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What Irked You Today?


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On 2/13/2024 at 8:21 PM, Ace-Garageguy said:

Almost SOP, though there some offshore suppliers who actually make stuff to the specs...but you never know exactly what you're going to get...and shopping price for car parts just about guarantees you'll get junk.

It was supposed to be an OEM part per their computer. Can't trust anyone anymore.. Sad. 

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Took a nice trip today to hunt for hobby shops in a neighboring State. Found that those shops have closed up for good..😡 Ended up at a Hobby Lobby, super Wal-Mart and an Ollies to find either no kits or nothing of interest.  Tomorrow I'll head in another direction to a shop that I know is still open...🤞

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8 hours ago, A modeler named mike said:

I ordered some Christmas lights from an eBay seller back in late October. They never arrived nor was tracking info supplied. I asked eBay to step in and I was refunded all my money. You should get refunded also.. 

I don't know about that. I've lost all faith in eBay, and don't use them much any more.


Two reasons.

First, I sold a slot car to a guy in England. I packaged it up, shipped it out, provided tracking numbers. It showed as delivered. The guy said he never received it. Ebay said I need to refund him. I again showed the tracking number and the confirmation of delivery to the guy's address. Ebay said I need to refund him in full.

Second, I purchased a couple of kits. They shipped. Tracking number said they arrived. I never received them. EBay said "too bad, so sad, they show as delivered." 

Similar cases, and somehow, I'm on the wrong side on the both sides. 

I used to use eBay at least once a month. Now I've used it maybe once or twice in the past 5 years. Maybe.

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On 1/15/2024 at 2:05 PM, bobthehobbyguy said:

My irk was from last week. 

I ended up in the hospital Thursday. I was slow to getting an issue with severe edemahospital. Taken care of(I had a weight gain of 70 pounds that was from water retention in a period of 3 months). That really throws the body out of wack. Being that waterlogged messes up ones sodium balance which can be a big problem. Definitely need to be more diligent in the future and avoid making that mistake again.

This week started off with a trip back to the hospital on Monday. Because of the edema I have been having to take a lot of Lasix to get rid of the excess water. It is a tricky balance becuase the Lasix are hard on the kidneys however the edema has its negative effects on the body. My cardiologist wanted to have my kidney functions monitored and still be able to get improvement  with the edema.


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I've found paypal to be a better way to sort ebay problems. Ebay dont care as long as they get their cut which i belive is how they make their decisions, ie, the cut from the seller is x$s but the the buyer is xx$s so in this the buyer wins but if the numbers were reversed the seller wins, while paypal have to stick to banking laws and consumer protection laws. Paypal will freeze an account long before ebay will and for much less, and we all know how much hassle that is. I've been on both sides of disputes on ebay and paypal and paypal took longer but did do some checks and ask for evidence while ebay didn't ask for anything.

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8 minutes ago, stitchdup said:

I've found paypal to be a better way to sort ebay problems. Ebay dont care as long as they get their cut which i belive is how they make their decisions, ie, the cut from the seller is x$s but the the buyer is xx$s so in this the buyer wins but if the numbers were reversed the seller wins, while paypal have to stick to banking laws and consumer protection laws. Paypal will freeze an account long before ebay will and for much less, and we all know how much hassle that is. I've been on both sides of disputes on ebay and paypal and paypal took longer but did do some checks and ask for evidence while ebay didn't ask for anything.

Bingo. Which is why I almost always use PayPal for any online purchases.

Also, that way nobody but PP has your card number info, so there's a layer of additional protection that way too.

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Spending much of today ( and yesterday, and the day before ) sorting out my set of small number drills and trying to find decent replacements. 

I have tried to consolidate to using metric size drills in 1/10 of a millimeter sizes i.e 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 ... ( etc ) but sometime they just won't do. Had to get out a micrometer to sort out the similar size wire gauge number drills that I have, what I need to fill holes from missing or long past dull bits. 

Searching for suitable replacements led me down a  twisty frustrating bunny hole. Lots of suitable sizes on eBay, Amazon, hobby stores, industrial suppliers (etc) with prices from dead cheap to eye watering expensive. Bahh! Sounds simple to find some decent wire gauge number drills but it isn't always done.

cheers, Graham


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Only got a couple of hours sleep last night because of the wind. I HATE wind and need quiet when I sleep. It was windy all day yesterday, all night and still windy today. The noise combined with me being mad about it just doesn't allow me to relax and sleep so got out of bed about 12:40 am today and went out to the garage to work on models. Listen to Sirius radio but still have the wind noise buffeting the garage door.

I did realize with the lack of sleep I didn't mind doing simple model work such as sanding and scraping.

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25 minutes ago, ColonelKrypton said:

...Searching for suitable replacements led me down a  twisty frustrating bunny hole. Lots of suitable sizes on eBay, Amazon, hobby stores, industrial suppliers (etc) with prices from dead cheap to eye watering expensive. Bahh! Sounds simple to find some decent wire gauge number drills but it isn't always done.

Yup, that's a problem, especially when even some of the more expensive bits that it would be reasonable to assume were made of decent stuff and had the right tip profiles and flutes turn out to be soft garbage that isn't made to any kind of spec.

The manufacturer/importer/reseller will price them the same as the good stuff, and unless you test them immediately on receipt, you won't know until it's too late to send 'em back.

I've bought some of the cheaper wire-gauge drills as an experiment on occasion, and some of them won't even start a hole in styrene.

Then there are suppliers like Harbor Freight. Guy I work with bought a set of "TiN coated" bits at HF, tried them, and they were great. Cut clean, stayed sharp. I figgered "hokay...I'll save me some money on a set of decent bits, hot dang". Bought the exact same part number, got 'em home, and they might as well have been made of gold-painted lead.

Anybody who actually MAKES things in today's world is up against an entirely different set of possible problems than we had just a few decades back.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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1 hour ago, FLHCAHZ said:

Hit a deer at about 50MPH on my way to work this morning......

Glad you're okay but I presume your vehicle was less fortunate....

My wife bagged one years ago coming home on the highway from her night shift at the ER.  No time to swerve and put the right front fender into Bambi hind legs.  Shaken but fine.

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9 minutes ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

I've bought some of the cheaper wire-gauge drills as an experiment on occasion, and some of them won't even start a hole in styrene.

I just tossed a bunch of cheap Asian sourced ( eBay or Amazon I forget which ) bits that I bought to try. Good for a hole and after bending half a dozen in half ( rather than break as a good HSS bit would do ) - the bunch went into the bin. 

12 minutes ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Harbor Freight

Don't have Harbor Freight here in Canada but we do have Canadian Tire and Princess auto which sell similar quality products ( Princess Auto has a "Power Fist" brand ). 

Consumers have been led down the garden path of the "Walmart mentality" - price is everything. Cheaper prices so that the consumer can buy more ( "The more you spend, the more you save" ) drives down the quality of the product. It is not the manufacturers that are driving the price and quality of products, it is the retailer pandering to consumers that simply want more ( quantity vs quality ).

( now I am irked at having spent too much time online and working myself into a bit of rant ;) - time to get off my butt and get some productive work done )

Have a great day and a wonderful weekend; -15C ( 5F ) this morning but sunny - I'm going to head outside and soak up some vitamin D and warm sunshine.

cheers, Graham 



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5 hours ago, FLHCAHZ said:

Hit a deer at about 50MPH on my way to work this morning......

That may leave a mark on your frontend, set off air bags, and cause stained upholstery.  

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16 minutes ago, espo said:

That may leave a mark on your frontend, set off air bags, and cause stained upholstery.  

...and probably ruined the deer's day.

Always prudent to carry a chainsaw where deer, elk, or beef cows roam, so as to remove the still-edible bits for proper recycling.  ;)

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The USPS really made my day... NOT!!!

got a pink slip saying they wanted a signature for registered mail, checked tracking per the number on the slip, I have to pick it up from the post office...now for the fun part.

their website, mail tracking and automated phone menu all say that the post office where my particular piece of mail is awaiting me is open on saturday till 1:30pm. I drive down there with my tracking slip three hours before their closing time only to see all doors closed/locked, no one there and a sign listing their hours which states they are closed on saturdays.

After I get home, I call the USPS customer service number and after a 30minute-ish wait, the person on the phone tells me I have to go to the post office to get my registered mail (well, no shiatsu!), she tells me exactly the fake hours I already know about but was helpful enough to give me a direct phone number for that post office...I called the number and guess what? The automated message says that office is closed on saturdays.

I'm a little bit passed the irked stage and working toward the "Things that enraged me" thread.

Now, I won't be able to go get the probably underwhelming piece of registered mail till after I get off work on tuesday because monday is a holiday.

Hope this isn't time sensitive.

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Being unable to load photos directly onto a number of other forums without having to use a hosting facility.

Loath to do this as we have all seen the results of Photobucket's watermark that all but destroys your pictures.

Not only that but the results of other hosting sites either packing up altogether or deciding to charge for the service AFTER being free to use and therefore holding the user to ransom and totally wiping out pictures loaded onto numerous threads over different forums.

Thank goodness I can load pictures directly on to this forum!

Edited by Bugatti Fan
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Today is a simple kind of irk and it's apparently only felt by those of us who no longer in the work force. Today is a holiday so my wife who still works has the day off. I who no longer work and is retired gets the day off too but from who? Lol.. 

I had a hand full of important phone calls to make concerning my late fathers affairs. All those offices are closed today...😒 so there's always tomorrow.. 

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