Much as I'd hate to get "stuck" in such a situation, man would I hate to be one of the emergency responders that day...

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Well, I wanted to remove the original post about the bathroom as I was afraid of where it would lead the discussion. At this point I would have to remove a lot of posts and hand out an equal number of 30 day moderations (yes, you can also get hit with moderation by replying to and continuing an inappropriate discussion). Lets stop the conversation right here and try to keep things cleaner going forward.

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1 hour ago, Classicgas said:

...some idiot on a faceschmook...says he knows what he's talking about.


54 minutes ago, Mark said:

Well, if (insert any word here) isn't spelled correctly, credibility starts to drop immediately...

Misinformed certainty is a hallmark of the interdwerbs in general and Facebark, YT, et al in particular.

There has always been an unfortunate tendency, due to the intellectual laziness of most humans, to accept a lie as truth if it's repeated often enough...but the threshold has dropped precipitously in recent years.

Hearing a single pontification of some "expert" or "insider" (whether real, self-appointed, or paid shill) seems to be all it takes now for facts and reality to be completely disregarded, and the incessant rebleating to begin.


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There are always good and bad aspects to everything. The Internet allows a platform for information to be shared. Unfortunately that is both good and bad information.  One needs to sort the chaff from the wheat and cross check the information, and as Bill said some people don't bother to do that.

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2 hours ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

...One needs to sort the chaff from the wheat and cross check the information, and as Bill said some people don't bother to do that.

Agreed, but all too often, users mindlessly regurgitate whatever Google vomits up first, and IF any cross-checking is done, it's usually simply reading the identical WRONG information that's been reposted across the web by "experts" more intent on appearing knowledgeable than actually knowing what they're blathering on about.

It's very common to find tens of sites repeating incorrect info and data that's been obviously copy-pasted from one wrong source, where nobody in the chain has bothered to check the veracity with primary sources. The mainstream media is at least as guilty of falling into this trap as any one individual, and for them it's inexcusable.

EDIT: By primary sources, I simply mean somebody who was actually there, or an unedited video of the event, or the guy who did the original research, design, or whatever.

Yeah, it takes more effort than just believing and rebleating whatever baloney some moron posted that's not right...but isn't it worth it to know the truth?


Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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5 hours ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

...You have to cross check the information from a reliable source...

And therein lies another rub.

A whole lot of people regard the mainstream media as a "reliable source", but they're often as guilty of mindlessly rebleating misinformation as the most egregious lazy individual re-poster.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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I have been dealing with a particular aftermarket company for 25 years. They have switched most of their business to Ebay in the past several years. Recently two very rare resin truck cabs were listed. They were a bit pricey, but I bit the bullet and bought one. The other remained posted another 21 hours. The next day I got a message saying that they were sorry, but they posted two by mistake and only had one and it had sold. They said that they would refund my money. I responded back, that I had purchased mine a whole day prior to the other with no response. After my refund cleared, I sent another message letting them know that the refund cleared and addressed once again that I had purchased the item the day before the other sold. The response that I received was; “I told you we were sorry.” Now I understand that mistakes happen, but after 25 years of business and a lot of money spent over the years, I would liked to have had a better explanation than; “I told you we were sorry” or at least a nicer one.
Well it irked me anyway.

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27 minutes ago, DRIPTROIT 71 said:

I have been dealing with a particular aftermarket company for 25 years. They have switched most of their business to Ebay in the past several years. Recently two very rare resin truck cabs were listed. They were a bit pricey, but I bit the bullet and bought one. The other remained posted another 21 hours. The next day I got a message saying that they were sorry, but they posted two by mistake and only had one and it had sold. They said that they would refund my money. I responded back, that I had purchased mine a whole day prior to the other with no response. After my refund cleared, I sent another message letting them know that the refund cleared and addressed once again that I had purchased the item the day before the other sold. The response that I received was; “I told you we were sorry.” Now I understand that mistakes happen, but after 25 years of business and a lot of money spent over the years, I would liked to have had a better explanation than; “I told you we were sorry” or at least a nicer one.
Well it irked me anyway.

[sniff, sniff] Smells to me like they only had one, and got a much higher bid for the second one than you paid, and decided to do you dirty and take the money and run. Post the name of these unethical cheats. :angry:

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Just now, Snake45 said:

[sniff, sniff] Smells to me like they only had one, and got a much higher bid for the second one than you paid, and decided to do you dirty and take the money and run. Post the name of these unethical cheats. :angry:

It was a actually a “buy it now” so I don’t think that it was more money. I did suggested that maybe the other buyer was a better customer than me though. I really don’t know how much I have spent with them over the years, but I’m sure it is well over $1,000. I don’t want to share their name on the off chance that they honestly made a mistake. After all, I had been reasonably satisfied for 25 years, for the most part anyway. My real gripe is how short and what I felt like was a rude response given to me when inquired further. I felt like I had been a good customer and even recommended several customers to them over the years. They could of said “we made a mistake and didn’t notice that your purchase was first” if that is what happened. With that being said, I am stubborn enough that I won’t spend another nickel with them. I have more projects than I will ever finish anyway. Again it is not because of a mistake, but I was how they responded to my inquiry.

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Today is January 3rd, according to the calendar I have downloaded from the Yadkin County School Board, today is the day we return to school.  I am a bus driver, so I naturally have to get there quite early.  Out of bed at 4:15 AM, get ready, drive through some fairly steady rain with wind, and arrive at the school.  No one is there.  I wait awhile, check my local news app and find out school has been delayed for two hours because of some possible inclement weather.  Miffed because I did not get notified by phone tree I drove back home and drank some more coffee.  Two hours later (7:05 AM) I again check my phone app and it still says delay.  Get ready, rain has got heavier - going to be a rough wait for the kids at the bus stops.  Arrive at school, no one is in the parking lot, so I sign in using my telephone, and wait awhile.  Finally call the bus garage and they tell me school has been cancelled, the call went out at 7:00 AM. BTW we did later this morning get a small snow shower.

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We finally got some winter weather, and that's OK with me. Had a 9 am Doctors visit and gave myself some extra time to get there since only the main hiways have been plowed. Making better time than I thought and missing breakfast I thought I should get a Latta since it was 19 degrees it seemed like a good idea. Walk into one of those overpriced well known Coffee Shops and couldn't even get waited on. There was a long line of cars at the drive up window and that's why I went inside. They had three Baristas that looked like they had had an extra shot or two in their last Latta and a cashier at the window along with nother two or three people running around getting bakery goodies. Two were leaning in to talk to each other at the order window and as I approached  they both went around behind the counter. No one would even acknowledge me standing at the order window. They wouldn't even look up it was like I was invisible. Aftewr a couple of minutes I just left. The owner is paying all this staff and half are hardly working and just talking to one another about their feelings and ignoring a paying customer. 

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